Moment of Weakness

So I had to vent (so to speak) and thought this might help. I am currently at work and it was just lunch time. Well my boss bought 4 XL pizza's for the whole maintenance crew as well as the office staff (7 people including myself). Well it smelt delicious, and I love pizza. So I kind of just walked away and drank my slim fast. ( I started the slim fast diet on Monday). It was so hard to resist this pizza but I did it; I simply just walked away. I know I am on the slim fast diet so I am kind of limited to what I can and cant have. I like to save my meal for dinner time. But I have lost 7lbs since Monday and I am just letting that number be my motivation to resist foods that I love and just eat WAYYY to much of (this is how I gained all my weight). I am worried that I will slip up and just pig out but I hope that I will just stay clear. Has anyone else came close to resisting temptation of one of their favorite foods?


  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    Good job!!
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Good work on staying strong. I'm hanging in there today despite the dozen Krispy Kreme donuts that are RIGHT BEHIND ME! ahhhhh! Too bad I can't move. :cry:
  • msemejuru
    msemejuru Posts: 229
    Do you mean you've lost 7lbs this week? If so, you may need to add the recommended snacks to your diet.

    I know what you mean about temptation. I still cook all my favorite foods for my family because my husband and kids aren't on a diet. Normally, snacking on carrots or grapes helps me to get the munchies out. Downing a glass of water also eases the cravings.
  • katkat987
    katkat987 Posts: 100 Member
    If you managed to resist the temptation of free pizza you must have some pretty good will power! Well done and just remember how much you've achieved when the weakness appears x
  • jacksonalan
    Oh, thanks.... I just gained a 1/2 lb. at the mere thought of pizza.... sigh. :grumble:
  • Meag83
    Meag83 Posts: 43 Member
    We are all faced with temptation everyday. Today I was on my way to work not feeling real good about today or myself so I decided to swing through town and stop at McDonalds for some breakfast and a over rated coffee drink. As I was approaching town I saw police cars detouring traffic (there was a small fender bender with glass on the road). So I turned left with is the road that leads directly to my workplace and bypasses all the fast food and restaurants. I was reminded at that moment that God promises to always provide a way out of temptation. We just have to be willing to walk the other way!!! GREAT JOB TODAY!!! :flowerforyou:
  • erinkate82
    The Slim Fast diet is a great way to lose initial weight (I call it motivational weight) but it is not realistic for the long term. I have found that allowing myself to eat whatever I want, in small to moderate portions, to be the most successful means to losing weight. If you do not allow yourself to eat certain items, your body will crave them even more and cause you to binge. If you want pizza, cut a slice in half and enjoy your pizza with half of your Slim Fast!!
  • jeanineadele
    For the first time in my life I am sticking with a diet and losing weight. What is working for me is to consistently cook highly nutritious, bulky veggie, fish, chicken based meals with potatos, rice, etc as small sides. When it comes to pizza, icecream, candy I still have it everyday but I try to keep it under 200 calories and then walk it off. It's working the past two weeks I have lost 3 pounds each week.
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    WOW, kudos to you and god bless you!! I definalty would have given in.. That is some will power you have!!! I will get there and slowly but surely i am. I used to be a full time smoker, and while quitting years back, friends would ask if i wanted a cigerette and i would give in, hence back to smoking full time. But one day, I said no and the rest is history!! Its been 5years since no smoking and today if i was asked to smoke, i would say no!!!! That was one of the hardest things i did, and now, i am putting it to food. LOL..Athough i will say food tastes sooo good, now that i quitt smoking...LOL GOOD for YOU!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work.
  • PhoebeM
    PhoebeM Posts: 13
    oh man! I am 5 weeks pregnant and the mere sound of pizza sounds really good about now! but anyway good on your for holding back! it takes a lot! i am still following MFP even tho i am pregnant because I think it is important that I keep on the right track when it comes to making healthier choices, however, I am not on a diet anymore. MFP says to maintain my weight i should eat 1650 cals so I eat an approximate range of calories from 1700 - 2000, but I try not to go over 2,000 until I am further along, I read somewhere that further along i could eat around 2400 calories...

    may i suggest that if your will-power is strong enough, that you take 1 sliceof pizza home and eat it for dinner? i always think that if someone deprives themselves of things they LOVE that they will end up pigging out on them later, that is why once in a while i will have a tiny piece of cake at work parties or a small portion of an unhealthy snack....
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    i definately agree with not depriving yourself you will go crazy well at least thats how i feel lol. its happened to me where i say noooo i will not eat this and that then we have a bbq and this and that is there and all hell brakes loose lol but now i say i will have this and that just not toooo much helloooooo portion control and will power!!! yumm i love pizza had some last night it was delcious but only one slice and it was soooo great!!! just run in place for 30 min while watchng a show that will burn the calories for one slice lol
  • sslin2535
    Make sure that you enter every single thing you eat, doesn't matter if you slip up or not. Be honest to yourself and you will find strength.
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    I cant resist pizza. But becareful with the slimfast diet, once you stop it theres a good chance you will gain the weight back. But great job with the pizza!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    They key is not to ignore or resist it EVERY time. It is to resist eating the whole thing, or eating it when you can't spare the calories that day. I will eat pizza, because it is probably every 2-3 months. I do like it and odds are if I resist it ever time (and other similar tasty food!) that i am gonna crack, throw the lettuce at someone and eat a whole pizza and everything fried I can get my hands on! Moderation not deprivation is the key. But, not to say you have to give in every time. You have to be able to walk away, but you don't need to every time. Also, be happy with the weight loss, but also realistic. Let it motivate you, but don't be bummed out when the scale slows - you are losing water and waste and not fat right off the bat that quickly.