solodancer Member


  • I'm 23 and got diagnosed with endo last year after suffering since I was 17. I had a lap and spent 2 weeks recovering, I then was in the same old pain straight away again, I went back and they discharged me, I wrote to my gynae and she saw me instead of registra and I had another lap (2 in 6 months) again they found it and…
  • I agree about picking the highest of the general ones. always better to over estimate ur cals then underestimate. but i also agree that u shudnt worry too much about it being off as most things are off as manufacturers now have to put nutritional info on the packets and also say what weight the item is, or individual item…
  • I try to pre-log all my food and that way I know what I'm going to have and then I just have something thats on my list. I have some snacks in the house that arent too high in carbs or sugar like suger free jelly and skips so if i do need something i can. but when i get the urge to snack, or say i feel hungry, i always…
  • from brmingham, going from 205 to 145 (hopefully) anyone can feel free to add me xx
  • the biggest difference there is in your skin, it looks loads better and just a big of a difference is you look much happier too :-) keep up the work xxx
  • my opinion it can still take time for the effects of the food to show, maybe absorbed wasnt the best word to use but this is my opinion and not set in stone fact, that doesnt exist when it comes to individual differences especially for food, everyones body is different, if it takes a day to gain weight why wouldnt it take…
  • yes i agree certain ways of dieting does slow ur metabolism but they are normally only the diets that restrict your calorie intake to an extreme i.e. 800 - 1000 calories a day but watching what your eating improves ur metabolism and it will be able to take on more calories with little or no weight gain
  • it can sometimes take even longer than a week for the effects of bad eating to show, i have a friend on here who noticed if she ate bad then 2 weeks later the weight would show. each persons body absorbs it at different rates and it can take time for it to show. Or as the others say you could have given your metabolism a…
  • it takes time for the food to be absorbed. everyone finds it happens at different rates, for instance one of my mfp friends noticed that if she ate bad then 2 weeks later she would notice a weight gain or bad skin etc. just eat extra well for a while and you wont notice a bad effect from it hopefully
  • I've got several treats along the way, first one was when I lost 9lbs to get me down to a round figure (no pun intended) and then its every half stone, things like new hair do and pamper days, booking a holiday, getting a new laptop, all on my list of treats
  • thanks hun, i do keep my sugars down as much as poss, 90% of the time i keep it below 50g but the majority of the time its even lower than that, around 35-40g, i used to eat a lot of natural low fat or fat free yogurt but it added too much to my sugar intake and i was never sure just how bad it was to have natural sugars…
  • thanks sharon. at the moment yes I am below 1200 but i dont like being under 1200, im not doing it to lose it quicker it just whats happened as a result of lowering carbs and finding it difficult to increase protein, iv ordered protein shakes which should be here pretty soon so my calories will be back up to over 1200 this…
  • i think in general i do try and get a good balance and im not fussed if my calories go over my limit, im just not that hungry at the minute. i was just curious about whether having too few carbs can be damaging or counter productive, i wana make sure im being at least a little healthy lol. thanks for ur help
  • Im overweight and was slowly creepin to obese, got 60lb to lose in total. I don't mind having the sugars that are in fruit, not sure how people sit with the sugars in yogurts tho, im unsure about that myself. Iv replaced sugar with sweetener for most things, my general intake of sugar is about 30g then add on my dinner…
  • Im also trying to increase my protein. At the moment my calories have dropped too low but I am workin on getting them back up with protein, my fat intake is quite low too, I will get my calories back up to 1200 as a minimum because i absolutely hate being lower than this
  • thanks, iv done so well to get it down that much!!!. I no nothing about net carbs but most of my carbs come from foods that arent massively high in carbs and if they r iv cut the portion down i.e. i only have half a portion of spaghetti now. For now i dont need to worry about bread and stuff because iv given up all bread…
  • [/quote] what are you eating? Do you have any physical problem that would impact your appetite? Open your diary so we can view it and maybe somebody will be helpful. Eating more calories is usually fairly easy. Grab a fastfood burger and you've got 600 calories right there..... [/quote] surely this defeats the whole losing…
  • I also get the 'your really tall u carry it well' comments, but the bmi takes into account your height and mine still comes out at obese, im aware i dont look like ur typically obese person (or what people consider to be stereotypically obese) but im still too big for my height and its unhealthy and its puttin my overall…
  • well said, i think often because its harder to interpret how people are trying to say things people often take them in the wrong way, on forums people cannot hear your tone of voice or see your face expressions so its harder to know how you are meaning what you are saying so lets all remember this not only when writing our…
  • i rarely add to these long threads but this has annoyed me a little, im a well educated person and no quite a lot about nutrition, afterall I have studied many different aspects of the human body for about 5/6 years....i just havent put my knowledge into practice myself, however i do like to pass on what i do no to other…
  • yeah i do eat them back if im hungry...i never let myself go hungry, if im hungry i will eat, if im not i wont, but like i say that is only my opinion, im still finding my best way to do things so i might end up changing that. i hoep u find wot works for u :-) x
  • bacon is ok as long as u take all the fat off and either cook it in the microwave or grill it rather than frying it its fine, its when you start addin in oil to cook it that it gets bad x
  • i personally only eat when im hungry, if im not hungry i dont eat my exercise calories back, i no everyone is different but that is my preferance. My calorie limit is 1750 but i have a range for myself rather than a limit, i eat between 1200 and 1750, if i dont exercise much i try and stay closer to the 1200 but if i…
  • it depends on what uv set ur lifestyle at, if u put it as active it will work ur calories out for that and u prob wont lose weight but if its set as sedentary then u should be ok, dont drop it too much tho cos ur body needs the energy to help u recover
  • I could eat anything i wanted as a kid and young teenager then changed my contraceptive and it slowed my metabolism down but i didnt change my eating, got fat (put on 5stone in one year), eventually lost about 3 stone but over the years its gone bk on epecially after finishin uni and bein unemployed, now im here and tryin…
  • 23 looking to lose 60lbs add me :-)
  • any opinions will be appreciated
  • i recently read a convo between two people, one way saying what she eats: - grapefruit for breakfast, scrambled egg for lunch and chicken with salad for dinner and asked if she was eatin enough and the response she got was yeah its ok the body can survive on 450 calories if u have a varied diet which u r so its…
  • eat smaller portions through the day...for instance, dish out ur main meal and then half it and put one half in the fridge and eat the other as ur meal, then about 2/3 hours later have the other half. ur body is working all day to burn the food so ur metabolism will increase and if u make sure ur cuttin ur initial portions…
  • just remember ur BMR, its ok to go up to that and u will still lose weight so dont beat urself up, i dont give myself a definate set amount i give myself a range and i set my goal at the highest of my range (my BMR) and make sure i dont go above it, i also try not to go below 1200 net calories. I am only in my second week…