New and trying not to feel guilty about going over on cals.

I have a rather aggressive approach with a 1200 calories diet, which is okay and I'm usually slightly under. On hard exercise days, like yesterday I am very under because I exercise late in the day. On Tuesdays we have family over for dinner. I make a healthy meal, not low-fat, low-carb or anything, but not bad, and I did the math and it is definitely going to put me over today because of lack of exercise (scheduled day off). Need some friends with some positive advice. :smile:


  • keywestsunset
    keywestsunset Posts: 139 Member
    All I can say is that it is going to happen. I get discouraged sometimes when I go over, but then I remember how far I've come and it's because I only have bad days every once in awhile, and I continue to lose weight. It sounds like going over your calories isn't something that happens all the time so try not to dwell on the bad ones and make the majority of your days good ones.
  • solodancer
    solodancer Posts: 56 Member
    just remember ur BMR, its ok to go up to that and u will still lose weight so dont beat urself up, i dont give myself a definate set amount i give myself a range and i set my goal at the highest of my range (my BMR) and make sure i dont go above it, i also try not to go below 1200 net calories. I am only in my second week of this and so im still learning what foods r good for me and what send me over (for instance i thought muller rice was ok but it always sends me over my sugar limit and is high in carbs so iv cut that out). i have an open diary so feel free to add me and take a food isnt what a lot of people would class as healthy but i dont want to change what i eat too much if i dont have to cos then it will be harder to stick to, i just keep in my limits of the things i watch