How Did You Gain Your Weight??



  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I ate poorly and didn't exercise.
  • solodancer
    solodancer Posts: 56 Member
    I could eat anything i wanted as a kid and young teenager then changed my contraceptive and it slowed my metabolism down but i didnt change my eating, got fat (put on 5stone in one year), eventually lost about 3 stone but over the years its gone bk on epecially after finishin uni and bein unemployed, now im here and tryin to lose it x
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Soda. 64-192oz a day. I drank -nothing else- for years.
    And since soda doesn't count as water, I shriveled up into a mummy and crumbled into dust.
    Fortunately some caring individual found my little pile of dust and poured 8 glasses of water a day on it and I was reconstituted.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Not knowing the danger of eating carbs when having PCOS and Insulin Resistance..I didnt eat bad...maintained the hefty weight for 15 yrs..

    I also didnt want to be put on Metformin..thinking it was a vain drug...for those skinny people. Later on I found out that it helps with the insunlin stuff that my body does..

    So now..on meds...and watching carbs..the weight stays off...
  • deep emotional issues I didn't want to (still don't really want to but I'm trying) to deal with.... topped with 2 pregnancies, a herniated disc, stress...... and enjoying a little too much whiskey and beer in the evening which lowers my inhibitions and allows me to eat a lot really late at night
  • Seros1992
    Seros1992 Posts: 34 Member
    It started with my genetics. Despite playing t-ball and soccer as a little kid, I never really lost my baby weight because of horrible portion control. I also followed my dad's addiction to snacks. We could go through a whole bag of Cheetos together. Some time around fifth or sixth grade my weight started to settle and I really kicked into the "develop womanly curves" stage. Embarrassing much? 10 years old and you've got boobs and hips.... No matter how active I was, I never lost weight. I danced from the time I was two up until 4th grade. I played volleyball, basketball, soccer, and softball between 5th-8th grade and also was a cheerleader 7th and 8th grade. I joined my high school's dance team my freshman year, I was a jv cheerleader my sophomore year, I focused on my classes my junior year, and finally kicked myself hard when I started running my senior year. I joined the cross country team, lost 13 lbs during the summer. From the end of my freshman year to the end of my junior year, I had gained 30 lbs! Total lack of portion control is what really did me in but you can't really do much if being curvy is built into your genetics :/
  • Depression, anxiety and zero self esteem, pretty much
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Anatomy and Physiology with Marty Spranger. Hardest class of my life. I gained 20lbs in one semester, because of the amount of food and energy drinks I had to consume to keep up with that class
  • Stress eating, eating fast food and out of vending machines when my husband got cancer because he was in the hospital on and off for several months...and complications made it stretch into 4 I ate poorly and did not take care of myself.
  • Foxywake
    Foxywake Posts: 18 Member
    Gave birth to fabulous twin girls (6lb 10oz & 6lb 11oz) and devoted all my time to them and somewhat forgot about me. They are old enough now that I have put myself back in line with them and my husband rather than being way down the list. I need to be healthy and fit to be a good role model to them and to be around long enough to be a grandma to their babies.
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    Having my first child 21 yrs ago. lol! I gained...drum roll.... 73lbs!! CRAZY amount of weight! But the kid weighed almost 11lbs at birth.. C-section of course :-) I'd lost like 25-30lbs within a week from having him. Fast forward 7months, BAM! Prego again, lol! However, I only gained like 40 lbs with him. Didn't loose alot of weight afterwards.. Five years later, prego with my baby girl. Gained about 50lbs. It was then I realized I had high cholesterol and was determined to get it down with diet and excercise. I was also diagnosed with GERD and had difficulty swallowing.. basically my larynx was burned from the acid. Painful!! I dropped about 70lbs fast and was even hospitalized over it, dehydrated. Placed on intense acid meds to get it under control. I kept the weight off until 2001. That's when I started gaining again.. I'm now up to my pregnancy weight and have an underactive thyroid which it really no metabolism!. On meds now for it, I lost 25 on the meds alone in 8 weeks. Trying to get back on track and loose the rest. So, I blame mine on eating like a horse when prego, underactive thyroid and salt! I love salty stuff..especially margaritas, chips and so forth.. *sigh*
  • I had babies lol No, okay I can't totally blame them. I was always the chubby girl in school and after I graduated it just got worse. I started losing the weight a couple of months before I got pregnant the first time and after I had him I lost the baby weight in 3 weeks, but I still had all that other weight to lose. I did lose it - all 90 lbs of it - but I did it the wrong way and starved myself. When I got pregnant with my second, it was like a free for all when it came to food. I ate for more than two and I gained 50 lbs...and kept on gaining after I had him. So now here I am back to pretty much what I was like right before I got pregnant the first time.

    But I'm two weeks in and already down seven pounds!
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    I was a beanpole as a child. When I turned 10, my hormones started up. Unfortunately, they didnt start up right. I had an insulin resistance. Nobody knew what the problem was. I would not ever have normal cycles, would eat (not overeat too much, some yes, not to the weight I was though), and would gain weight at a rediculous rate. At 24, I finally got answers. I finally found out what the problem was...... and started fixing it. I am still fixing it. I will probably always be fixing it. I will never be able to eat the things I want, even in limited quantites, because my body doesnt know what to do with them.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I stopped exercising regularly but still ate the same amount of food as when I did.
  • Since Im young im already overweight and I just thought that it was okay to be fat. And never thought that it was going to be a problem when I reach my teenage years like Im not really comfortable about myself anymore. That I dont get any attention to other people. And I started to get addicted to food which made me so depress. And telling myself that why did I let myself to get this big? And that's why I started to change my lifestyle.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    having my first child.
    graduating highschool [ i never ate lunch in school]
    wasnt in flag football after graduating
    moved out

    all these i gained for.
  • well I was slightly overweight before I went to uni, but when I started I gained half a stone in 2 weeks just from the shock of having to do everything for myself and also the fact that I could have takeaways when I wanted and eat whatever the hell I wanted roll on 3 years later and i'm 4 stone heavier than when I started uni ! the last stone was due to changing birth control but i've pretty much lost that now :D my weight yo yo'd from 13 stone to 14 stone for 2 years so I know I can kinda maintain but it kept creeping up due to stress and not having a lot of time to cook in the evening too.
    i've now finished uni and am working as a chef, it has been difficult but its helped bringing in my own food to prepare when i have time to stop! we can do this, i know that now, i'm not as lazy as I think I am and my personal trainer is helping me a lot right now too! I'm so committed to this right now, i just hope I can finally lose this last 3 stone by my birthday at the end of the year!
  • Sad Version: My mother went from a physically abuser to an emotional abuser. Our first "family" Christmas he bought me a cow outfit (complete with a real live cow bell) and paraded me around our family and friends even when i cried.

    I learned to eat to feel comfort and to make jokes about myself before others could.
  • lost my job, spent 6 months playing world of warcraft 24/7 while eating little caesars pizza and kraft mac & cheese. Also drinking lots of alcohol and soda. One time I was sober I looked in the mirror going what the hell happened. And went cold turkey on all of the above items. Had gotten up to 211 from 140 at 5'5". Right now I'm 180 and still going : )
  • leahanes
    leahanes Posts: 10 Member
    That breaks my heart Bella...I went through something similar. I don't know why parents do that to their children. I have two girls and I will NEVER make them feel any less than smart and beautiful in my eyes.

    I gained my weight by graduating high school, discovering boys and alcohol and then getting married and being TOO comfortable. Then I had two kiddos and never lost the baby weight. Then we moved and I have had a hard time adjusting, so I comforted myself with food. ANY food. Not to mention the family baggage (not my hubby and kiddos, but my extended family) and supressing those hurts.

    No more! I'm taking my life back!