vicyvix Member


  • Can I be the one to say that coconut oil isn't particularly good for you! It's got one of the worst fat profiles of all the oils and is really high in saturated fats (that can lead to an increase in cholesterol etc) I've heard a lot about the reputed health benefits of coconut oil and my mum even tried it a few years ago…
  • WOAH! It's like seeing a different person! You look so happy in your after shot, congratulations! p.s. Love the scarf!
  • My scales died :(
  • Hi, I'm Vicky. I actually started at around 13 stone but am down 16 lbs so far, feel free to add me if you want some support :)
  • As I've got a bit of a sweet tooth, I keep any biscuits or sweets that I have in the house in a drawer with all my exercise equipment to remind me that if I eat too much, I'll need to exercise it off. I must say, do far it's working out. Also, I've invested in a bike and try not to carry change so that I can't be lazy and…
  • 4% SW: 172 Week 1: 168 Week 2: 167.6 Week 3: 166.8 GW: 165
  • How long are you planning to do this!? Sounds like great fun, there's nothing like a bit of friendly competition!
  • Shock absorber do levels in terms of how supportive they are, so you can get a level 4 sports bra which is pretty good. I'm a 38E/F so I wear a normal bra underneath with my shock absorber and my breasts do not go anywhere, even when I run! Amazon do them for about £20 as well :)
  • Okay. So, if you are counting the calories you will need to put tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc in your food diary but pretty much anything you drink contributes to your water intake. Not just plain water. Your body doesn't reject the water because it's mixed in with coffee, even the thought of it is absurd! I don't believe…
  • It's £1.99 in the UK at the moment too :) can't wait to get my iPhone back and take it for a spin!
  • 1. Where were you born? Poole 2. Where do you live at the moment? Poole/Norwich 3. Where else have you lived? Nowhere, my parents have never been the 'moving' type. 4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? I'm currently a medical student, which fortunately has always been my dream job. (I'll let…
  • With regards to probiotics, I believe they are good to replace the symbiotic bacteria in your colon and other parts of your digestive tract. This means they are particularly useful after antibiotic treatment. If you want to look into this further, perhaps research into bacteria in the digestive system for that.
  • I think you probably do drop a few pounds but most of it would be just water weight and having less food in your system when you weigh yourself. I've thought about giving this ago a few years ago then looked at the nutritional info on the back and saw that it's actually ridiculously unhealthy (High salt and sugar levels!)
  • Ummm, I took a break today but i was planning to do it 30 days straight. I think that's how you will see the most difference. :)
  • Yup, of course. It's not a daily posting type of challenge though really!
  • So up for this. I'm around a UK size 14 now so I'll aim for a UK size 12 by the end of September!
  • This is one of the reasons I want to lose weight. I'm currently at university studying medicine and once I graduate, I don't want to be one of those hypocritical doctors who is overweight or smokes (not that I ever have) because if you don't or can't live your life healthily, how can you expect your patients to!?
  • I have the crumpets with mixed berries and yoghurt they did on the 'hairy dieters' quite often now. It's delicious, I'm getting 2 of my 5 a day and its only about 300 kcals! Amazing!
  • Just finished Day 2, Level 1 and I managed to burn some calories on my 5 hours shopping trip. Apparently, the restraint is catching. I only spent about £50 when I went shopping too :D More money towards my goal weight wardrobe! :D
  • Karibear, what HRM do you use? I really want one but i don't really want to spend a fortune on one (I'm a poor, lowly student :P) BTW, Level 1, Day 2 is complete.
  • Stick to it. You may not be losing weight but everyone i've seen who has done it has seen fantastic results. Take pictures and measurements, often they are a better guide than purely relying on the scales!
  • So this is embarrassing...Hopefully It will be motivating! My starting measurements (I've averaged the measurements on my limbs!): Weight: 168lbs BMI: 28.0 Waist: 34" Hips: 41" Bust (Fullest Part): 44" Stomach: 39" Upper arms: 13" Thighs: 24" Calves: 24" Pictures have been taken but whether I'm brave enough to post them is…
  • Exercise in the morning. I always find that if i wake up that bit earlier, not only do i feel like i've done more with my day but you'll also burn more calories by getting your metabolism going before you eat. Add some strength training and not just cardio. More muscle means you burn more calories. Don't eat back all your…
    in TOP TIPS! Comment by vicyvix August 2012
  • BTW, I counted it as 'circuit training' but if you look in the exercise someone has also helpfully input '30 Day Shred'. The only way you can work it out accurately for you would be with a HRM. I'm really thinking of investing in one after this!
  • ^^ Gah, Marjorie Dawes! Best screen name EVER! I did Day 1, Level 1. I'm never finished the 30DS but I was surprised (and relieved) to find that it was easier this time than the first time I'd done it. Only trouble is, I left my weights at my university house so for the next two weeks I'm stuck with full bottles of…
  • Wow! Lots of nursing students here, perhaps the need to set a good example? I know that's one of my goals! Vicky, 20 and a 1st year medical student. Feel free to add me :)
  • Hey Everyone, I'm 20 (that counts right :wink: ) I've already lost 14lbs so I've (only!) got 30 to go until I reach my initial goal weight. Feel free to add me, my diary is open to friends.
  • You look amazing! Congratulations on your hard work! What was your regime like? Your husband will love the confident and happy new you :D
  • Not sure how I've managed after 5 weeks already of MFP but... SW (4% Challenge): 172 CW: 168 GW (4% Challenge): 165 4lbs down and 3lbs to go :D Hopefully I should be well on my way to that 4% challenge.
  • As Gordon Ramsay would say: DONE! I even managed to convince my mum to come with me :) 3 miles, 49 mins!