What do you men and women do to keep yourself on track?



  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    Another thing I forgot to add: Trying on watches that were too tight for my wrist, they now fit and I'm removing portions of the band to make it fit better.

    Also a NSV: for the first time in my life, I was able to touch my thumb to my finger when I put them around my wrist.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Only I can do this. Only I can want it so badly enough that I get up and exercise, hard, every day. Only I can put down the fork. I look at recent pictures and think "you didn't get that bum by sitting on it, MOVE".

    My choices have brought me crushing unhappiness and soaring happiness. I know which I want to continue.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Mostly I am just happy that this is away of life. But a look at an old photo and flexing in front of the mirror are good motivators!

    Oh yeah, and I include the hospital where I was in ICU for a heart attack on most of my morning runs.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I dont get unmotivated i think im obsessed with diet and exercise!! I get really antsy if i have to miss a day at the gym and i hate rest days because i feel so lazy. I'm loving it!!!

    ^^^ This
  • Anon4678
    When I'm feeling super depressed and life is kicking me in the butt, I allow myself to wallow for exactly one meal. I have one of my favorite not-so-good for me foods (in moderation). Then I hit the gym.

    Otherwise (because those super depressed moments are few and far between), I think back to how my joints used to hurt doing just everyday walking. How my pants used to be incredibly tight and are starting to get loose. I think of how far I've come in only a few months and how much further I can go in the next few.

    Motivation is one of the toughest parts about losing weight. Thanks for starting this topic. It's great to see how everyone else keeps at it! :smile:
  • mamabearcushing
    mamabearcushing Posts: 30 Member
    I look at my daughter and her cute face reminds me I am doing this for her. I am changing so she can have a better, healthier lifestyle and it makes it all worth it. I also do the shirt thing. I have a couple of workout shirts that I used to wear when I was bigger. Putting them on before a workout reminds me of where I have been and where I will be.
  • vicyvix
    vicyvix Posts: 47 Member
    As I've got a bit of a sweet tooth, I keep any biscuits or sweets that I have in the house in a drawer with all my exercise equipment to remind me that if I eat too much, I'll need to exercise it off. I must say, do far it's working out. Also, I've invested in a bike and try not to carry change so that I can't be lazy and get a bus to uni!
  • djhannah02
    I keep an hold picture of me at my heaviest weight posted right next to my bed. I wake up to seeing how out of control I got every morning. I also post a current picture right next to it so I can actually see how far I've come.