People in your 20's???

I've been doing this for about a week now and love it! Just wondering if there are some of you in your 20's who need to lose 50-80lbs or maybe more? Looking for more friends for support and with open diaries too, I like to see how others are doing this!


  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    Hi, I'm in your age group and with the same range of pounds to lose. I've been around for two weeks and am still building a network, the more support the better! Friended. :)
  • mrssim
    mrssim Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in my 20's and trying to lose that much. My diary is open to friends. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • theinsanityofme
    theinsanityofme Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 25. Anyone can feel free to add me. I've been on here for just over a week
  • sahrak1
    sahrak1 Posts: 56 Member
    Hiya guys im 24, with about 45-50 pounds to lose , feel free to add me x
  • Monicapierce
    Monicapierce Posts: 126 Member
    I'm 23, goal is to lose 80 lbs, Im currently at 220(but weigh in is on monday! so maybe less!), and am hoping to get to 140ish, I guess Ill see what is right for me when I get there. I have two kids, a husband, two dogs(one big one little hehe), work full time, and am a fulltime online student at NAU but am VERY devoted to MFP and will help to encourage you! Sent you a request :)
  • hanneberries
    hanneberries Posts: 119 Member
    Hey! 23 here living in Norway. I've lost 22lbs so far, but I still have between 50 and 60 to go, so it's going to be a long journey! diary is always open, and I always wear a fitbit!
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    Hey!! I'm 22, and I need to lose 50 lbs =) Add me up. I'm very supportive and outgoing. Just asking for friends like that as well

    Edited - Also my diary is open to friends!!!
  • floridachikk
    floridachikk Posts: 41 Member
    I meet that criteria! :) Feel free to add me. My food journal is open to friends. It's my first time having a food journal, and I'm finding it really helps me see what I'm eating. I'm just starting out, so I'm still working out what the kinks are. I had no idea the amount of calories in some of the things I was eating before joining. :O
  • vicyvix
    vicyvix Posts: 47 Member
    Hey Everyone, I'm 20 (that counts right :wink: )

    I've already lost 14lbs so I've (only!) got 30 to go until I reach my initial goal weight.

    Feel free to add me, my diary is open to friends.
  • tenleyzoe
    tenleyzoe Posts: 107
    Y'all can feel free to add me, I'm Tenley & 21 (:
  • shm1289
    shm1289 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm Stephanie and I'm 22. I started out with almost 50 pounds to lose and currently only have 25 more to go! My diary is open and I always log EVERYTHING! Feel free to add me!
  • dragoney
    dragoney Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm 23 and need to loose about 20 kgs. I started just recently and I think it will be rather long struggle.

    Feel free to add me in :-) ! It's always easier together than just on your own. Good luck!
  • Feel free to add me :) I'm Molly and I'm 22
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    26 here. I need to lose 80 more pounds to reach my goal. You can add me. :)
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    I am 22 and almost where i want to be.
  • Hi,

    I have about 45 pounds to lose and I'm 27. Add if u like and we can offer some support. X
  • Stargirlsmiles88
    Stargirlsmiles88 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, I'm Brittany! I'm 24, and I need to lose more than that. Feel free to add me!
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    Hello! I'm 22 and trying to lose 100 lbs over all.

    You're welcome to friend me :)
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm 21, feel free to add :]