j1wright Member


  • Agreed. I only burn about 1464 calories a day if I don’t excerise according to any calculations I use online, Fitbit, and Garmin I have used. I stay around 1000 calories unless I work out and up to 1200 if I do workout. I lose about 1 to 1.5 a week but some weeks I see no results. If this happens I do a cheat day and then…
  • @xxxMADMAXxxx I have just been cutting calories. I am bound and determined to start working out though, thanks for all these great videos. I am going to try a few this weekend. What I did before was jog 20 minutes every morning before work and did one Zumba class on the weekend plus count calories. It was all I really…
  • I am getting married May 4th, 2019. I look fat in my dress. I have only lost 6 pounds since last time trying it on. I am about 15 pounds heavier than this profile picture of me. I just want to feel pretty in my dress and not fat. I have two weeks before my last fitting and I am not seeing any change to the scale. Oh well,…
    in Wedding Comment by j1wright March 2019
  • You guys are great motivation. Thanks for all the insight on your workouts @xxxMADMAXxxx . It sounds like you are killing it. I most like cardio. I love Zumba and need to get my bootie downstairs and workout. I think I might do that when I wake up tomorrow and see how that goes. @gschwandt, I get how stress can make you…
  • LOL @xxxMADMAXxxx . Yeah I get it. I am the same type of bride....my sister is standing up with me and she lives 8 hours away. I already bought her dress and hopefully she will just wear it because she loves me. All she has to do is show up (I even bought her a plane ticket and hotel accommodations). If it makes you feel…
  • Ladies, I joined MFP 5 weeks postpartum 7 years ago, and lost 80 pounds in about 7 months. It is crazy how it just fell off with tracking but I became a little OCD about it, and honestly it became a bad thing. Since then I gained 25 pounds back (because I found an amazing man after I divorced 5 years ago and when I am…
  • Oh yay, a May 4th Birthday! My Bday is April 20th so we are both getting married like two weeks after our Birthday! :smile: I wished I would have started losing weight two months ago so I would feel better about all of this but, better late than never. My weakness is in comfort food and wine. I am trying to stick to…
  • Congrats on the new baby and the wedding! I am getting married May 4th and am currently 132 pounds (profile pic was minus 17 pounds ago). I would like to lose 10-12 pounds in 9 weeks. I currently have my diet under control but am lacking motivation to exercise. I am hoping to get on track next week and set up a routine. I…
  • Yep put on 20 pounds. I am drinking then eating too much and no exercise. I am cutting alcohol out for 30 days and working out. I am hoping to lose 10 pounds (yes I am counting water weight) in those 30 days. I will re-evaluate then...perhaps add a few glasses of wine on the weekend. I really feel you won't have as good of…
  • I am in between 5.4 and 5.5 in profile pic I weigh 115. I slimmed my thighs down by running and I did zumba for fun. I never had a fitness plan just worked out when I felt like it which worked for me but I counted calories religiously for 9 months and never ever went over....except for two days. I stopped because well it…
  • I am in, I need to lose 10lbs to look like I do in my profile pic. I just wrote down my goal is to lose 10 lbs by Oct 21st which was exactly three months from yesterday's date so hopefully I will be close by the first count me in. :smile: I will friend you all and click on the notification to this message board so I guess…
  • I have used it, it works but yes it is EXPENSIVE!!!! I lost the most weight when I just did diet and excerise with a ton of motivation.
  • I am in, I gained 9 pounds in two weeks!!!! WTH! Dang holidays.
  • Name: Julie Age: 35 Height: 5'4" Start Weight (1st December): 122.6 Goal Weight (1st January):118 1st December:122.6 8th December:122.0 15th December:120.4 22nd December: 29th December: 1st January: Weight lost/gained this week: 1.6 lbs Weight lost/gained this month: 2.2 lbs Successes/struggles this week: My weekend was…
  • Name: Julie Age: 35 Height: 5.4 Start Weight (1st December): 122.6 Goal Weight (1st January): 118.0 1st December: 122.6 lbs. 8th December:122 15th December: 22nd December: 29th December: 1st January: Weight lost/gained this week: -.6 lbs Weight lost/gained this month: -.6 Successes/struggles this week: I had lost more…
  • Successes/struggles this week: So far, I have worked out twice and ate well. My struggle! It is now the weekend and my bf is already talking about the mulled wine he is wanting to make and going out to eat. :neutral: I will survive!
  • I am in...MFP helped me lose over 60 pounds but I have gained 12 pounds back, after three years of being good. Anyway, my jeans don't fit, my goal is to have them fit again. Name: Julie Age: 35 Height: 5' 4 " Start Weight (1st December): 122.6 (I would like to get to 115 again) Goal Weight (1st January): 118 1st December:…
  • Congrats! It is truly a great feeling when you lose those first 10 pounds.
  • I need one too! I have about 11 pounds to lose, some days more. I lost over 60 pound and kept it off for 3 years then went through a nasty divorce and my lifestyle has changed. I need to get back into this. I have worked out three times for an hour each thus far, I plan to work out on Saturday as well. I think we need to…
  • Thanks Samra. You keep it up as well. All you ladies seem like we are in the same boat. What all are you doing to lose it? I am at 1200 cal meal plan and working out at least 3 times a week but I am considering this my first week back because I am more determined than ever. My clothes are too tight and I am not buying new…
  • Samra, I accepted your request. Worked out for over an hour today and feel great. I hope I can keep this up.
  • Just joined this group today but been a member for over three years. It helped me lose about 60 pounds after the birth of my second baby. I was so motivated then and now that I have gained 10 plus pounds, I can not get motivated for more than 5 days in a row.... I am 5.4 weight 124 pounds with 25 % body fat. Gotten as low…
  • Thanks for the great advice Franck27. I have found also do not where your fat or skinny clothes. Earlier I was a a hoodie and my maternity sweat pants (they are comfy). Although great attire for a night on the sofa but I was running errands all day. I am definitely going to to restrict my eating on non party days. A few…
  • When a person had always been the chubby friend with two Hooter's roommates in my twenties it is hard to think you are a thinner person. I was 198 pounds when I went into labor with my second kid and he was only six pounds. My husband cheated on me through out our marriage so needless to say I have some self esteem issues.
  • Thanks guys. I am getting a treadmill delivered on Tuesday and will start back exercising. I am trying to eat healthy but slipping up due to holiday parties. Everything will be better after Christmas or at least that is what I keep telling myself.
  • I gained 48 pounds topped out at 198 when I went into labor. I was miserable for 5 weeks and found MFP. After 6 months lost all baby weight after 9 months lost another 35 pounds. I haven't been this thin since high school. My boy is 2 years and 8 months old so it has almost been 2 years of maintaining. You can read my page…
  • I lost a total of 28 pounds in 3 weeks by having a baby. ;) I don't suggest it unless you want a baby.
  • What an accomplishment. You look great!
  • I am doing ripped in 30 with J.M. and it is the same program but with different workouts. Jillian says in the intro of the program to do it 5 to 6 days a week and then she pretty much yells that you must have one day to rest your muschles. I am on day 6 and everyday is a challenge. I just got to keep telling myself that…
  • Thank you all for for giving advice and your experience. I really thought I might have done something wrong on day 1 because day 2 kicked my butt. Glad to know that day 2 and 3 are the worst! Now I can't wait to get day 3 out of the way. Haha! Also on food, I am not sure if you are suppose to up your calories. I am just…