feeling fat...Christmas blues

I have maintained for two and a half years. I fluctuate about five to seven pounds through out the year. I am in the higher part of that fluctuation right now and I feel REALLY fat. I know it is mindset and the fact I haven't exercised in ages. I am also going through a divorce so I am sure that doesn't help. How do you all trick your mind, start again to eat healthy and excerise, and stay positive about weight around the holidays?


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you're going through hard times. For me, I focus on why I'm doing this. I you are always thinking about I have to do this, and I cannot do that, it gets really frustrating. I focus on why am I doing this. What is my end goal. For example, I eat a healthy diet and exercise 6 days/week because it sets the correct example of how to avoid many health problems to my family. Also, it keeps me from those health problems myself. When you focus on a strong Why, any how is achievable.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. Sometimes just getting out of house for a stroll is great mood enhancer and it burns a few calories. If you are in maintenance may be all you need is a little walking.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Thanks guys. I am getting a treadmill delivered on Tuesday and will start back exercising. I am trying to eat healthy but slipping up due to holiday parties. Everything will be better after Christmas or at least that is what I keep telling myself.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    Put on that CHRISTMAS music, get into some red wine and dark chocolate and come on over, I will cheer you up!
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    When a person had always been the chubby friend with two Hooter's roommates in my twenties it is hard to think you are a thinner person. I was 198 pounds when I went into labor with my second kid and he was only six pounds. My husband cheated on me through out our marriage so needless to say I have some self esteem issues.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    For now try to limit the damage... Eat lighter on days when you know you won't have a party, so it's ok if you eat a bit more during the party. I was all worried about Thanksgiving but I managed to 'bank' 900 calories the week before, then it just took a week to make up for the extra (and I ended up overeating for 2 days).

    I have the same plan for Christmas.
  • TopazCutie
    TopazCutie Posts: 386 Member
    Put on that CHRISTMAS music, get into some red wine and dark chocolate and come on over, I will cheer you up!

    ew whats wrong w this guy?
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Thanks for the great advice Franck27. I have found also do not where your fat or skinny clothes. Earlier I was a a hoodie and my maternity sweat pants (they are comfy). Although great attire for a night on the sofa but I was running errands all day. I am definitely going to to restrict my eating on non party days. A few more holiday parties to go. :)
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I am sorry you are going through this. The holidays can be so hard with all the yummy food around and busy days where getting in a good workout can seem impossible. I have created a before and after photo of myself so that I can see how far I have come. I think sometimes we look at ourselves and still see the "old" person. That is what really helps me.

    I would also say find a fun workout class to go to in your area. I have found it is hard for me to be sad when I am dancing like crazy in a zumba class and looking like a complete idiot.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Wear clothes you feel good in - it really makes a difference. This time of year I tend to grab the comfy ones. Don't do that. Grab the ones that fit but make you look great. Even going to the store, glance in the mirror and feel good about how you look. And buy some comfy clothes you look good in too! I have a pair of yoga pants, a camisole and a hoody that could not be more comfortable or look sexier. It really changes your attitude.
  • gopgirl425
    gopgirl425 Posts: 140 Member
    I just want to tell you that you're very pretty in all your pics so HIS loss. Congrats on the weight loss! You will find your groove back again just take it slow. Good luck!
  • Jecka987
    Jecka987 Posts: 47 Member
    That is tough - when you are a in funk because of your mind more than the actual reality of your body (you look gorgeous!). My only advice is this, make a commitment to get up tomorrow and dress nice. Do one exercise - even if it is just a short walk in the evening, but get out the door and do it. And try and eat a serve of vegetables with every meal. This is my formula when I'm in a funk. I find the combination of SOME activity, the tinest effort with my diet and the positive feedback from making an effort with my appearance all give me a little lift and then it seems a bit easier to do it again tomorrow and then it sort of snowballs into feeling positive and motivated again. As soon as I fee like I'm failing I want to try less (it's a self fulfilling prophecy) but success spurs me on so i find away to give myself teeny successes. Good luck I hope you are feeling better soon
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    OMG. I am usually very dedicated, but this christmas has been brutal. I have no control over my impulse to eat. SOOOO much delicious food too. I think my entire plan has been thrown off though. My weight has plateaued for 3 months, my exercise is all the same, my recipes are nothing new. I think for me, this has contributed to my lack of will power this xmas.

    Anyway, though I also feel fat- I have a solid plan for right after xmas. It includes insanity and a fridge full of awesome healthy foods - clean the house of all cookies and chocolates and candy canes! I also want to try making a new recipe every week in january just to kick the new year off.

    I also always find it helpful to set my goals for the new year. What is your resolution? Why wait until January to start?
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    you can't "trick" your mind, you have to have your mind set to do it. Force yourself a few days, you'll start to feel better. Everyone is going through something, if we all let that stop us from moving forward.......this place would be pretty empty. buy some new workout clothes to go with the new treadmill, new clothes are always fun
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    TopazCutie wrote: »
    Put on that CHRISTMAS music, get into some red wine and dark chocolate and come on over, I will cheer you up!

    ew whats wrong w this guy?
    This guy's a gal.

  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Rebeca176 wrote: »
    I'm sorry to hear this from you, I know what you are going through and is not easy, we women are strong and nothing stays in our way when we want to reach our goals. Try to think that divorce is in the past and all good will come to you. I can see from your picture that you are a very beautiful woman with a nice body but if you want to lose some weight I strongly recommend you a 3 day diet, it is very effective I use this diet everytime I feel that I gained weight, so I hope that this link will help you http://myfitdiet.com/weightloss/3-day-miracle-diet/

  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    dakotababy wrote: »
    OMG. I am usually very dedicated, but this christmas has been brutal. I have no control over my impulse to eat. SOOOO much delicious food too. I think my entire plan has been thrown off though. My weight has plateaued for 3 months, my exercise is all the same, my recipes are nothing new. I think for me, this has contributed to my lack of will power this xmas.

    Anyway, though I also feel fat- I have a solid plan for right after xmas. It includes insanity and a fridge full of awesome healthy foods - clean the house of all cookies and chocolates and candy canes! I also want to try making a new recipe every week in january just to kick the new year off.

    I also always find it helpful to set my goals for the new year. What is your resolution? Why wait until January to start?

    I'm hearing this from so many people lately! I think a lot of people just kind of "stall" over the holidays. That's why January 1st is so popular for starting new "diets."

    OP, I'm sorry this is a rough Christmas for you. I hope you can focus on the joy of the season, the reason for it, and the family and friends you have who love you.

    Blessings to you!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,371 Member
    j1wright wrote: »
    My husband cheated on me through out our marriage so needless to say I have some self esteem issues.

    The fact that he did that reflects on him, not you.

    I was just thinking the exact same thing.

    I mean, Shania Twain's hubby cheated on her, and she's HAWT. Infidelity is more about character (or lack thereof) and opportunity than looks.

    I like Jennloella's advice too... I'm always extra motivated when I buy something new... like the fitness equipment I just got this weekend, I was actually pretty eager to work out this morning.