Losing Weight for a Wedding

Hi! I started MFP in 2012 and lost around 60 pounds doing so. I got divorced, met the most wonderful man, and gained 20 pounds back. I don't want to lose all of it but am looking to lose 15 pounds before the wedding May 4th of this year! Nothing like waiting last minute. I started a week ago and lost 7 pounds the first week (water weight). I am really trying to lose 8 more pounds. Anyone else trying to lose for a wedding?


  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    All the best to you as you prepare for your wedding. :blush:

    I have multiple goals, but the closest ones are weddings.

    My little sister is getting married late autumn, and my best friend is getting married soon- she and her fiance are thinking July. I am ecstatic for them, but I am also a little scared. Even though I told them both on countless occasions that I am a terrible planner and I have no desire to ever, ever be a bridesmaid, they both requested that I be their maid of honour. They are incredible and say they just want me to stand beside them, nothing else. I am still pretty nervous though... My life is drenched in office work and assignments and I am kind of worried about letting them down.

    Loosing weight is one of the few things I feel like I can take on, not to mention, working out is an incredible de-stresser and makes me feel like I can tackle everything else thrown at me.

    Wow... I guess I was more stressed than I thought. :smiley:
    Thanks for giving me a place to vent out all my fears- hah! Ok, sorry to use your discussion for that.

    Umm, maybe I should try again. Yes, I am trying to loose weight for two weddings. XD
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    LOL @xxxMADMAXxxx . Yeah I get it. I am the same type of bride....my sister is standing up with me and she lives 8 hours away. I already bought her dress and hopefully she will just wear it because she loves me. All she has to do is show up (I even bought her a plane ticket and hotel accommodations). If it makes you feel any better, the bride doesn't care what you look like, they just want you there because they love you. I wish you great success on your journey. I too sit at a desk all day and it looks like I got less than 5,000 steps in the day done. I think I got the food thing down right now but the exercise is my weakness. What does your exercise routing look like? I am looking for some recommendations.
  • gschwandt
    gschwandt Posts: 2 Member
    I’m in the same boat. I’m getting married at the end of June and am feeling the pressure of losing weight. I’m weighing in at the most I’ve ever weighed which stresses me out.

    I’m finding it hard to stay motivated. I am feeling very stressed out lately, and I do believe that I gain weight based on stress. I like going to the gym, but it’s hard to get motivated when I’m feeling stressed. I’m an online teacher so I’m at a desk most of the day. I’m not a terrible eater, but I know I could improve. I just downloaded this app yesterday, so I’m hoping this will help me.

    I think my issue is that I put pressure on myself to be great in the gym right away. My fiancé is a gym freak so sometimes I feel like a failure is a go to the gym and just walk. But I think that’s where I need to start in order to stay motivated to go.

    Ugh. I need to de-stress I think.
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    j1wright wrote: »
    LOL @xxxMADMAXxxx . Yeah I get it. I am the same type of bride....my sister is standing up with me and she lives 8 hours away. I already bought her dress and hopefully she will just wear it because she loves me. All she has to do is show up (I even bought her a plane ticket and hotel accommodations). If it makes you feel any better, the bride doesn't care what you look like, they just want you there because they love you. I wish you great success on your journey. I too sit at a desk all day and it looks like I got less than 5,000 steps in the day done. I think I got the food thing down right now but the exercise is my weakness. What does your exercise routing look like? I am looking for some recommendations.

    Thank you so much for that. Your thoughtfulness and considerations towards your sister is incredible. <3 I can't believe you bought the dress and the tickets!
    I just got off the phone with my sister, and yeah, I was needlessly freaking out. I should be assuring her right now, not the other way around... I will just accept it and endeavour to have it together for the future. :smile:

    As for food, I am the total opposite- In the past, food was always my downfall, and exercise one of the things I cherish the most. I am so thankful for this site- for the first time, I view eating 'right' as an enjoyable experience rather than imprisonment.

    My usual routine is Zumba (usually a playlist I put together on Youtube of fan-made, intensive videos) first thing in the morning for about an hour. Every other day, I'll substitute with swimming or a cardio program like Insanity.
    I also take a 30min- 1 hour power walk for my lunch break. In the evenings, I just do schoolwork until bedtime, so no movement there.

    I just started to switch things up though, because my bigger goal is to one day compete in Sasuke. So, I started jogging yesterday (instead of just walking) and spent the extra time gained at the playground trying to lift my body on the monkey bars. This morning, I added the app 'You Are Your Own Gym' and started the beginner 30 minute session before my Zumba. I am so glad I chose beginner- as someone unaccustomed to weights, that was pretty intense.

    Ok, for recommendations I would start with what you enjoy.
    I have done quite a few in-home programs (like P90X, TurboFire, etc) as well as quite a few other physical activities (like hiking, Tae Kwan Do, etc). I could recommend you any of these and more, but it ultimately comes down to what you enjoy doing while working up a sweat.

    Since you already have your eating habits down, any physical exercise you add will be a bonus.
    What do you enjoy doing, and how much time do you have?
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    gschwandt wrote: »
    I’m in the same boat. I’m getting married at the end of June and am feeling the pressure of losing weight. I’m weighing in at the most I’ve ever weighed which stresses me out.

    I’m finding it hard to stay motivated. I am feeling very stressed out lately, and I do believe that I gain weight based on stress. I like going to the gym, but it’s hard to get motivated when I’m feeling stressed. I’m an online teacher so I’m at a desk most of the day. I’m not a terrible eater, but I know I could improve. I just downloaded this app yesterday, so I’m hoping this will help me.

    I think my issue is that I put pressure on myself to be great in the gym right away. My fiancé is a gym freak so sometimes I feel like a failure is a go to the gym and just walk. But I think that’s where I need to start in order to stay motivated to go.

    Ugh. I need to de-stress I think.

    You are right, stressing definitely doesn't help when trying to shed those pounds.
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, though! Most of my classes are online, so kudus to you. I am super grateful for all that you and your colleagues do.

    For eating plans, this app has done wonders for me. I signed up two weeks ago, and I have definitely lost weight, I feel more energetic, my jeans are loose (wahooooo!) and my family is making comments about how good I look. Not only that, I allow myself to eat anything as long as I stay under my calorie count at the end of the day. I feel like I am viewing food healthily for the first time- not as being 'good' or 'bad' but about calorie count and how much of it I can eat. Just be sure to always log in your food before you eat to avoid overeating or binging.
    So yeah, I love this app.

    Walking is very beneficial exercise, you just won't burn as many calories as if your heart rate was up, but that's not a bad thing. Ultimately, be patient with yourself. Make sure you that you eventually work up a sweat and get your heart rate up for more than 20 minutes. Warm up before you begin (or stretch after you have walked for five-ten minutes), give yourself ample time to cool down and stretch too.

    You don't have to get your cardio in at the gym. If you need something that isn't determined on someone else's pace, try swimming. I read somewhere (I should look up where I read that) that for cardio, swimming (all-out), running and/or jumping rope were the three most beneficial exercises if you are looking at immediate calorie burn.

    Don't get too obsessed with it though. Again, it should be something that you look forward to and makes you break a sweat while elevating your heart level for 20min+.

    If you enjoy the gym, stick with it. If you don't, there are a lot of other options out there.
  • gschwandt
    gschwandt Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much for your suggestions. This has helped me feel less alone. ❤️ It’s not hard to keep track of what I eat, so I’m going to try and keep up. I like working out and making good food choices, but again, it’s just about making it a habit again.
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    edited March 2019
    gschwandt wrote: »
    Thank you so much for your suggestions. This has helped me feel less alone. ❤️ It’s not hard to keep track of what I eat, so I’m going to try and keep up. I like working out and making good food choices, but again, it’s just about making it a habit again.

    Awww, I'm glad. Any time you need to reach out, feel free to post here or message me as well.
    I don't always see things right away, but I'll respond when I do.

    For me, the best motivator has always been music. I work out best in the mornings, since my body is already zinging with energy- it helps that I have something that makes me excited about the day for my alarm too.
    Right now, I am waking up to Led Zeppelin's 'Immigrant Song' That does it for me. :smiley:

    Make sure you have a playlist that makes you excited about life and push all you've got.
    Rhythm is pretty important too. 70's rock works well for me for weight lifting (or Insanity- I put it on mute and blast the music). Remixes, soundtracks, Kpop and dance hits help me when I run. As for Zumba, I often look for a workout based on a song I love. I save the ones I like the most when I have down time, and then when I workout the next morning (or night if I am super stressed) I shuffle them and do them until I get enough of a workout.

    You can do this. :heart:
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    You guys are great motivation. Thanks for all the insight on your workouts @xxxMADMAXxxx . It sounds like you are killing it. I most like cardio. I love Zumba and need to get my bootie downstairs and workout. I think I might do that when I wake up tomorrow and see how that goes. @gschwandt, I get how stress can make you eat. I end up buying a bottle of wine when I am stressed and just drink and then get extremely hungry and eat everything in sight. I quit drinking so that I can lose weight right now. I have been doing okay but now face is completely broken out due to stress and most likely toxins of junk food leaving my body. I wish losing weight was simple. I weigh myself daily and in the past two days, I am up two pounds which makes me very nervous. I try on my dress in two and half weeks for my last fitting and I feel like giving up, but I won't because doing my best is way better than nothing at all.
  • ItsJordanNicole
    ItsJordanNicole Posts: 110 Member
    Hi! I'm also here to lose weight for my wedding!!!

    Quick background, I lost 60lbs with MFP back in 2014-15. In 2015 I met my now fiance and have since gained all of the weight back. I've been working on losing it and have been able to lose 19lbs in the last 6 months or so. I know I probably won't be able to lose all of the weight I've gained by our wedding in September but I am hoping to lose at least 20-25 more!

    We can do this!!!
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    edited March 2019
    j1wright wrote: »
    You guys are great motivation. Thanks for all the insight on your workouts @xxxMADMAXxxx . It sounds like you are killing it. I most like cardio. I love Zumba and need to get my bootie downstairs and workout. I think I might do that when I wake up tomorrow and see how that goes. @gschwandt, I get how stress can make you eat. I end up buying a bottle of wine when I am stressed and just drink and then get extremely hungry and eat everything in sight. I quit drinking so that I can lose weight right now. I have been doing okay but now face is completely broken out due to stress and most likely toxins of junk food leaving my body. I wish losing weight was simple. I weigh myself daily and in the past two days, I am up two pounds which makes me very nervous. I try on my dress in two and half weeks for my last fitting and I feel like giving up, but I won't because doing my best is way better than nothing at all.

    At least you have a plan. :smiley:
    For Zumba workouts, the DVDS that gave me the greatest workouts was 'Cardio Party' dvd from the "Total Body Transformation" (orange) set, and the "Exhilarate" and "Mix" cds from the "Exhilarate" (purple) set.

    For Youtube fan videos, I would recommend "Wook's Zumba Story" and "Chakaboom Fitness." These are both intense and have some more complicated moves that actually makes sense. Chakaboom Fitness can seem a too complex at first, but if you do them every day for a week, you will get most of it down. I prefer ones that give me more bang for my buck cardio and sweat-wise, as well as something that challenges me mentally, otherwise I zone out and I lose interest.

    If it gets too crazy, Kkardio (all Kpop) and LiveLovePartyTV (from the Philippines) are both great places to start. Their moves are simpler, but you won't burn as much calories.

    For warm ups, I go back to these two:
    (RedStarZumba - Ciara: Give Me Love)

    (LiveLoveParty.TV - Wild Cherry: Play That Funky Music)

    Building Up:
    (ChakaBoom Fitness - Body Talks: The Struts)

    (Wook's Zumba Story - Hulk : Blaxx)
    Every time I get stressed, this song does wonders for me.
    Who doesn't fantasize about being a Godzilla every once in a while? :wink:

    More Intense Cardio:
    (K-Kardio Dance - Hyuna: How's This)

    (ChakaBoom Fitness - Tip Toe: Jason Derulo)

    (ChakaBoom Fitness - I Like it Like That: Cardi B, Bad Bunny, etc. CLEAN EDIT)]
    This one is INSANE, but so much fun once you get it down.

    (lonut Zumba - Perm : Bruno Mars)

    Pre-Cool Down:
    (LiveLoveParty.TV - How Long : Charlie Puth)

    Cool Down:
    (Wook's Zumba Story - Delicate : Taylor Swift)

    Have fun!!!!
    Don't give up- you can definitely DO this. :star:

  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    Hi! I'm also here to lose weight for my wedding!!!

    Quick background, I lost 60lbs with MFP back in 2014-15. In 2015 I met my now fiance and have since gained all of the weight back. I've been working on losing it and have been able to lose 19lbs in the last 6 months or so. I know I probably won't be able to lose all of the weight I've gained by our wedding in September but I am hoping to lose at least 20-25 more!

    We can do this!!!

    That is really inspiring. :heart: What did you do before?
    Out of all of the things I have done, the most effective was during a semester that I ran every morning and Zumba-ed and danced with friends during the weekends.
    So far, cutting calories has made a huge difference. I am slowly getting myself back into jogging....

    What worked best for you and what are you doing now?
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    @xxxMADMAXxxx I have just been cutting calories. I am bound and determined to start working out though, thanks for all these great videos. I am going to try a few this weekend. What I did before was jog 20 minutes every morning before work and did one Zumba class on the weekend plus count calories. It was all I really needed I guess. Maybe I need to get in that same mindset again, jog 20 minutes and one, one hour Zumba sweat sesh over the week. I can do this!
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    edited March 2019
    My daughter is getting married on Labor Day weekend. I have lost just a few pounds since January 1st and just not making progress. I would like to lose 30 pounds. I know that I need to be more diligent eating better. I have been hitting the gym 3 times a week before I go to work, but still eat things I should not. Anyone want an accountability partner?

    The dance videos look fun. I may try them! THANKS!!!
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    j1wright wrote: »
    @xxxMADMAXxxx I have just been cutting calories. I am bound and determined to start working out though, thanks for all these great videos. I am going to try a few this weekend. What I did before was jog 20 minutes every morning before work and did one Zumba class on the weekend plus count calories. It was all I really needed I guess. Maybe I need to get in that same mindset again, jog 20 minutes and one, one hour Zumba sweat sesh over the week. I can do this!

    Honestly, the only time I lost a TON of weight fast (and healthily) was when I was jogging every morning, and then Zumba-ing the nights during the weekend. I still ate a ton of gelato and hot, thick Italian chocolate, (I was studying abroad then), but my diet mainly consisted of baguettes, olive oil, fresh mozarella cheese and a ginormous salad for every meal.
    I gained it all back since I returned home, mainly because I am sitting almost all day and I just ate whatever was convenient (not to mention the cold... I think we all try to eat extra to put on an extra insulated layer of fat).
    I have already lost weight since I joined here two weeks ago. The biggest difference is just counting calories- and getting sleep.

    I think you have an incredible plan! Jogging, zumba, and watching what you eat- that should do it. :wink:
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    edited March 2019
    GreenValli wrote: »
    My daughter is getting married on Labor Day weekend. I have lost just a few pounds since January 1st and just not making progress. I would like to lose 30 pounds. I know that I need to be more diligent eating better. I have been hitting the gym 3 times a week before I go to work, but still eat things I should not. Anyone want an accountability partner?

    The dance videos look fun. I may try them! THANKS!!!

    You can friend me- my diary is open! However, I eat a TON (I weigh quite a bit... I guess I am lucky in that I look 50+ lbs lighter than I actually am) and I like to move alot... and I don't restrict myself with anything as long as it is within my calorie count.
    So, I wouldn't use my diary as a motivational tool :smirk:

    But for exercise or general chat, absolutely.
    As for the Zumba videos, I used a lot of these as examples of these channels.
    For more intense videos, definitely ChakaBoom fitness and Wook's Zumba Story.
    If these are too much, go for LiveLoveParty.TV. Their videos are less intense, but you will still get a work out.
    Good luck everyone for the weekend!!!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,485 Member
    My son is getting married beginning of Oct and will be seeing many folks haven't seen in a few years, including the ex and his other, who is small and probably 1/2 my weight. I want to look great, 40 lbs would jump for joy. Mostly doing the exercise, eat healthy but too much - that's my downfall.
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    My son is getting married beginning of Oct and will be seeing many folks haven't seen in a few years, including the ex and his other, who is small and probably 1/2 my weight. I want to look great, 40 lbs would jump for joy. Mostly doing the exercise, eat healthy but too much - that's my downfall.

    My issue has always been food in the past too. This app helps immensely!
    You have 7 months including this one, you can totally do this!
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    How's it going everyone? Hanging in there?
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    How's it going everyone? Hanging in there?

    It took me a while to get restarted but the last 4 days I have been doing well. My husband wants to go out and get ice cream this afternoon. I will try and stop and get a diet coke somewhere so I will have something to drink while he eats the gigantic cones they sell.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Gotta figure out what would be most appropriate to wear - it's going to be an outside thing at a resort, think Chicago in Oct cold, for MIL???
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    GreenValli wrote: »
    How's it going everyone? Hanging in there?

    It took me a while to get restarted but the last 4 days I have been doing well. My husband wants to go out and get ice cream this afternoon. I will try and stop and get a diet coke somewhere so I will have something to drink while he eats the gigantic cones they sell.

    Thanks for the friend request by the way! I have been giving into my cravings- today was my last day though. For me, I get obsessive until I get that taste, and then it is all good. Red Velvet and Tillamook ice creame..... soooo good! For the rest of the month (heheheh all 5 days of it), I am gong to lay off the sweets. Still steadily loosing weight, but one thing that makes a huge difference is the amount of sleep I get. I started getting 8 hours + on Saturday, and my resolution for the rest of the month is to cut off the sugar and amp up the hours of sleep. Wahooo! One day at a time. ;) We can do this, GreenValli!
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    Gotta figure out what would be most appropriate to wear - it's going to be an outside thing at a resort, think Chicago in Oct cold, for MIL???

    Chicago in October- definitely sounds cold. Layers is always a good way to go. Even if it isn't snowy, it will probably be windy. Then again, I have never been to Chicago (so jealous!!!!). Let us know what you decide.
  • xxxMADMAXxxx
    xxxMADMAXxxx Posts: 218 Member
    I've never been much of a Boyband fan... other than Kpop... can't get enough of it.
    For any Backstreet Boy fans though, I just came across this:

  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    edited March 2019
    cory17 wrote: »
    My son is getting married beginning of Oct and will be seeing many folks haven't seen in a few years, including the ex and his other, who is small and probably 1/2 my weight. I want to look great, 40 lbs would jump for joy. Mostly doing the exercise, eat healthy but too much - that's my downfall.

    Cory, I have been more motivated to exercise and eat better as I have been "window shopping" for a dress to wear to the wedding. I actually have only gone to one brick and mortar store so far, but have been looking at tons of dresses online. I definitely will not buy one soon since the wedding is in late August. Just thought I would mention it to you. Sometimes visual things help remind us of our goals.

    I grew up in the Chicago area. October is still autumn and I remember going trick-or-treating in costumes without jackets, just regular costumes. It may be a bit cool though if outside late in the day. But will be really cold if the wedding venue is close to Lake Michigan. Many of the mother-of-the-bride dresses I have seen online have nice jackets over the dresses.

    Off to the gym since I was not scheduled to work today but am scheduled for the rest of the week. Make hay while the sun shines. (Old fashioned way to say take advantage of your opportunities when you have them.)

  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    edited March 2019
    March 14, 2020.

    Hoping I can drop a....lot....of weight by then. Down 22 lbs. I’ve done it before and can do it again. Just lacking the get up and go to get my *kitten* in the gym. :weary:
  • jessdm0814
    jessdm0814 Posts: 4 Member
    You can add me! I am losing weight mostly for myself but also for the inevitable photos coming when I do get married (we've discussed and a proposal will be happening in the next few months). I have time, but I have a long way to go.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,485 Member
    GreenValli wrote: »
    cory17 wrote: »
    My son is getting married beginning of Oct and will be seeing many folks haven't seen in a few years, including the ex and his other, who is small and probably 1/2 my weight. I want to look great, 40 lbs would jump for joy. Mostly doing the exercise, eat healthy but too much - that's my downfall.

    Cory, I have been more motivated to exercise and eat better as I have been "window shopping" for a dress to wear to the wedding. I actually have only gone to one brick and mortar store so far, but have been looking at tons of dresses online. I definitely will not buy one soon since the wedding is in late August. Just thought I would mention it to you. Sometimes visual things help remind us of our goals.

    I grew up in the Chicago area. October is still autumn and I remember going trick-or-treating in costumes without jackets, just regular costumes. It may be a bit cool though if outside late in the day. But will be really cold if the wedding venue is close to Lake Michigan. Many of the mother-of-the-bride dresses I have seen online have nice jackets over the dresses.

    Off to the gym since I was not scheduled to work today but am scheduled for the rest of the week. Make hay while the sun shines. (Old fashioned way to say take advantage of your opportunities when you have them.)

    Going to be held at Michellinda resort (next to Whitehall) which looks like it is ON Lake Michigan. (Think of it as Chicago as that's where he lives). Casual and outside, so thinking could do a pantsuit with some kind of jacketed look. Just don't know how casual this is yet.
    You're right about visual things. If I actually went trying on clothes daily, would stop eating. There's nothing like putting on pretty things and looking yuck to motivate for short periods.