Manarelle Member


  • With respect to kdiamond, I have to disagree. I've been using the Beginner Bodyweight Workout for NerdFitness (link) for 6 months now, and I'm seeing more muscle and definition in my arms, back, legs, and even stomach. Any time you use muscle and push it farther than it's used to, it will build back stronger.
  • I'm 5'9" and started my journey at just under 200 lbs. I am in no rush- wanted to make this a permanent thing rather than a quick fad diet/ burnout thing. MFP has never had me go below 1900 calories, and I've found that I lose weight steadily (barring plateaus), and do not feel overly starved. Bottom line, as the ladies…
  • Kudos to you! The last picture looks much more alive and relaxed. I'm coming at weight from the opposite direction- trying to lose- but I bet having to eat when you don't want to is difficult. Congratulations on your progress, you can do it!
  • Tofu 'cheese' and coconut 'milk.' Horrible. It's like drinking water when you expect milk.
  • When I started, with 40 lbs to lose, the first thing I did was log exactly what I was eating without changing my diet for about a week or two. That helped me identify what my problem foods were (600 calories for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?! I had no idea), and understand where I was starting from. If you're…
  • Never. Started my Bachelor's at 29, now starting my Master's at 35. Couple undergrad classes where I was the oldest, but not all, and definitely not in postgrad classes.
  • Thanks everyone. I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to pain, and have very poor judgement of when to push through and when to stop. I'll try the resistance training, since my gentleman has the stuff for it already, and keep looking for something that works. I read somewhere that 6 weeks is a good goal for improving joint…
  • I'd be veeeery curious to find out what the average breast size of those who experienced "less sageness" were… I can attest to the fact that if I were to go without a bra (D cup), I would be cautiously tiptoeing everywhere, grimacing in pain if I moved too fast. If you can, great! Just don't proselytize that everyone…
  • Kudos to you sir, you have an amazing story and a huge heart. Best wishes to you and your brother!
  • Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home helped me lose 20 lbs when I couldn't get out much, and it's available on YouTube for free, instant access anywhere. That being said, no, you don't *have* to work out, I lost my first 5 lbs just cutting out snacking at work! You can do it!
  • Don't let other people psych you out- if you want to go, then go! Realize, however, that there are all kinds of exercises you can do at home or outside; if you don't want to go to a gym, find alternatives! Either way, congrats on having the gumption to do it, that's what counts. :)
  • My boyfriend and I moved into a new apartment with a really long hallway between the bedroom and the dining room. We make a point to never walk down it, but rather always chase the cat down it. Gets us both exercise, though the cat's not too thrilled about it. Seems to be working though, as she's become more interested in…
  • It *can* be, but keep in mind that is based on "if every day were like today." In my experience, every day is not even remotely the same. I've had days that I go over, days that I am way under, and everything in between. Generally, I find that if you have your goal set (x lbs per week), and you come close to your calorie…
  • Wow, I gotta say, congratulations to all of you for sticking with it. I'm dealing with (minor) depression from being unemployed currently, and there are days I just stare at all the comfort food in my cupboards, trying to remind myself it's not going to help. A million kudos to all of your efforts and willpower.
  • Levis 529 Curvy Bootcut. I have a 12" difference between waist and hips, and the gap at the waist is almost nonexistent in 529. Don't try the "Curvy-Fit" though, they're a lie- go for the 529s.
  • Keep trying til you find out what's right for you. I've been on Orthotricyclen or Trinessa (generic version) for the past 15 years, never had a problem or issue except when I try to go off it or try something else. Tried Orthotricyclen Lo, and it did nothing for me, tried something else and it made me into a raging,…
  • If you're not used to exercise, try the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home workout. It's low impact, has a warm-up and cool-down, and as you get used to it, there are longer and longer workouts. And it's free on Youtube. When I started, I had basically been sitting in front of my computer for a couple years. I wanted to take it…
  • Wow, couple of really harsh responses on here. Way to judge and be mean to someone who's asking for assistance, people. That being said, friends (especially party friends) always have a hard time dealing with change, especially if it's at a level that they're not ready for yet. If you want to be responsible and better…
  • Congratulations on your decision to make a change! My aha moment was when I realized that every single piece of clothing I owned relied on elastic to stay put. Glad it wasn't a heart attack, and welcome back!
  • I actually paid for a custom-made shoulder holster. It's not the best for running, but since where I live, it's cold or chilly for about 3/4 of the year, it's easily concealable with a light jacket. As far as the "ditch if the cops show" comment, just know the laws in your area. I have a concealed carry permit, and have…
  • Absolutely this. I took a week to just log everything I ate normally, and it was amazingly eye-opening. Gives you an idea of where is good to start looking for substitutes. When I saw the calorie count for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I almost died. Substituted chicken sausage instead for just as filling and about…
  • Not entirely SFW, but some good info in there, and written from a female point of view.
  • Hahahahahha. Amen! Seriously. If you want a real look at the BDSM world, go look up Exit to Eden by Anne Rice (the book, not the movie). 50 Shades is a horrible representation surrounded by trite and childish writing. The two main characters are a) incredibly implausible, b) so psychologically messed up that they should…
  • Worst thing you can do is beat yourself up hun. You already lost 73 lbs, that's amazing! Maybe take a look at what you're eating during the day- when I replaced high-calorie breads with protein, I felt a lot more full even though I was eating fewer raw calories. Just a thought. Don't push it though, maybe take a breather…
  • Very good article with a lot to consider. Cracked is usually just for the chuckles (and perhaps some inadvertent learning) but they really hit some good points there. Thanks for the link!
  • This is my second reaction. That sounds like a huge double standard, and I've found hypocrisy and cheating tend to go hand in hand. My first reaction is that yeah, something is fishy. Unless it's a relative or a gay guy that she treats as a girlfriend, then something is amiss. As sexist or whatever as it sounds, as…
  • I've been on the pill since I started my period (highly irregular periods and ridiculous cramping when I'm not), so that regulates a lot of the side effects of Ms Monthly, but yes, I still put on water weight and generally feel uncomfortable in my skin. It's also going to mess with your chemical balance, which probably…
  • As has been said on so many threads, it's amazing how people who aren't putting out effort will do their best to discourage and belittle those who are. You're already making progress, don't let someone else pull you down! Also, I agree with gaia3rd, find a line that you can toss out, and then change the subject. Take…
  • It took me 5 weeks to see a difference. Just lowering the calorie intake wasn't enough for me; I didn't see a real change til I started exercising. Be patient! Don't look at it as a miracle diet type thing, look at it as a way to start a healthy lifestyle that you can stick with for life.