Antidepressants & Weight loss

Hi there. I looked through some of the topics trying to see if something like this was already posted but with no luck. I was just wandering if there were other people out there struggling with weight loss while on antidepressants. I've recently started a new medication and it really has caused me to struggle with my weight loss goals more then I anticipated.

Anyone in the same boat? If so - I'd love for you to add me so we can be there for each other :)

~ Sarah


  • Ican4ME
    Ican4ME Posts: 6
    Previously I was a social worker and I know some info, so I can share what I know. However I am not a doctor so I'd suggest asking the doctor before you switch any type of meds. There are different types of anti-depressants and the ones that work on both the SSI's and the norepinephrine together as it adds energy. I do not know what those would be. I have heard that Wellbutrin is good for weight loss but not necessarily the depression. I have suffered on and off from depression all of my life and have only used the meds to re-stabilize a chemical imbalance after chronic depression. Not all people nor doctors believe in this method. For me, depression (not bi-polar) has underlying reasons so I like to attack the layers and use cognitive approaches to fix me. Again, that is just my method and I have used anti-depressants when I failed to think my way to positivity, lol. Good luck I wish you well.
  • difyance
    difyance Posts: 18
    I'm with you, Sarah. I have suffered from depression most of my life. I've been on and off meds, and finally, a couple years ago, started on Effexor. I'm currently on what my shrink says is the maximum dose, and yet I still have days when I don't feel like moving, never mind exercising. It fluctuates so much, making weight loss so difficult, but at least the majority of my days are good now, and I can consciously make healthy choices when I get the urge to binge. Now, I'll eat half a bag of grapes, where I would previously eat an entire family-sized bag of m&m's. There's still a lot of sugar in grapes, but at least it's not artificial sweeteners and other stuff that make me feel sluggish afterwards.

    Feel free to add me. I'm always open to talking about depression and meds for it, as it's just a part of who I am.

  • SassyFlowerLady
    SassyFlowerLady Posts: 12 Member
    Its so nice to hear from others struggling with some of the same issues. I've been on off different anti-depressants for about 6 years now. I started on Zoloft back then - I was usually good for the first 2 weeks. Great actually. But after those first 2 weeks I would hit a brick wall and feel more depressed and sluggish then before. Currently I am on Prozac (started about 3wks or a month ago I think). Not really sure how I feel about it at this point actually. I'm actually pretty convinced that it is contributing to my lack of energy - which completely sucks since I already have HUGE energy issues.

    On top of the anti-depressants I have been having my thyroid tested since I was 8 and have yet to get out of the "grey area" - according to my doctors. I will be getting tested again in the next week. I'm sure that has A LOT to do with my lack of energy but at this point there doesn't seem to be anything more I can do.

    Everyday is a struggle - I'm just happy I've been doing as well as I have.
  • fruitlooper
    fruitlooper Posts: 30 Member
    I've been on Wellbutrin for over a year. It's made a big difference in my depression/craziness, but has done nothing for weight loss.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    For me I have depression and take Wellbutrin along with Zoloft to control my depression. For the most part I think it is controlled. But I really don't think either of those meds help or hurt in my weight loss journey- really I just love food. My depression has got better in my opinion with my weight loss this far. I also have adhd which is controlled but meds (adderall) which I know some people get postive side effects from that as far as appetite goes but I don't really maybe because I have been taking it for awhile now. I also have low thyroid and take synthroid for that.

    I just want you to know regardless of what medical problems you have it is do-able. I have lost 34 pounds so far maybe a little more I weigh-in tomorrow, but just stay with it you can do this! :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    After doing the med merry go round for years trying to find a workable solution for my depression and anxiety I am presently on Lamictal and Cymbalta, and have just added in a periodic dose of Prozac.

    When making decisions of medication my psych and I tried to weigh the possible side effects of weight gain/holding weight against the possibility of the med working.

    In the end, having a med combination that keeps me stable makes it possible for me to exercise and make better choices for eating. Will they make it harder for me to lose? Possibly. But frankly, compared to living with mental illness I'd be more than happy to live with that.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I've been on antidepressants for years. It is possible that the Prozac could be contributing to a weight gain and/or low energy, but both of those things can be symptoms for depression as well, and the SSRI's (like Prozac) don't seem to cause that as much as some other types of medications.

    I noticed a big jump in energy when I started Effexor. It kind of leveled out after awhile, but for a time I was darn close to hyper, and I'm the type of person who can sit still for hours. As much as I hate to admit it, I also noticed a big jump in energy, and decrease in depression when I started the 30 Day Shred. Doctors had been nagging me about exercise for years, and turns out they might actually have been right. Go figure.
  • FitFabBelle
    I've been on a few different types of anti depressants and only noticed a major weight change when I was prescribed Prozac, it caused me to not eat and therefore I lost a lot of weight and was completely lethargic for about 4 months until they finally took me off it it. I gained a ton of weight once I quit taking the medicine so I think I may have the opposite effect. I've taken seroquel for sleep before which did cause me to gain some weight because I was overeating so I think it may not be the medicine itself but the side effects of the meds that cause weight gain or lack of weight loss. MFP would be very beneficial though since you can track what you eat and ensure that you aren't overeating
  • alt1268
    alt1268 Posts: 159 Member
    I have been doing the yo yo game for the last couple years and didn't think about why I feel so hungry all the time until you brought up antidepressants and weight loss. I am on Abilify and one of the side effects is weight gain. ( significant weight gain) I think I will talk to the dr. about this.

  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I've never had issues with it but my boyfriend's dad had weight gains while on anti-depressants as they made him hungry all the time. He just had to be very mindful of how much he ate and kept to a certain amount of calories and be hungry for awhile. His appetite returned to normal once he was taken off of them though.
  • suzely0530
    suzely0530 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm on Lexapro 20mg now and have not experienced any weight gain. My psychiatrist knew not to prescribe a medication with that side effect because of my hx of eating disorders. I've been on everything under the sun, and the one med I'd recommend staying as far away as possible is Risperdal. I gained 30 lbs and started lactating !!!
  • Manarelle
    Manarelle Posts: 33 Member
    Wow, I gotta say, congratulations to all of you for sticking with it.

    I'm dealing with (minor) depression from being unemployed currently, and there are days I just stare at all the comfort food in my cupboards, trying to remind myself it's not going to help.

    A million kudos to all of your efforts and willpower.
  • muppetfan13
    muppetfan13 Posts: 28 Member
    I was on Wellbutrin for a long time, and I thought it was helping my depression (I think it helped me finally conceive!), but I didn't know what I was really missing out on until I added the anti-anxiety component to my regimen. I've been on Lexapro since December, and I actually have a full range of emotions, without crippling guilt, for the first time since I was a kid. Unfortunately, my getting on Lexapro kind of signals the start of my rapid weight gain. I don't know if it is an instance of correlation or causation. Either way, I'm not giving up my anti-anxiety meds anytime soon, so I'll struggle with the weight loss. My ultimate goal is for my health, and that includes my emotional and psychiatric well-being as well as my physical health.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I have also been struggling with depression most of my life, I am now taking a herbal medication it helps but I also have troubles exercising and did before the meds. It's just part of the personality, I don't think it's part of the meds fault. You just really gotta push yourself. I know I have to do it to myself sometimes. Just make yourself go out for a walk or something. Start out small. Hope this helped. Good luck.
  • Peachy1962
    Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
    I heard Prozac would help weight loss but it didnt help me with anything and then I was on Zoloft and it made me feel empty inside ( is the best way to describe it) and I didnt want to live like that so I slowly got off that med and was doing good for a while then now I am having anxiety attacks!! I just went to the doctor today and we talked it over and he put me on Klonopin but it is only 0.5 mg!!! Is that gonna be strong enough to help me??? if anyone knows about this med I would like to hear what you think!! :)

    Good luck to Us all xxx
  • Heather060801
    Heather060801 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there, I am 41 and have struggled with weight loss my entire adult life. Depression became an issue about 10 years ago. I am now on effexor,. I am better than I was depression wise, but still have episodes where I dont want to do anything, even get out of bed most days.
    I have a stressful parentlng life, my youngest has autism, adhd and bipolar and a crappy job I hate. Geesh wonder where the depression comes from??? lol
    I am hoping to find positive people on here struggling with these issues and we can support each other,
  • Harlequinndancer
    Harlequinndancer Posts: 86 Member
    I was on Wellbutrin for a long time, and I thought it was helping my depression (I think it helped me finally conceive!), but I didn't know what I was really missing out on until I added the anti-anxiety component to my regimen. I've been on Lexapro since December, and I actually have a full range of emotions, without crippling guilt, for the first time since I was a kid. Unfortunately, my getting on Lexapro kind of signals the start of my rapid weight gain. I don't know if it is an instance of correlation or causation. Either way, I'm not giving up my anti-anxiety meds anytime soon, so I'll struggle with the weight loss. My ultimate goal is for my health, and that includes my emotional and psychiatric well-being as well as my physical health.

    I have been on Wellbutrin for quite a while and was finally put on a low-dose of Respiridone for anxiety as well a couple of years ago and it was the magic formula for me. I am able to deal with things and am enjoying working out again. I do have to fight fatigue from having MS though so it is still a struggle some days to motivate myself to work out.
  • FitFabBelle
    I heard Prozac would help weight loss but it didnt help me with anything and then I was on Zoloft and it made me feel empty inside ( is the best way to describe it) and I didnt want to live like that so I slowly got off that med and was doing good for a while then now I am having anxiety attacks!! I just went to the doctor today and we talked it over and he put me on Klonopin but it is only 0.5 mg!!! Is that gonna be strong enough to help me??? if anyone knows about this med I would like to hear what you think!! :)

    Good luck to Us all xxx

    Klonopin is strong and that dosage should definitely calm you down and possibly even put you to sleep, I used to take it and I couldn't even walk when I had to take it because it made me so drowsy. It will completely get rid of te anxiety you're experiencing during panic attack though which is the whole point. I take Xanax now because its fast acting and if I have to take it at work I won't fall asleep and can just calm down and get back to work. I do feel like klonopin also helps prevent panic attacks though and Xanax doesn't. Could just be me though?
  • Peachy1962
    Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
    Thanx for the input!! I will give it a try and it is to take at bedtime so more sleep would be a good thing!! :)
  • FitFabBelle
    Thanx for the input!! I will give it a try and it is to take at bedtime so more sleep would be a good thing!! :)

    Oh yeah! Taking it at bed time is great but make sure you brush your teeth and get into bed before you take it because before you know it you'll be falling over! Hope it helps you!! Panic attacks are the worst!