

  • Hi everyone. I was just waiting until you put the guns away and it was safe to come back on the thread! :laugh: (Actually that conversation you all had really did weird me out . . . very few people have guns in the UK and they're incredibly tightly regulated. Just the thought of them scares the pants off me!) So - you all…
  • Laura - you really, really should be proud of the fact that you're 35lb lighter than this time last year - that's a major acheivement. I'm so happy for you that you've lost this week too. There's nothing like a good loss to keep you motivated for the week ahead. Anne - I don't know what a twirler is, so I'm not sure if…
  • Jack - you're right - everyone should celebrate sometimes or life would be very dull. Having said that, I don't know what came over me yesterday. I started off really well but then we had friends round to celebrate New Year and I just lost the calorie plot and went so far over on the day I don't even want to try to count.…
  • It's good to be home and back in my routine. I've just burned 300 calories on the treadmill and I stuck to my calories today. Hooray! Hope everyoe's having a great evening. It's late here, so I'm off to bed now. Alison x
  • Hi everyone We made it back to London safely through the rain, and I'm happy to see that our street is no longer an ice-rink so there was no danger of broken limbs while we unpacked the car. Phew. Dragonfly - I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain. It must be very tiring and frustrating for you. Are you able to get to a…
  • Jack - you're doing brilliantly. Don't worry about the odd biscuit (cookie - sorry!) - you'll work it off again in one of your mega-workouts! Tigermom - well done on not gaining over Christmas. That's an achievement in itself! Tammy - don't overdo it! Laura - I'm so happy you haven't given up. You lost those 21 pounds…
  • Welcome to the group Overfifty1957 - good to have you on board. Amanda - as ever, thanks for keeping track of all our progress. So glad you're enjoying the Wii. Have you been doing the Body Test on it? How does it compare with your scales? I like the cardiovascular exercises, but I'm completely useless at the balance ones.…
  • Christy - what a fantastic Christmas present - many congratulations!! :flowerforyou: Hope everyone's having a lovely Christmas. I'm NOT counting calories today. I had a ton of veggies (no spuds) and a small amount of chicken for lunch, but I also had bread sauce and dessert and some chocolate (first for ages) - and I…
  • Merry Christmas everyone. Only 20 minutes to go this side of the pond!!
  • Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been online for a couple of days. We spent today on the road driving north to my parents for Christmas, so now I'm writing this from Newcastle (near Scotland if that helps). I managed to stay almost within my calories today despite having to eat at a diner en route, but I didn't get the chance…
  • Hi everyone The ice is still on the pavements around here, but thankfully the main roads are clear so my hubby was able to take Rosie (our younger little treasure) to her cello exam this morning in central London. What a time for an exam - Sunday morning just before Christmas!! Anyway - my new scales tell me I weigh 156lb,…
  • Thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes everyone. We had a yummy meal and then went to see St Trinian's 2 which was just releasd in the cinemas here today. It was a good fun, brain-cell free film aimed at youngsters, so my girls loved it . . . and I was able to oggle 2 of my favourite actors with impunity . . . even more…
  • Hi everyone. I've just caught up on everyone's posts. Laura - I'm thinking of you and hoping everything turns out well for you. Waiting is almost the worst part isn't it? Ann - if you stuck to one doughut, you definitely haven't blown it so don't fret. Enjoy the play and may the scales be kinder tomorrow! Amy - pass your…
  • Anne You HAVE achieved a lot by running for 5 minutes. I'm dead impressed that you're doing crunches and side bends too. The treadmill's as much as I'm managing at the moment. I do 40 mins in all and tend to burn about 300 cals. Have a great evening. I'm off to bed now as it's after 1.30am. Night night xx
  • Hi Amanda. I do think it's difficult to maintain an iron will in the evening when you're tired, which is why I tend to save some calories so that I can eat something sweet after dinner. I don't know about you, but a meal doesn't feel complete to me without a little sweet something at the end of it. I know, I know - I…
  • Hi everyone. Blimey - you've all been busy posting - I feel like I've missed out on quite a lot. I don't suppose the time difference helps. :tongue: I'm really interested to read about everyone's running. I'm just going to get on the treadmill now - I haven't been on it for 3 days (bad bad Alison!!) but I did run for 8…
  • Thanks for doing the chart Amanda. Yvonne - I'm right with you on that plateau, although mine seems a bit wobbly. I seem to have been gaining and losing the same 2lb for the last 2 months and it's starting to annoy me. I'm not giving up though - I've come this far and I'm nnot going back!! Let's hope I can shake the 2lb…
  • Michelle - that's incredible!! Well done. I think you've probably got my weight loss for this week in there too - I haven't weighed yet but I'm not expecting to have lost anything! :tongue:
  • Amanda - I'm so pleased for you after you were so worried about gaining a lot this week. I was hoping the scales would be kind to you so well done on maintaining!
  • Tee hee Amanda - if I was Catholic I might know what to say in response to your confession . . . but as I'm not . . . I hope you enjoyed the cookies and I'm sure the scales won't be as bad as you're thinking. I haven't had the greatest week calorie-wise myself, but I'm hoping the last 2 days will have made up for at least…
  • Good evening. It's great to see eveyone posting this weekend - a sure indication that our sickly friends are starting to feel better - hooray! Laura - as everyone has said, we all have bad days, so good for you for picking yourself up and getting back on track. I'm just hoping to maintain this week as I've had all my end…
  • Amanda - Don't let the scales get you down. You're right that you can't possibly have gained 4 and a half pounds because that would mean you'd eaten more than 15,000 calories more than you'd burned, and you know you haven't. As you once wisely said to me . . . look at your ticker and keep the bigger picture in mind. I'm…
  • Hi Amanda. I'm loving your new picture - you look fab!! Running-girl - teaching English is great fun, except for all of the planning/paperwork etc.
  • Good evening Anne. Shall we do the 5 minute run thing together once you feel better? I thought I'd stick with 5 continuous minutes of running every time for the next few days, then try to start building it up a minute at a time with the aim of getting to 10 minutes within a month. Do you think that's realistic? Oh - and I…
  • Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around for the last couple of days. I'm really sorry to hear that some of you have been sick this week, but hopefully you'll all be well enough to enjoy the weekend. Dragonfly - welcome to the group. I've found in the short time we've been together that this is truly a group of like-minded…
  • Rather depends on whether your team's winning or losing, I'd say. :wink: Try punching the air lots of times - or doing a little victory dance if your team wins . . . that'll burn some calories! :laugh: I have a very challenging week ahead of me as my 3 classes of students (all adults) will be having their end of course…
  • Hi everyone. So - it seems it wasn't such a terrible week, diet-wise, as many of us had feared. I dispensed with another 2 pounds and I'm over the moon. This brings me to exactly 11 stone (154lb) so by this time next week I hope I'll bei n the 10-stone-something range. I can hear the 140s calling out to me! :laugh:…
  • Hi everyone. Blimey, what a week it seems to have been for everyone. I've just caught up on all of your posts. I've had the most hectic week imaginable . .. my students all had their exams, my younger little treasure needed running around a lot because she's preparing for a big cello exam, a concert and an assessed drama…
  • Yvonne - i haven't tried a twist stepper. I just have a regular Reebok step and a few DVDs that I enjoy using. Everyone who stuck or gained over Thanksgiving - please don't beat yourselves up. We are all trying to get in shape but we mustn't let that goal spoil lovely family occasions for us. I know you're all getting back…
  • Thanks so much for the explanation about crunches and sit-ups. I think I'd better start with crunches. Susan - I'm with Amanda all the way. It's not an easy month to try to lose weight but I have a feeling you can do it - you sound determined! Amanda - thanks so much for posting that picture - I was intrigued by what you…