No More Excuses - Week 8



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Wednesday morning all...Hope today finds you well. I have been a little sick this week with stomach problems. I made it to the gym yesterday and got back in my calorie range. Thanks to our group for all the motivation. It is great to feel supported. I am just now back down to my pre-Christmas weight so it is kind of like starting over. But I'd rather get started back now then gain all of my weight back before it hits me. Have a wonderful day!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I am going to toot my own horn for a minute.

    I started this new way of life a year ago, scared that it would be impossible and hating the way I looked. I was unhealthy, unfit, fat and tired all the time. I have had my shares of ups and downs this year but in 2009, I have lost 22 pounds and kept them off, I can now run for 20 minutes at a time and have went from obese to overweight. Most important I looked in the mirror this morning and was happy with what I saw. I know I still have a journey ahead of me, but this morning I looked at myself out from the shower and thought you have came a long ways baby. You will succeed.

    I am looking forward to reaching my goals in 2010 and know that I will be that fit momma cheering my kids on in whatever they decide to do.
  • Tammy good fior you. You are now ready for the new year.

    Amanda. You go girl. 22 lbs. WOW!!!!! Hopefully this time next year I can be saying the same thing.

    Yvonneh great advice. I do have knee pain and it may be due to what I eat as much as joint stuff. I am going to go back and search for your detox thing. Can you tell me when you posted it. I remember reading it but can't remember when.

    Here is to all of us starting our new year back on track and sticking to it.
  • Tammy good fior you. You are now ready for the new year.

    Amanda. You go girl. 22 lbs. WOW!!!!! Hopefully this time next year I can be saying the same thing.

    Yvonneh great advice. I do have knee pain and it may be due to what I eat as much as joint stuff. I am going to go back and search for your detox thing. Can you tell me when you posted it. I remember reading it but can't remember when.

    Here is to all of us starting our new year back on track and sticking to it.

    FOUND IT.....But I have a problem. We don't have anything here but wal-mart and safeway. I have never even heard of some of the ingredients.. (I am a very simple cook)

    almond milk, rice protein,sweetner (got that), organic flax meal and fruit.........anyone have any other detox recipes? I think we do have a local health food store but I have never been in it. Maybe it is time I pay it a visit.
  • It's good to be home and back in my routine. I've just burned 300 calories on the treadmill and I stuck to my calories today. Hooray!

    Hope everyoe's having a great evening. It's late here, so I'm off to bed now.
    Alison x
  • I found a detox schedule that I am going to try starting on the 1st! It looks pretty easy to follow I will keep you posted as too if it works!!:wink:

    Had a good day. Made it to curves, and stayed close to my calories. -19 so that isn't too bad as I kind of figured I am going to splurge a little before I detox.....Doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it made me feel better.

    Everyone stay safe tomorrow night and if you are going out, please don't drink and drive and watch out for all the idiots out there!!!

  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Excited for the new year. Had another good day eating and exercising. Ate at Jason's Deli tonight, that has been our "goto" place for eating out while on a diet. No change in weight today, but I weighed right after dinner.

    Binge day is delayed at least a week.:sad: Went shopping for new pants smaller wasted pants today. Only buying 2 pair because planning on this size being temporary. Tried on the next size lower, got them buttoned, but too tight. Bought a Turkey tonight, we smoked the last one, gonna cook this one in the oven. Planning on saving the white meat for us on the diet and giving the dark meat to the kids.

    My wife is starting 30 day shred tonight, I watched the video yesterday with her. I was very impressed with the quality of the workout. Its a well designed system that really works the core. Saw it tonight for $8 at Target. Thats even less than I paid for it. What I plan on taking from it is many of the stretching techniques at the beginning. Much better than the routine I do.

    Kinda excited although the wife has been on the diet with me, she has justed started exercising this week. She would have started sooner, but she badly sprained an ankle about 4 weeks ago slipping on the ice. What's unbelievable is that she has lost more weight than me so far. She is hardcore about the diet. (although she ate a whole box of junior mints today at the movie theater, she said she felt sick afterwards)
  • I found a detox schedule that I am going to try starting on the 1st! It looks pretty easy to follow I will keep you posted as too if it works!!:wink:

    Yes, please keep us posted. There are lots of different versions, but this is the one I found works for me. I like hearing how others work, because I may mix and match pieces of them. My body just seems to appreciate the break every now and then.

    Out of curiosity, I checked the Walmart website for the ingredients because I thought I had seen almond milk and flaxseed meal there before. It says both are available at limited stores, though. I use Bob's Red Mill Flaxseed meal and Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla almond milk (it's in a box, not refrigerated). The Flaxseed meal is essentially just ground up flax seeds and is an excellant source of fiber which makes you feel full longer. I add the rice protein in to make sure I don't lose muscle (it's in powder form in a large plastic tub). If you are sure you aren't lactose intolerant, you could just use regular milk instead of almond. I put them all in the blender with fruit and honey/sweetener, and sometimes a spoon of almond or peanut butter for variety or if I'm really hungry, to make a smoothie. I also love lots of cinnamon blended in with it. A health food store should have all these things, though I've been lucky since our Publix in Tallahassee carries them all.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good Morning everyone!! I am glad that today is a new day b/c I ended up stress eating yesterday and totally messed up but that was yesterday and yesterday is gone and today is a new day and I will do better today. I have to do some shopping today, is that considered exercise? lol. anyways, I will do some exercise and do what I need to do today. I hope everyone has a great day today!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Thursday all...Today was supposed to be my day off but I postponed my work and have to do it now. Sound familiar? I did C25K yesterday but went over on calories a little, still down a little bit today. Imagine what would happen if I exercised AND stayed under my calories! Oh well. I joined another thread and we are starting the 30 Day Shred DVD together tomorrow or this weekend. We plan to do it for 30 days in a row, probably 10 days on each level or so. Anyone else have the DVD and want to join us? I'm going to try to keep up the C25K and 2 days a week at the gym, we'll see. Have a great New Year's Eve and stay safe.
  • I am going to check and see if Walmart has that DVD. Jack said he found it at Target but we don't have one of those, reliance is on Walmart for today!

    I am starting the Detox thing tomorrow so maybe if I do it and the DVD and will all come together. Oh the wii.

    My son is training to be an athletic trainer so I have my own little coach. He has convinced me that I need to try and eat 6 small things a day instead of 3 large meals. with no snacks. So.....starting with the detox thing I am giving that a whirl!!!

    I have a friend that is seriously considering purchasing the CURVES here in town. I think she could do wonderfully with it. Please pray for her to make the right decision for her and her family! to the day. Got to go to the grocery store (Wal-Mart)! JOY JOY!!!!

    Everyone have a great New Years Eve and stay safe!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Messed up again today but I am not going to stress over it, I will do this thing if it takes me forever.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Messed up again today but I am not going to stress over it, I will do this thing if it takes me forever.

    I had a bad day too, over calories by 170 (if I make it to bed without eating anything else) and no exercise. We will do better tomorrow:smile:
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Had a great weigh in today at the gym, (209.7 and half way to goal weight).


    I only ran 2 miles (I planned on 3), and then went to the bar where I ate an entire order of chicken wings and :drinker: . I figure I am at least 700 calories over for the day, but if you can't celebrate on new years eve when can you.

    Happy New Year Everyone!!!! :smile:
  • Jack - you're right - everyone should celebrate sometimes or life would be very dull.

    Having said that, I don't know what came over me yesterday. I started off really well but then we had friends round to celebrate New Year and I just lost the calorie plot and went so far over on the day I don't even want to try to count. So - 1st of January and a new determination. So far I've worked off 300 calories on the treadmill and had a very healthy lunch. Now I just need to keep my hands under control tomorrow when we're having a crowd over for dinner.

    I hope everyone had a lovely New Year's Eve and wish you all success and health for 2010.
    Alison x
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! I weighed this morning and I have lost 4.2 pounds, I just don't know how b/c I have ate awful for the last 2 days but that is what my scales say so IDK. I must not have done as much damage as I thought I had done. As of today I am on it and I will do better this year than I done last year, Today is my one year Anniversary on MFP. I can't believe that I have been here a year. I had lost 52 pounds but gained 21 pounds back but the truth is that I am 35 pounds lighter than I was last year on January 1st so for that I am very proud.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy New Year everyone. I am back down another pound today. I guess the exercise is paying off. We are cooking a big meal tonight and then have another large family meal to go to tomorrow. I'll be glad when all of these holiday dinners are over and I get back to cooking mostly chicken and fish. I'm headed to the gym now so I can eat more cranberry meatballs tonight.

    Laura...Great job on the 4.2 pound loss! You should be very proud of yourself.

    Jack...I agree with you. You have to have little celebrations to make life fun.

    Alison...Enjoy your holiday dinners. I know I have. At least we made it through the holidays without a huge gain. In years past, I have gained around 7 pounds from Thanksgiving to New Year so this was a big change for me.

    Happy 2010 to all!
  • Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! I weighed this morning and I have lost 4.2 pounds, I just don't know how b/c I have ate awful for the last 2 days but that is what my scales say so IDK. I must not have done as much damage as I thought I had done. As of today I am on it and I will do better this year than I done last year, Today is my one year Anniversary on MFP. I can't believe that I have been here a year. I had lost 52 pounds but gained 21 pounds back but the truth is that I am 35 pounds lighter than I was last year on January 1st so for that I am very proud.

    Wonderful.......Congrats on the year accomplishment!!!! And the weight loss.

    I am not quite so lucky as my scale shows me 1 lb. more this morning. That's okay because I started this detox today so we will see how it goes. I am excited for the new year. I just know 2010 is going to be a great one.

    Now to get ready to watch the parade......Have to watch for all those twirlers!!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Happy New Year everyone. I am back down another pound today. I guess the exercise is paying off. We are cooking a big meal tonight and then have another large family meal to go to tomorrow. I'll be glad when all of these holiday dinners are over and I get back to cooking mostly chicken and fish. I'm headed to the gym now so I can eat more cranberry meatballs tonight.

    Laura...Great job on the 4.2 pound loss! You should be very proud of yourself.

    Jack...I agree with you. You have to have little celebrations to make life fun.

    Alison...Enjoy your holiday dinners. I know I have. At least we made it through the holidays without a huge gain. In years past, I have gained around 7 pounds from Thanksgiving to New Year so this was a big change for me.

    Happy 2010 to all!

    thanks, I am very proud of that, I still don't know how I lost it but I am proud
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! I weighed this morning and I have lost 4.2 pounds, I just don't know how b/c I have ate awful for the last 2 days but that is what my scales say so IDK. I must not have done as much damage as I thought I had done. As of today I am on it and I will do better this year than I done last year, Today is my one year Anniversary on MFP. I can't believe that I have been here a year. I had lost 52 pounds but gained 21 pounds back but the truth is that I am 35 pounds lighter than I was last year on January 1st so for that I am very proud.

    Wonderful.......Congrats on the year accomplishment!!!! And the weight loss.

    I am not quite so lucky as my scale shows me 1 lb. more this morning. That's okay because I started this detox today so we will see how it goes. I am excited for the new year. I just know 2010 is going to be a great one.

    Now to get ready to watch the parade......Have to watch for all those twirlers!!!

    Thanks :bigsmile:
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