No More Excuses - Week 6



    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    My weigh in day is always on Mondays. I weigh 256.6 today!! I ended up messing up yesterday, the day before yesterday and the day before that and still managed to lose a pound!! So excited about that, but this week there will be no more excuses for me and I will stick with it and do better. I will do my exercise, drink my water and eat the amount of calories that I am susposed to eat. I hope you all have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey everyone

    Well, I just finished Day 2 Week 5 of C25K. I was really nervous as you have to jog for 8mins, walk for 5 then run for 8 again. But I DID IT! I even did another couple of minutes running at the end to get up to 300 cals burnt (hmph, I swear it feels like I burn 1000 but machine says 300). I complained a while ago about how the treadmill is in front of the mirror but actually I think it helps me conentrate on my form instead of how much I wanna stop. Although I did notice that perhaps it might be time for a new sports bra :blushing:

    Amanda - that's great about your daugher you must be so proud! Yes, 12 days until I get home. It's a 12 hour flight so I'll be on the plane for Christmas Eve, I hope Santa can still find me :laugh:

    Tam - how are you going with C25k? have you done the scary 20 min one yet?

    Mom of Two (Laura?) congrats on your loss!

    I hope everyone is having a great week !
  • Thanks for the support, everyone. It makes a huge difference!

    My calories are set at 1200, then I usually do 300-400 in exercise and eat most of those. I do well drinking the water at work, but on weekends sometimes I forget, so I'll focus on that. MFP first had me set at 1400 a day, so if I see no change the next week or two, I may go back to that. But I am feeling a lot better, and like Amaline, I'm starting to see more definition, so I have no doubts about sticking to this. Hey - overall, I'm down a little, whereas I can't remember the last time I didn't gain over the holidays, so all in all, I'm ahead.

    Amaline - sorry to hear about the noise! Maybe some earplugs would help? I did that when I lived near a band.

    Amanda-I'm glad your daughter did so well!

    Mom of Two - congratulations!
  • Two days of eating bad is coming to an end today. We went grocery shopping yesterday and my mom and little bro were going crazy picking out chocolates. There are now several bowls of chocolate in the living room and dining room just sitting on the tables. If it's there, I'll eat it. So I talked to my mom and it was put away.

    I went for a gorgeous 5 mile hilly run outside yesterday in the snow! I had a pretty decent pace considering the weather (kept it at about 8:50 minute miles). Now there are a few more inches so I won't be running outside today. I was slipping and almost fell a few times yesterday so I'm paying for a month to use the local gym right near the house.

    I hope everyone has a great week!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hey everyone

    Well, I just finished Day 2 Week 5 of C25K. I was really nervous as you have to jog for 8mins, walk for 5 then run for 8 again. But I DID IT! I even did another couple of minutes running at the end to get up to 300 cals burnt (hmph, I swear it feels like I burn 1000 but machine says 300). I complained a while ago about how the treadmill is in front of the mirror but actually I think it helps me conentrate on my form instead of how much I wanna stop. Although I did notice that perhaps it might be time for a new sports bra :blushing:

    Amanda - that's great about your daugher you must be so proud! Yes, 12 days until I get home. It's a 12 hour flight so I'll be on the plane for Christmas Eve, I hope Santa can still find me :laugh:

    Tam - how are you going with C25k? have you done the scary 20 min one yet?

    Mom of Two (Laura?) congrats on your loss!

    I hope everyone is having a great week !

    Yes, Laura is my name. thanks so much
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    My power went out this morning for over an hour so instead of sitting around and wishing the power would come back on, I got on my bike and did my exercise for today. I am so proud of myself. My goal this week is to make it all week without messing up, without going over on my calories one day this week, and to do all my exercise this week. Last week I only managed to get in 3 days. This was good but I want to do 5 times a week, so that is what I am aiming for this week.
  • Amaline - I am sorry about all the noise. Is it 12 more days until you are home??

    I have to brag for a minute, we had dd1's Christmas program tonight and she was suppose to be a carolers. Well at the last minute a kid with a speaking part didn't show up, so they throw in that spot. No practice, no rehersal, no nothing. She did awesome!!!!!

    Way TO GO to your DD1. She will go far!!! Anyone that can step in like that has been paying attention at every practice which is a wonderful trait. Kids now days usually don't know what they are suppose to do, let alone what someone else is suppose to!!! ;) Give her a pat on the back from me!!!:bigsmile:
  • Good morning all! Well my goal for the week is to stay healthy is to do the 5 min/day run (as well as make it to CURVES), and to make healthy choices on food. After baking all day yesterday, it may be tough, but I am determined.

    Work should be busy which is always a good thing! We are getting ready for our annual billing, as well as our annual pumping plan which I do almost all on my own. I LOVE my job so it makes it nice!

    I think this is the longest (other than when I was on WW) that I have really been determined to get the weight off. What is different this time, is that I am determined TO KEEP IT OFF!!!!! God I don't want to do this again!

    My dh has his urologist appt tomorrow to see how and what has caused his prostate problem. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers that it is nothing to worry about!

    Better get to work for the day! Everyone make it YOUR DAY!!!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member

    Here is the chart. SORRY it took so long, crazy with Christmas next week!!
  • Thanks again Amanda.....great job!!!
    Okay.......That is IT!!!!!! I just got home from baton twilring lessons. I had 2 new little ones, ages 4 & 6......In the middle of lessons, the littlest one just pointed to her stomach and asked, "Are you just fat"????? HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! I about died, but had to admit.....yes, I am just fat!!!!!! Out of the mouths of BABES!!!! I am even more determined now to loose this pooch that I have !!!!

    It was hard to be too offended because she was so dang cute!!! :blushing: tell the hard core facts sometimes, which is good for us adults!~!

    So.....had a great work out and then to twirling and now cooking dinner only to rush my youngest off to a Youth Council meeting.

    Everyone have a great evening and I hope my story made you smile!!!!!! It did me!:tongue:
  • Thanks for doing the chart Amanda.

    Yvonne - I'm right with you on that plateau, although mine seems a bit wobbly. I seem to have been gaining and losing the same 2lb for the last 2 months and it's starting to annoy me. I'm not giving up though - I've come this far and I'm nnot going back!! Let's hope I can shake the 2lb off again this week and then carry on downwards.

    Congratulations to all who have lost this week.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    My weigh in day is always on Mondays. I weigh 256.6 today!! I ended up messing up yesterday, the day before yesterday and the day before that and still managed to lose a pound!! So excited about that, but this week there will be no more excuses for me and I will stick with it and do better. I will do my exercise, drink my water and eat the amount of calories that I am susposed to eat. I hope you all have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    Laura - good for you for a pound lost and for planning to have a better week. Hope it is terrific for you! :flowerforyou:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey everyone

    Well, I just finished Day 2 Week 5 of C25K. I was really nervous as you have to jog for 8mins, walk for 5 then run for 8 again. But I DID IT! I even did another couple of minutes running at the end to get up to 300 cals burnt (hmph, I swear it feels like I burn 1000 but machine says 300). I complained a while ago about how the treadmill is in front of the mirror but actually I think it helps me conentrate on my form instead of how much I wanna stop. Although I did notice that perhaps it might be time for a new sports bra :blushing:

    Way to go Amy! That is awesome to jog for 8 minutes twice. I always look at my HRM and think this thing must have quit working as I know I have burnt more than that, but NO it just feels that way.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Thanks for the support, everyone. It makes a huge difference!

    My calories are set at 1200, then I usually do 300-400 in exercise and eat most of those. I do well drinking the water at work, but on weekends sometimes I forget, so I'll focus on that. MFP first had me set at 1400 a day, so if I see no change the next week or two, I may go back to that. But I am feeling a lot better, and like Amaline, I'm starting to see more definition, so I have no doubts about sticking to this. Hey - overall, I'm down a little, whereas I can't remember the last time I didn't gain over the holidays, so all in all, I'm ahead.

    I am also seeing definition and muscles where the43 were no muscle before so it is awesome. I know I had to change my calories to 1400. Check you BMR and see what that is set at and definitely don't go below that. Good luck!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Two days of eating bad is coming to an end today. We went grocery shopping yesterday and my mom and little bro were going crazy picking out chocolates. There are now several bowls of chocolate in the living room and dining room just sitting on the tables. If it's there, I'll eat it. So I talked to my mom and it was put away.

    I went for a gorgeous 5 mile hilly run outside yesterday in the snow! I had a pretty decent pace considering the weather (kept it at about 8:50 minute miles). Now there are a few more inches so I won't be running outside today. I was slipping and almost fell a few times yesterday so I'm paying for a month to use the local gym right near the house.

    I hope everyone has a great week!

    I am so proud of you for talking to your mom and getting the candy moved to the cabinet. Way to go. We have had 8 inches of snow fall in the last two days and I love walking in the snow.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member

    Okay.......That is IT!!!!!! I just got home from baton twilring lessons. I had 2 new little ones, ages 4 & 6......In the middle of lessons, the littlest one just pointed to her stomach and asked, "Are you just fat"????? HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! I about died, but had to admit.....yes, I am just fat!!!!!! Out of the mouths of BABES!!!! I am even more determined now to loose this pooch that I have !!!!

    It was hard to be too offended because she was so dang cute!!! :blushing: tell the hard core facts sometimes, which is good for us adults!~!

    Aren't kids just too honest. I am sorry but I have to admit the story is funny. I have did daycare for years and now am on the opposite side of the spectrum and worked in assisted living and both sets are so honest and open. Glad that you didn't let it hurt your feelings. HUGS!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Yvonne - I'm right with you on that plateau, although mine seems a bit wobbly. I seem to have been gaining and losing the same 2lb for the last 2 months and it's starting to annoy me. I'm not giving up though - I've come this far and I'm nnot going back!! Let's hope I can shake the 2lb off again this week and then carry on downwards.

    Allison, hoping you have a great week!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good day, worked, went to gym, fixed healthy dinner, laundry, redecorated dumb tree, stayed in my calories, had no sweets. I am going to soak in the hot tub and then to bed. Tired but feeling good.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!! I just finished up my exercise for today. I hope today is just as good as yesterday was. I ate great and did not go over my calories. I did my exercise and I drank my water, I will do it again today and for the rest of the week.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    There you guys are. I lost you somehow. I thought maybe I got dumped off. I am doing okay. I am on C25k week 5 day 2. It is harder and I don't think I am ready for the 20 minutes. I am going to stay where I am for a while and see how it goes. Have a great Tuesday.
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