No More Excuses - Week 6

Here we go!!!


  • Angel1029
    Man has it been 6 weeks already?!?!?! Wow time goes by fast. I know I don't comment much (at all really) but I have been working my butt off. I've been doing P90X, and I also try to work out with the kids for an hour in the evenings. It's just too cold to go outside and play with them and it gets dark too early. Well I hope everyone else is doing well.
    Keep up the good work!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Well this week, I had no change and I think that is wonderful considering how bad I have been the last four days. I hope to hit it hard this week because I have a feeling that the week of Christmas will be rough again also.

    Hope everybody is having a wonderful day. I will get the chart up as soon as I get some more weights.
  • littlebigbird
    Amanda - I'm so pleased for you after you were so worried about gaining a lot this week. I was hoping the scales would be kind to you so well done on maintaining!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I am deteremined, I am strong, I am motivated!!! Today! :laugh:

    I am getting ready to go to church and just put on pants I haven't worn in two years. I have this stretchy top on and asked dh, "does this look hoish"? He is like is that even a word! I don't care about the word, look at me! :laugh: This afternoon we have middle daughter's Christmas program and sometime I will fit some exercise in. It will have to be on that stupid bike because there is four inches of snow outside and the gym is closed on Sundays!
  • running_girl_84
    Drum Roll please.....

    Last week weigh-in: 160.4lbs
    This week: 155.8lbs!!!!!!

    I have no idea how that happened. I'm so surprised. I weighed myself right when I got up this morning about 8 different times and it said the same thing. It's the same kind of scale I had in the states and I even put some dumbells on it to make sure it was accurate because I just couldn't believe it.

    -4.6lbs :)
  • littlebigbird
    Michelle - that's incredible!! Well done. I think you've probably got my weight loss for this week in there too - I haven't weighed yet but I'm not expecting to have lost anything! :tongue:
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Wow -4.6 in one week.

    My goal for this coming week is -4.7 :wink:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Michelle, that is AWESOME! Way to Go!
  • Angel1029
    Wow, 4.6 lbs!!! That is great! Way to go.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I have to be honest I am sort of peeved right now and thinking about I will go eat something or drink a Coke. I just had to undecorated the Christmas tree as it died. I called the store and they will replace it if the dead tree is brought in. I just took the ornaments and lights off, which was the easiest part as the dead needles went all over the living room and made a huge mess. I am tired and just want to cry. BUT I wont as the day must go on!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Okay that last post was a whine fest. I am thankful I have a warm house to put a tree in, that there are presents under it and I have family, friends and love to warm my winter. It is all good, there are people without anything. I am happy and I didn't cave and eat or drink anything but water either. Life is good!
  • tigermom79
    Drum Roll please.....

    Last week weigh-in: 160.4lbs
    This week: 155.8lbs!!!!!!

    I have no idea how that happened. I'm so surprised. I weighed myself right when I got up this morning about 8 different times and it said the same thing. It's the same kind of scale I had in the states and I even put some dumbells on it to make sure it was accurate because I just couldn't believe it.

    -4.6lbs :)

    That is totally awsome!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tigermom79
    Okay that last post was a whine fest. I am thankful I have a warm house to put a tree in, that there are presents under it and I have family, friends and love to warm my winter. It is all good, there are people without anything. I am happy and I didn't cave and eat or drink anything but water either. Life is good!

    Sometimes it just feels good to whine!!!! :tongue: Good for you for pulling yourself through and not caving in to eating!!!! I on the other hand have been baking all day and of course had to taste test. :noway:
  • yvonneh
    Amanda, everybody needs to whine sometimes! My friend says it's like getting the poison out of your system.

    That said, I"m going to whine just a bit. It's been a month and all I've lost is .5 pounds! I' hovering around the 180 mark and really want to get below it. I've stuck to my calories, and exercised everyday. This seems to happen everytime I diet, unless I do something really extreme like Atkins, and then the weight just comes back. I have lost about an inch each on hips and bust, plus my husband said it looks like I'm starting to lose weight, but with all the work, it seems like I should see more results! However, with those small changes combined with this group, I can stick with it.

    Unfortunately, my frustration expressed itself day before yesterday with a little Christmas cookie episode, but I still exercised and although I didn't lose any, I didn't gain either, I vented my frustrations earlier by doing some yardwork - cutting down the flower vines for the winter, planting a few cold weather flowers. It made me feel better (plus I burned around 500-600 calories doing it.)

    OK - done whining. I hope everyone has a great Sunday night and a great Week 6!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Yvonne - what are your calories set at? and how active are you? Are you eating enough?

    I am truly sorry that scale won't move!!!!!
  • tigermom79
    Amanda, everybody needs to whine sometimes! My friend says it's like getting the poison out of your system.

    That said, I"m going to whine just a bit. It's been a month and all I've lost is .5 pounds! I' hovering around the 180 mark and really want to get below it. I've stuck to my calories, and exercised everyday. This seems to happen everytime I diet, unless I do something really extreme like Atkins, and then the weight just comes back. I have lost about an inch each on hips and bust, plus my husband said it looks like I'm starting to lose weight, but with all the work, it seems like I should see more results! However, with those small changes combined with this group, I can stick with it.

    Unfortunately, my frustration expressed itself day before yesterday with a little Christmas cookie episode, but I still exercised and although I didn't lose any, I didn't gain either, I vented my frustrations earlier by doing some yardwork - cutting down the flower vines for the winter, planting a few cold weather flowers. It made me feel better (plus I burned around 500-600 calories doing it.)

    OK - done whining. I hope everyone has a great Sunday night and a great Week 6!

    yvonneh....I agree venting (or whining) does us all good at times. It is so very hard to turn down cookies, candy and sweets of all kinds this time of year. I think we will all have our weakin the next couple of weeks. We are all hear for shoulders to lean on and to help pull each other out of your times of frustration.

    Now as far as supporting you....I am no expert but are you drinking your water every day? That makes such a huge difference for me. Inches are a huge thing as well as the actual weight. Be proud of those moments as well. Keep to it, and you will see success.

  • amaline
    Yvonneh I feel your pain! When I first started out I lost about 4kg pretty quickly - I didn't have scale so wasn't really keeping track. As soon as I bought a scale I was like "wooohoo 4kg!" and then since then it has hardly moved at all! Grrr. I have however noticed a lot more definition - you can almost see my abs now! So if you know you are doing everything right then I would focus on how your clothes fit and how you feel rather than the number on the scale. If your hubby is as oblivious as most guys I know then the fact he noticed is a great sign!

    Can I jump on the whinge fest band wagon as well? There is a construction site right outside my window and at the moment it is operating from 5am to 11pm at night, sometimes even later. It is driving me insane as I just can't get enough sleep and my sleeping patterns are getting all messed up. I nearly went out on the balcony and screamed at them early on Sunday morning. GRRRR. Hopefully they finish soon or I may just end up on the news as the crazy lady who attacked a construction site.

    Congrats to all if you who lost this week! great work :bigsmile:
  • tigermom79
    Yvonneh I feel your pain! When I first started out I lost about 4kg pretty quickly - I didn't have scale so wasn't really keeping track. As soon as I bought a scale I was like "wooohoo 4kg!" and then since then it has hardly moved at all! Grrr. I have however noticed a lot more definition - you can almost see my abs now! So if you know you are doing everything right then I would focus on how your clothes fit and how you feel rather than the number on the scale. If your hubby is as oblivious as most guys I know then the fact he noticed is a great sign!

    Can I jump on the whinge fest band wagon as well? There is a construction site right outside my window and at the moment it is operating from 5am to 11pm at night, sometimes even later. It is driving me insane as I just can't get enough sleep and my sleeping patterns are getting all messed up. I nearly went out on the balcony and screamed at them early on Sunday morning. GRRRR. Hopefully they finish soon or I may just end up on the news as the crazy lady who attacked a construction site.

    Congrats to all if you who lost this week! great work :bigsmile:

    Oh Amaline!!!!! Please don't attack construction workers.....They have big hammers!!!:bigsmile: Don't you have any kind of noise ordinances there? I know here they can't make any construction noise or anything from like 7 to 8 or something like that. GEEZ...especially in a residential neighborhood, you think they would have a little more compassion. Hope they settle down for you!

    Take care,
  • amaline

    Oh Amaline!!!!! Please don't attack construction workers.....They have big hammers!!!:bigsmile: Don't you have any kind of noise ordinances there? I know here they can't make any construction noise or anything from like 7 to 8 or something like that. GEEZ...especially in a residential neighborhood, you think they would have a little more compassion. Hope they settle down for you!

    Take care,

    :laugh: well, they probably do have rules like that in theory - but in China (where I live at the moment) it seems that laws in general are merely a guideline and definitely don't apply to people that can flash the cash! I can't even complain as I don't speak the language well enough. My friend did write me a note in chinese complaining that I handed over but with no effect. I guess I can chalk it up as part of the experience of living in another culture. The one good thing is that they seem to build things amazingly fast here so it should be over soon. At least I will appreciate the peace and quiet all the more when i go home!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Amaline - I am sorry about all the noise. Is it 12 more days until you are home??

    I have to brag for a minute, we had dd1's Christmas program tonight and she was suppose to be a carolers. Well at the last minute a kid with a speaking part didn't show up, so they throw in that spot. No practice, no rehersal, no nothing. She did awesome!!!!!