No More Excuses - Week 8

AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support

Here we go on week 8. Jack, you are kicking tushy!!!! :drinker:

I didn't get very many weights but this is what we have so far. Let's finish out 2009 kicking butt and taking names!!!!


  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    My goals for the week are:

    01) to exercise every day, this should be feasible as we now have the Wii and I can always do something on there

    02) give up Coke :cry: :cry: (I think this is super important but I just haven't did it yet, I am down from 5 or 6 a day to 1 though)

    03) enjoy the rest of 2009 and ring in 2010 in a healthy way!!!!
  • Can I join you guys in posting. Can you let me know how to join. It would be nice to keep track with others.
  • Welcome to the group Overfifty1957 - good to have you on board.

    Amanda - as ever, thanks for keeping track of all our progress. So glad you're enjoying the Wii. Have you been doing the Body Test on it? How does it compare with your scales? I like the cardiovascular exercises, but I'm completely useless at the balance ones. :tongue:

    So - I was delighted to have lost a pound last week, and I really hope I manage to keep if off for good now and hit my goal of getting under 11 stone (154lb) for the New Year. I've been swimming this morning so I'm feeling good so far, but we're going to an old schoolfriend's for dinner this evening so I'll have to watch out.

    Hope everyone's enjoying the post Christmas lull and having fun playing with their presents.
    Alison x
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Monday morning all. I have a busy work day today since of course I put all of my work from Wednesday off until today. I am famous for that. I'll have to try to squeeze some exercise in somewhere today. All the holiday food is gone so at least that part will be a little easier. Have a great day!
  • Good morning all! Will post in a bit.....
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    My goal is to put a "0" as my second number this week.

    Today is going to be a bad day though, going to in laws to celebrate Xmas. There will be frosted sugar cookies. (that's like my Kryptonite)

    Tried on an old pair of size 38 jeans this morning. I actaully HAVE to wear a belt with them. I see new clothes in my future.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hi Everyone. I have gotten a reality check this morning and feeling kinda depressed about it, but I will not let this get me down. I have gained 21 pounds of the 52 pounds I had lost back. I have to get back at it and stay with it. I am just glad that I have not gained it all back like I have done in the past but I will do this, if it takes me forever. I think I am going to change my ticker and focus on some smaller goals right now, meaning I changed it to get down to 200 pounds and then when I meet that goal I will set another one. So, I am back on it as of today, I was going to wait till the 1st but I will not, I don't want to gain any more than I already have back SO NO MORE EXCUSES Laura!!!!!
  • always you do such a good job. Good goals for the week.

    Overfifty.....of course you can join us. You will find that we are a very supportive group and love to hear what is going on in everyone's lives. We try and set goals for ourselves for the next week and we weigh in on Sundays by sending your weight to Amanda. The name of our group is our motto.... Welcome and jump right in.

    Alison....Good for you to loose...I was not that lucky but I did it to myself. I didn't gain either so I am happy.

    Tammy.....Try not to work too hard today. Take a few minutes for yourself.

    Jack.....You are amazing. Have fun at your inlaws and treat yourself to a cookie and just work it in :)

    Let's see....myy goals for this week are:

    To make it to Curves 5 times

    Log all my food (didn't do so hot last week)

    Work out on the WII for 30 minutes 3 times this week.

    Okay....I have a ? forall of you. Anyone heard of the alternate day diet. It is where you eat whatever you want everyother day, and then on the other days you are very restricted. Like 500-600 calories. I got the book and the recipes for the restricted days look horrible. They also look time consuming to prepare. I don't think it is a diet for me.

    I am off work till after the first of the year/. YEAH!!!:bigsmile: I'm sure I will find my way into the office....I usually do.

    Everyone have a great day.....This has taken me forever....I am on my husband's little tiny Notepad.....I like it but the keyboard is so little......
  • Hi Everyone. I have gotten a reality check this morning and feeling kinda depressed about it, but I will not let this get me down. I have gained 21 pounds of the 52 pounds I had lost back. I have to get back at it and stay with it. I am just glad that I have not gained it all back like I have done in the past but I will do this, if it takes me forever. I think I am going to change my ticker and focus on some smaller goals right now, meaning I changed it to get down to 200 pounds and then when I meet that goal I will set another one. So, I am back on it as of today, I was going to wait till the 1st but I will not, I don't want to gain any more than I already have back SO NO MORE EXCUSES Laura!!!!!

    I am so glad that you haven't given up on yourself. That is a huge step in the right direction. We are here for you. I like your idea of a smaller goal. I do think that will help you a lot so that you are not overwhelmed. Good luck!!!!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hi Everyone. I have gotten a reality check this morning and feeling kinda depressed about it, but I will not let this get me down. I have gained 21 pounds of the 52 pounds I had lost back. I have to get back at it and stay with it. I am just glad that I have not gained it all back like I have done in the past but I will do this, if it takes me forever. I think I am going to change my ticker and focus on some smaller goals right now, meaning I changed it to get down to 200 pounds and then when I meet that goal I will set another one. So, I am back on it as of today, I was going to wait till the 1st but I will not, I don't want to gain any more than I already have back SO NO MORE EXCUSES Laura!!!!!

    I am so glad that you haven't given up on yourself. That is a huge step in the right direction. We are here for you. I like your idea of a smaller goal. I do think that will help you a lot so that you are not overwhelmed. Good luck!!!!!

    Thanks Tigermom. I guess I kinda got overwhelmed by seeing that I need to lose 172 pounds, so if I do it in stages and when I make it to the goal that I have set, set another that will help.
  • Jack - you're doing brilliantly. Don't worry about the odd biscuit (cookie - sorry!) - you'll work it off again in one of your mega-workouts!

    Tigermom - well done on not gaining over Christmas. That's an achievement in itself!

    Tammy - don't overdo it!

    Laura - I'm so happy you haven't given up. You lost those 21 pounds before and you will lose them again, you just have to believe in yourself. I know it can seem overwhelming when you have a lot to lose, and you're very wise to set yourelf smaller goals. I've been losing and gaining the same 3 pounds for the last 2 months, but I'm not prepared to give up. However many times my friends say to me "maybe you've reached your natural weight now", I know I've still got another 25-30 pounds to go before I get into the "healthy" BMI range. My current goal is just to lose another 2 pounds to get under 11 stone, then I'll decide what the next goal should be - and that way if feels more achievable.

    Hope you're all having a lovely day.
    Alison x
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Jack - you're doing brilliantly. Don't worry about the odd biscuit (cookie - sorry!) - you'll work it off again in one of your mega-workouts!

    Tigermom - well done on not gaining over Christmas. That's an achievement in itself!

    Tammy - don't overdo it!

    Laura - I'm so happy you haven't given up. You lost those 21 pounds before and you will lose them again, you just have to believe in yourself. I know it can seem overwhelming when you have a lot to lose, and you're very wise to set yourelf smaller goals. I've been losing and gaining the same 3 pounds for the last 2 months, but I'm not prepared to give up. However many times my friends say to me "maybe you've reached your natural weight now", I know I've still got another 25-30 pounds to go before I get into the "healthy" BMI range. My current goal is just to lose another 2 pounds to get under 11 stone, then I'll decide what the next goal should be - and that way if feels more achievable.

    Hope you're all having a lovely day.
    Alison x

    Thanks so much for the very kind words. I know I can lose the 21 pounds back, just wish I hadn't gained them to start with, but I am not going to do the I shoulda, woulda, coulda game, I am just getting right back on it and doing this thing. I set the smaller goals b/c I think I was just getting too overwhelmed by seeing the fact that I need to lose 172 pounds to get to a healthy BMI, I will still get there no matter how I do it, by setting smaller goals and then reaching them, and then setting more goals once I reach the previous goal. I just got finished doing my exercise and I feel tired but great, so I am going to work hard to keep it up and do what I am susposed to do.
  • Hello everyone,

    I'm up two this week, but this always happens when I travel, then within 3-4 days it's gone. I think it must be I don't get enough water, or my routines get all messed up.

    Laura - I understand how you feel. At one point I had lost 80 pounds, and over the years 40 of it has crept back. But I'm glad you are sticking with it! Really, we have to stick with it, because we'd feel even worse if we give up and then have to lose it all again. And I really think logging food & exercise will become a way of life. It helps me to know that this time I have a tool to keep in control of my life and not gain it back.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm up two this week, but this always happens when I travel, then within 3-4 days it's gone. I think it must be I don't get enough water, or my routines get all messed up.

    Laura - I understand how you feel. At one point I had lost 80 pounds, and over the years 40 of it has crept back. But I'm glad you are sticking with it! Really, we have to stick with it, because we'd feel even worse if we give up and then have to lose it all again. And I really think logging food & exercise will become a way of life. It helps me to know that this time I have a tool to keep in control of my life and not gain it back.

    thanks, I am going to keep at it.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Can I join you guys in posting. Can you let me know how to join. It would be nice to keep track with others.

    Welcome! :flowerforyou: Glad you joined us!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Welcome to the group Overfifty1957 - good to have you on board.

    Amanda - as ever, thanks for keeping track of all our progress. So glad you're enjoying the Wii. Have you been doing the Body Test on it? How does it compare with your scales? I like the cardiovascular exercises, but I'm completely useless at the balance ones. :tongue:

    So - I was delighted to have lost a pound last week, and I really hope I manage to keep if off for good now and hit my goal of getting under 11 stone (154lb) for the New Year. I've been swimming this morning so I'm feeling good so far, but we're going to an old schoolfriend's for dinner this evening so I'll have to watch out.

    Hope everyone's enjoying the post Christmas lull and having fun playing with their presents.
    Alison x

    Allison, I am so proud of you for losing a pound during Christmas. That is impressive!! WTG!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good Monday morning all. I have a busy work day today since of course I put all of my work from Wednesday off until today. I am famous for that. I'll have to try to squeeze some exercise in somewhere today. All the holiday food is gone so at least that part will be a little easier. Have a great day!

    Tammy hope you had a great day and manage to find some time to breathe in between all that work! HUGS!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    My goal is to put a "0" as my second number this week.

    Today is going to be a bad day though, going to in laws to celebrate Xmas. There will be frosted sugar cookies. (that's like my Kryptonite)

    Tried on an old pair of size 38 jeans this morning. I actaully HAVE to wear a belt with them. I see new clothes in my future.

    Jack as well as you are doing, I can see you making this goal although even if you don't you should be proud of all you have accomplished so far. Have fun at the in-laws!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hi Everyone. I have gotten a reality check this morning and feeling kinda depressed about it, but I will not let this get me down. I have gained 21 pounds of the 52 pounds I had lost back. I have to get back at it and stay with it. I am just glad that I have not gained it all back like I have done in the past but I will do this, if it takes me forever. I think I am going to change my ticker and focus on some smaller goals right now, meaning I changed it to get down to 200 pounds and then when I meet that goal I will set another one. So, I am back on it as of today, I was going to wait till the 1st but I will not, I don't want to gain any more than I already have back SO NO MORE EXCUSES Laura!!!!!

    Laura, good for you to jump back on now instead of waiting. You can do this, I have faith in you!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member always you do such a good job. Good goals for the week.

    Overfifty.....of course you can join us. You will find that we are a very supportive group and love to hear what is going on in everyone's lives. We try and set goals for ourselves for the next week and we weigh in on Sundays by sending your weight to Amanda. The name of our group is our motto.... Welcome and jump right in.

    Alison....Good for you to loose...I was not that lucky but I did it to myself. I didn't gain either so I am happy.

    Tammy.....Try not to work too hard today. Take a few minutes for yourself.

    Jack.....You are amazing. Have fun at your inlaws and treat yourself to a cookie and just work it in :)

    Let's see....myy goals for this week are:

    To make it to Curves 5 times

    Log all my food (didn't do so hot last week)

    Work out on the WII for 30 minutes 3 times this week.

    Okay....I have a ? forall of you. Anyone heard of the alternate day diet. It is where you eat whatever you want everyother day, and then on the other days you are very restricted. Like 500-600 calories. I got the book and the recipes for the restricted days look horrible. They also look time consuming to prepare. I don't think it is a diet for me.

    I am off work till after the first of the year/. YEAH!!!:bigsmile: I'm sure I will find my way into the office....I usually do.

    Everyone have a great day.....This has taken me forever....I am on my husband's little tiny Notepad.....I like it but the keyboard is so little......

    Ann, hope you are having a great day! IMO, this would be an awful diet to be on. I couldn't do it,, I would binge on the high calories days. I am glad you don't think it is a diet for you!
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