No More Excuses- Week 4



  • I had a great week last week with working out and eating. I lost almost 5lbs and ran a total of 33.70miles. Goals for this week: 30 miles running and three days strength training at the gym. I bought a new pair of running shoes and yesterday went out for a 6.6mile run and came home with 2 fresh blood blisters. Not fun! No running today - 60minutes elliptical and 30minutes weights.
  • Thanksgiving005.jpg

    Ann, there you go! I am bummed because during the year the "S" in snow fell off and it is lost. My sis is making me another one and I am impatiently waiting for it. :grumble:

    I LOVE this!!! I am making myself one now!!! :laugh: Thanks for sharing!
  • Good morning all! I will definately try to get some pictures posted. However, I think I have wrapped a lot of them already. Will see what I can do!!! :)

    Looking forward to a great day. Didn't really want to come back to work, but that is okay. I made my appointment at Curves for tonight at 4:00 as soon as I get off! YIPEE!!! Then after that, I am off to teach twirling! That is always fun and have missed my girls for the last couple of weeks because of schedule stuff!!!

    Talk to everyone soon!!! :)
  • 11kimberly11
    11kimberly11 Posts: 65 Member
    Well I earned it that's for sure! new weight 158! 4 pounds gained cuz I splurged all week and weekend1 Now that's thanksgiving is done to get back on track and lose 9 lbs by Christmas!
  • Well now I can't get the picture to post. Will keep trying!
  • I'm so impressed with all the weight so many of you lost, even over Thanksgiving!

    I stuck to my calories (except for one meal on Thanksgiving I didn't count, but it wasn't over the top) and exercised, but seem to be stuck in the 180's. It will feel so good when I get to the 170's!

    Also, I was thinking of buying a small stepper for the house for days it's raining or really cold. Has anyone tried one?
    The one I'm considering is:
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    This weekend got to me, i had 2 thanksgivings, and a college football game, so i didnt lose any needless to say, sux cuz the beginning of th week i did awesome but im not gonna let it get me down! Im still at 159 but im shooting to lose 3 lbs this week! Lets have a great week guys!!
  • Yvonne - i haven't tried a twist stepper. I just have a regular Reebok step and a few DVDs that I enjoy using.

    Everyone who stuck or gained over Thanksgiving - please don't beat yourselves up. We are all trying to get in shape but we mustn't let that goal spoil lovely family occasions for us. I know you're all getting back on track now and I'm sure you'll reap the fruits of your hard work this time next week.
  • I just got back from a family visit,also my laptop wasn't working so I couldn't get online,
    but I found it hard to eat healthily on my visit because of my surroundings and the slight lifestyle change,
    it was a really hectic weekend,anyway I want to get back on track,and I know for sure I have definately gained,
    I have been a bit wild over the last 4 days. =/
  • I am PUMPED!!!!!:bigsmile: I loved Curves. I went right after work. As I pulled into the parking lot a very dear friend of mine was riding up on her bike. "I didn't know you came to Curves." she said. My response, "This is my first night!". "YOU WILL LOVE IT" she says. Boy was she right. I was very intimidated because this is a small town and everyone one knows everyone, and me being the only baton twirling teacher and pretty active in the community. EVERYONE knows me! Kind of scary. Because I am a person that likes to be in control and know my surroundings.....I think was part of my problem about initially going! As I suspected I knew just about everyone in there and if I didn't know them the knew me anyway.... My son works with the gal that works there at night. The lady that registered me referred to me as "The baton lady!" Small towns are wonderful.....but sometimes....!

    Well, because I am one that likes to know stuff before committing I had already been on line and found out all but the cost......So I was anxious for the gal to get through her speil. I just wanted to get on the machines!!! :indifferent:

    Finally we began. Holy Moly! It was great! I can't wait until tomorrow night to get to go back! I just hope this enthusiasm continues. Carole (my friend) said she would stay on me so that I continue! I have found if I have to pay for something I make myself get my monies worth out of it. (It's the Scotch in me) far as our challenge goes this week. Thank you, thank you.....because it was a challenge, I have made myself do the cruntches, toe touches, and the side bends. Amanda....Girlfriend.....those side bends are the BOMB!!! I am so sore! But in a good way.

    Everyone have a restful night. I am also hoping that these workouts will help me to sleep better at night. This premenopausal stuff is for the birds if you ask me! Oh well, better than the alternative!!! :)
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Ann, I am so glad that you enjoyed it. That is me, since I paid for the gym membership I am going to use it. You better believe it. Got out of work late today and only had 20 minutes, but I had already paid for it so you can bet I went for my 20 minutes.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Ann and Amanda...Great job exercising today. Ann...I am glad you are enjoying Curve's. I didn't get any exercise today. We all had dental appointments this morning and that threw my whole day off. I ended up working this evening instead of this morning. Tomorrow is my gym day and I'm going first thing in the morning before I talk myself out of it. Hope everyone sleeps well. Night.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    My weight right now is 163.0. My goal for January 1st is 158.0lbs.

    Alright that sounds like my sort of weight goal as well... let's give it a go and really try hard this month! Yeah for us.. I feel positive already!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    :happy: Alright -- I should post my happenings a bit.. back still hurts but I did the cardio P90X workout today as I left my running shoes at home.. ugh! So, I am contemplating doubling up workouts -- one morning/one night about 3X a week... I will try 2X this week as I feel a cold coming on and my back issue but.. will work up -- gotta lose this extra cushion!!

    Way to go team everyone is doing so well and staying positive...

    I didn't see a challenge for the week so thinking we should switch to sit ups! 10-20 of 'em about 3-4 x this week (Extra from what you normally do!!).

    Good luck everyone -- life is what you make it to be!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Well, I weighed this morning and I am up to 258.8!!! I don't like it but I am not going to let this get the best of me, I started this journey 11 months ago today but feel as if I should have accomplished more than 33 pounds, although I am very proud of the fact that I have caught it now instead of when I gained all the weight back and then some. So, I am very glad for this post, and a note to myself NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Ann, are you talking sit-ups or such? If you are then - I challenge everybody to 25 sit-up each day, 25 toe touchs and then another really cool ab exercise. If you have hand weights it is better but basically you stand up with the weights in your hands and hands down at your sides. Then you bend toward one side and then back up. You just stand there and lean toward one side and then the other. I guarantee if you have weights you will feel this the next day. Do 25 every other day of those.

    TNTPete, great minds think alike. This is the challenge this week, taken from page 1! Get busy! :laugh:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    MOMOFTWO, I think 33 pounds is great and it is great that you caught it and are going to keep losing. Good for you! :flowerforyou:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I could cry, I just hopped on the scale and it said 159.5!!!!!!! I am so hoping for that number come next Sunday. I will have to be extra good and work super hard now. I am not sure whether to change my ticker or not. HMMMM!
  • I could cry, I just hopped on the scale and it said 159.5!!!!!!! I am so hoping for that number come next Sunday. I will have to be extra good and work super hard now. I am not sure whether to change my ticker or not. HMMMM!

    That is fantastic! You can do it until Sunday and then FOREVER!!!!!! You are out of the 160's!!!! YIPEE!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
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