No More Excuses- Week 4



  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Thanks Ann! :flowerforyou: I changed my ticker! :bigsmile:
  • dariahrose
    dariahrose Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats Amanda! That's wonderful!!! Keep it up...let's keep moving this week! I <3 this group. It's so motivating!

    Yesterday I was able to get on the elliptical for 40 mins (slowly working my way up) and did the ab challenge at the gym. Late night snacking is the devil though! But I snacked on those new Ritz cheddar cracker sandwiches instead of chips, and I only had one and it was still yummy!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    MOMOFTWO, I think 33 pounds is great and it is great that you caught it and are going to keep losing. Good for you! :flowerforyou:

    thank you Amanda. :flowerforyou:
  • running_girl_84
    I think I may just crush my goal weight of 158.0lbs this month. I had a little sneak peak at the scale this morning and it read 160.8lbs! I'm so close to the 150's. I tend to fluctuate a lot day to day so I'm really trying hard to only weigh myself once or twice a week. Key word: trying.

    I had a great workout at the gym. 5 mile run followed by a 1 mile walk and some ab work and leg weights. I'm feeling tired and HUNGRY. I'm off to make a healthy breakfast :)
  • tigermom79
    I think I may just crush my goal weight of 158.0lbs this month. I had a little sneak peak at the scale this morning and it read 160.8lbs! I'm so close to the 150's. I tend to fluctuate a lot day to day so I'm really trying hard to only weigh myself once or twice a week. Key word: trying.

    I had a great workout at the gym. 5 mile run followed by a 1 mile walk and some ab work and leg weights. I'm feeling tired and HUNGRY. I'm off to make a healthy breakfast :)

    Running Girl; Awesome!!! I bet you will be into the 150's in no time at all! Good for you!!!! I would love to be in the 150's prior to the end of the year but that is like 6 lbs away, so I would settle for 163 or so. Stay true to yourself and you will hit your goal!!!
  • andreaxmariexvnv
    Had a hard and stressful week. Seems everything is going down hill. Am I still in the group?
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Of course you are still in the group, silly!!! :tongue: I am sorry you have had a hard and stressful week. :flowerforyou: Move forward!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello all...Not feeling well this week. It is that TOM for me and I am grumpy and bloated. I seem to need chocolate so I had a Mallo Cup. I have been over on my calories 2 days in a row and missed the gym, but my husband is going with me in the morning. That should help get me there. Hope everyone is doing great. Talk to you soon.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Tam, I sincerely hope you are feeling better tomorrow. It seems the days I least feel like working out, it is the days that help me the most! (((HUGS))) :flowerforyou:
  • tigermom79
    Hello all...Not feeling well this week. It is that TOM for me and I am grumpy and bloated. I seem to need chocolate so I had a Mallo Cup. I have been over on my calories 2 days in a row and missed the gym, but my husband is going with me in the morning. That should help get me there. Hope everyone is doing great. Talk to you soon.

    Hey girl don't beat yourself up. That TOM is a valid "reason", not an "excuse". Big difference. Yo will get back with it as soon as you feel better. I think it is great that your husband is supporting you and going with you in the morning. That personal attention will help you through the tough times. I know you will feel better after you make it there.
  • tigermom79
    So...I had my first full circut workout tonight. It was great. My heartrate stayed right were it is suppose to in order to get the most out of the work out. After that went to my son's middle school bb game and watched him play great. They lost, but he played well offensively. He wasn't happy about his defensive play but had about 14 -16 pts, After that twirled a little with one of my students and then home to the family. It is amazing me how much more energy I seem to have at night since I started working out a little.

    Tonight I fixed a Taco Salad with ground turkey instead of hamburger. The middle schooler was a little skeptical when he saw me cooking the turkey, but after eating a full plate full said,"That was pretty good!!!" Hubby didn't even notice I don't think!!! YEAH!

    Now for confession. I haven't been keeping very good track of my calories, I hope I am doing okay. I feel pretty good about most of my choices, but I know I would do better if I would just keep track of the stupid things. :angry:

    Everyone have a restful night.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    ARGHHHHH!!!! My dearest dh just made chex mix and I know I ate too much of it, but to put a positive spin on it, I ate way less than I would have in the past! :grumble:
  • amaline
    Hey team!

    How is everyones week going? Ever since I booked my flights home every day seems to go sloooower and sloooower. Nice to have something to look forward to though.

    I started Week 4 of C25K today. I am really loving it which is amazing as I have never been a runner! I can't believe how much I improve week to week, it's such a great program. Only bad thing is the gym I go to has moved the treadmill to right in front of the mirror so now I have to look at myself all sweaty and red 3 times a week :laugh:

    I did our sit up challenge Monday but skipped yesterday as I went straight to bed when i got home, I was so tired! However I did double today to make up for it. Amanda those side ones are great! I love them!

    Keep up the good work everyone!

  • running_girl_84
    Nothing like news of an upcoming deployment to make you want to stuff your face. But that's an excuse and this whole group is "NO MORE EXCUSES!"

    I ate way too much for dinner last night. Applebee's. Enough said. Then ice cream for dessert. I had that disgusting bloated feeling afterwards.

    But today is a new day. I can't dwell on my husband leaving. I can't control the unknowns. What I can control is how I react to the situation and getting back into the habit of emotional eating and feeling guilty afterwards is not a path I am willing to embark on again. I'm over that. I'm better than that. Here's to good choices today!
  • tigermom79
    Nothing like news of an upcoming deployment to make you want to stuff your face. But that's an excuse and this whole group is "NO MORE EXCUSES!"

    I ate way too much for dinner last night. Applebee's. Enough said. Then ice cream for dessert. I had that disgusting bloated feeling afterwards.

    But today is a new day. I can't dwell on my husband leaving. I can't control the unknowns. What I can control is how I react to the situation and getting back into the habit of emotional eating and feeling guilty afterwards is not a path I am willing to embark on again. I'm over that. I'm better than that. Here's to good choices today!
    Running Girl;
    I am so sorry you and your family are having to face this with your husband. I just wish we could get all of our men and women home, not send more of them out! I for one, Thank you and your husband for his service and am confident he does his job well. I have many young family members facing the same situation and pray for all of their well being. Keep us posted and know that we are here to support you no matter what happens. You will be strong and not convert back to the stress eating! Prayers and HUGS to you!

  • tigermom79
    Good morning all!!!! Well here we are at the half way mark of the week!!! Here is a thought for the week!!!

    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
    — Sir Winston Churchill

    Remember we are all optimists and we see the opportunity to better our lives through each of our own personal difficulties! Have a happy and healthful day!!!
  • tigermom79
    Oh.....BAD< BAD< BAD......:grumble: I just had "another" piece of birthday cake. It was one of my employees birthday luncheon's today and I told myself I would have a small piece and that was it. Well......I was good until about 10 minutes ago! CRAP!!!:explode:

    Off to Curves and I guess I better WORK IT tonight!!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Running girl, I also want to thank you and your husband for your sacrifice for this great country. It is very much appreciated. Again thank you!!!:flowerforyou:
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Good evening everyone! I have been really busy with school work and house work the past few days. I am starting my master's program in January. I have also been having IEP meetings after school for my students which last at least an hour. Yesterday was not a good day.
    One of my students had two seizures (she was out of meds and we didn't know it). Her dad came and gave her the meds finally and she proceeded to projectile vomit across the room 5 mins after he left. Then I am in the bathroom trying to get her clean clothes and I have my head in the cabinet and come eyeball to eyeball with a mouse. I am TERRIFIED of mice. I start screaming and jump on the table and my kids are all laughing at me. To top it off, I had a migraine and was sick on my stomach. I ended up at the doctor's and got two shots....:cry:
    Anyway, I am glad today was better. I hope to get some exercise in. Have a great night everyone.
  • running_girl_84
    Thanks for the support :)