No More Excuses - Week 5



  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hope everybody is having a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Good evening Anne. Shall we do the 5 minute run thing together once you feel better? I thought I'd stick with 5 continuous minutes of running every time for the next few days, then try to start building it up a minute at a time with the aim of getting to 10 minutes within a month. Do you think that's realistic?

    Oh - and I teach English to adults in the local community. The area of north London I live in is like the world in miniature - extremely multi-cultural with big communities from Turkey, Somalia, Congo, Bangladesh parts of Eastern Europe etc etc. As I teach during the day my classes are full of women who come to learn while their children are at school. The students are incredibly appreciative and they all get on really well together despite their limited English and major cultural differences!!

    OK - treadmill here I come. Catch you all later xx

    I taught English for three years in S. Korea to both adults, teenagers and kids. That's cool that you come in contact with so many people from different backgrounds.
  • Hope everybody is having a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    Hi Amanda. I'm loving your new picture - you look fab!!

    Running-girl - teaching English is great fun, except for all of the planning/paperwork etc.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    As it stands right now I have a weight gain of 4.5 pounds from last week. Logically I know I didn't consume enough calories for that to happen, but still............
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I have had a pretty decent week. I made it to the gym today and stayed under my calories but the scale has not budged. I don't think I will be down 2 pounds this week. I am trying to drink more water but I don't like it. I never have and it is very hard for me to stick with it. I am trying to drink less tea and a little more Crystal Light. Maybe just cutting the caffeine will help. I got most of my Christmas shopping finished today, just a few more things to pick up next week. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Will send my weight on Sunday. Sleep well MFP friends.

    Amanda...You are probably just retaining fluid if you had a lot of sodium. Don't let it get you down. It will disappear.
  • Amanda - Don't let the scales get you down. You're right that you can't possibly have gained 4 and a half pounds because that would mean you'd eaten more than 15,000 calories more than you'd burned, and you know you haven't. As you once wisely said to me . . . look at your ticker and keep the bigger picture in mind. I'm sure when Sunday morning comes around you'll be pleasantly surprised.

    Tammy - well done on staying within your calories. I can really relate to what you say about drinking water. I'm fine at work where we have water coolers because I love really cold water. At home I tend to drink my water with sugar-free Ribena (which I guess might be something like Crysal Light). As far as I'm concerned as long as I manage to consume more liquids without also having sugar or caffeine, I'm happy.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Well, I blew it calorie wise today but back on it tomorrow.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Roller coaster week for me, started off terrible, but finished very well.

    Today, I added two more machines (abs) to my circuit training wokout. I am sure I will be paying for it the next two days.

    This week was my 6th week in a row where I have worked out every day Mon-Fri. I am not sure I am getting any stronger, but I can definately run further. The diet is going well, but I can not tell you how much I miss Mexican food and French Fries!!!!!! Kids got McD tonight, and I could practically taste them. I tried the Taco Bell Fresco Menu today, it was ok, but still really high in sodium.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Jack, I understand about Mexican food, I could eat it every day for lunch and dinner and still be happy. I love it all just about. Tacos, enchiladas, tamales, arroz con pollo to name a few. :smile:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Jack has a pic, how cool is that. :happy:

    Running-girl, did you get your knock them dead dress. How exciting! I bet you will be beautiful in it!

    Dragonfly - hi again!!

    Laura, getting back on tomorrow is is the important thing. I have had some crappy days this week. Hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    Allison, thanks for the encouragement. It is is appreciated!

    Tammy, Ann, Amy hope you are all well!

    If I forgot anybody I am sorry. Thinking of you all!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Allison, I would love to do the 5 minute run challenge also. Please let me know when you are going to start it!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    That picture came immediately following an alpine sliding accident where I skid about 50 feet on concrete after my top heavy sled tipped over while going about 20 mph. I look nice and fat in this picture, so I thought it was a good one for this site. I think I was easily over 230 in that picture.
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hello everyone!
    Allison - Your job sounds very interesting. My fiance is from North Africa and speaks five languages. I am trying to learn Berber which is what his family mostly speaks (in addition to French and Arabic mixed in). My class is actually doing a Christmas Around the World project next week. And Santa is coming on Wednesday to visit. I am so excited....
    Laura - Keep your chin up and start fresh tomorrow!! I'll be sending you happy thoughts.
    Jack - so nice to see you.
    Thanks to everyone for their nice posts and Amanda for her message when I was sick. I can't tell you what it means to me. Keep me in your thoughts. Monday is our final weigh in at work for The Biggest Loser and the competition has dwindled down. I might actually have a chance...:noway:
    Have a fab weekend!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Go Christy with the Biggest Loser competition, Go!
  • Good evening Anne. Shall we do the 5 minute run thing together once you feel better? I thought I'd stick with 5 continuous minutes of running every time for the next few days, then try to start building it up a minute at a time with the aim of getting to 10 minutes within a month. Do you think that's realistic?

    Oh - and I teach English to adults in the local community. The area of north London I live in is like the world in miniature - extremely multi-cultural with big communities from Turkey, Somalia, Congo, Bangladesh parts of Eastern Europe etc etc. As I teach during the day my classes are full of women who come to learn while their children are at school. The students are incredibly appreciative and they all get on really well together despite their limited English and major cultural differences!!

    OK - treadmill here I come. Catch you all later xx

    I would love to do the 5 min run together. What a great idea!!! I think I am up to trying my treadmill today. Thanks for the encouragment.

    What a cool job you have! You will have to post pictures of your class. Give them all a Big American Hello for me!!!!

    Have a great Saturday!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Hello ladies, it is Saturday morning for me and the first time since Monday afternoon that I haven't felt sick. I am so behind in housework and I have a ton of jewellery orders to complete (I have a home business) so I need to get my husband to take the kids out today so that I can get some work done.

    Tomorrow I play soccer so it will be my first workout in a whole week, I rarely go that long without working out!

    Good luck with exercise and eating today everyone!!!
    xx Kim
  • Well, I blew it calorie wise today but back on it tomorrow.

    No worries.....Happens to everyone!!! As you said...tomorrow (now today) is a new day. Make the most of it and you will do great!
  • Roller coaster week for me, started off terrible, but finished very well.

    Today, I added two more machines (abs) to my circuit training wokout. I am sure I will be paying for it the next two days.

    This week was my 6th week in a row where I have worked out every day Mon-Fri. I am not sure I am getting any stronger, but I can definately run further. The diet is going well, but I can not tell you how much I miss Mexican food and French Fries!!!!!! Kids got McD tonight, and I could practically taste them. I tried the Taco Bell Fresco Menu today, it was ok, but still really high in sodium.

    I totally understand about Mexican Food it is my fav.... Don't deprive yourself though because then you will go overboard when you do have some. Take just a little and then move on. There is something said for QUANTITY!!!!!:wink:
  • Hello everyone!
    Allison - Your job sounds very interesting. My fiance is from North Africa and speaks five languages. I am trying to learn Berber which is what his family mostly speaks (in addition to French and Arabic mixed in). My class is actually doing a Christmas Around the World project next week. And Santa is coming on Wednesday to visit. I am so excited....
    Laura - Keep your chin up and start fresh tomorrow!! I'll be sending you happy thoughts.
    Jack - so nice to see you.
    Thanks to everyone for their nice posts and Amanda for her message when I was sick. I can't tell you what it means to me. Keep me in your thoughts. Monday is our final weigh in at work for The Biggest Loser and the competition has dwindled down. I might actually have a chance...:noway:
    Have a fab weekend!

    You go GIRL!!!! Can we "call in and vote for you" !!!! :wink: Keep us posted on how it comes out.
  • Well as you can see.....I'm making up for lost time last night. For some reason my computer was acting strange....those dad gome GREMLINS!!!!

    Didn't get much done last night as I was listening to our local Holiday Shoot Out Basketball tournament on the radio. Both our Boys and Girls HS teams were playing. Colby (our 4th) graduated last year and was on the team all 4 years of HS. Their team last year won the championship for the first time in forever. So of course it is still in my blood! They have won their first 2 games and the championship one is today so they have a shot at a 2 in a row victory. That would be cool for those that are seniors. The girls team is not have so much luck. They lost their first 2 so are buying for last or next to last!!!! YUCK! Will have the radio on all day listening as well, but am going to the boys game tonight!!!! Nothing beats being there in person!

    My goal for today is to eat right and to get Christmas wrapped up.....litterally! Then to hit the treadmill to see if I am up to the 5 minutes of running.....probably will be more like jogging, but that is a start.

    Well....sorry to be so long winded. Everyone have a super fantastic day!

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