No More Excuses - Week 5



  • I went out for a 7 mile run in the freezing cold weather. As I was doing my 10minute cooldown walk on the way back to my apartment, I noticed people looking at me a bit funny. I didn't think much of it until I got home and looked in the mirror - my face was bright red and I had clumps of ice hanging from my hair and ice all over my jacket and hat. I was quite a sight! Needless to say I took a long hot shower and think I'll be holding off on outside running when it's so cold outside.

    Losing weight and eating right really is an everyday struggle for me. I can't tell you how many times a day I try to justify the fact I want to eat something bad. I'll tell myself things like "well I ran 6 miles today" or "I did an hour of cardio and 30 minutes of weights" and "well, I'm really not that fat anymore..." etc. Then I have to remind myself that because I worked so hard at the gym and with exercise that I should reward myself with good, nutritious food instead. I wonder if there will ever be a day where eating right doesn't seem like such a battle.

    Little update on my husband's deployment - instead of me moving on base like we originally planned, my parents asked me to come back to Canada and stay with them and my 17 year old brother for the year. That is a huge weight off our shoulders as we can save so much more money that way. So things are looking up :)
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Running-girl, I wanted to tell you earlier this morning and it slipped my mind I think your peeking at the scale is actually something I would do. Actually I did this morning and my scale said 157 also. Too funny! How tall are you? I am 5' 3". Also way to go on your run. AWESOME JOB!

    Also I am glad that you are able to go home for a year and that takes away a burden off your shoulders. Glad it is working out! :smile:

    Amy, we :heart: having you come here also!!! HUG!

    Ann, you inspire me. Thank you! Also is that your nice looking family in your new pic?
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Amanda - go ahead and remove me from the list. I know this sounds childish but, I joined a group in order to gain some support but, not really "feeling" it here. So, I'll find a new group and finger's crossed I get into a group that works for me! Good luck everyone one!

    Okay this is really bugging me, PLEASE if anybody feels like they need support and not getting it on this thread then message a team member. I truly feel we are all here to lose weight, get healthy and support each other and I hope that we can encourage each other. HUGS!

    Try not to worry Amanda, everyone needs different things...

    Halfway through the week and I have not even thought about my challenge...our family of 5 decided to get the flu at the same time which has not been fun. Everyone is back to school/work today except that I regressed and could not even take the kids to school. Luckily my husband was able to go into work late and drop them off. I have lost quite a bit of weight although I am sure it's a lot of water weight.

    I have to go see if I am able to stand up as I only have 2 hours before I need to pick up the kids.

    Congrats to everyone for all your exercise and good eating this week!

    xx Kim
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kim, I am truly sorry to hear that you are sick and worse than that but your family is sick. It is one thing when I am sick and can be sick but when I am sick and the family is sick, I on low on the totem pole. HUGS Kim!!!!!!
  • Amanda - go ahead and remove me from the list. I know this sounds childish but, I joined a group in order to gain some support but, not really "feeling" it here. So, I'll find a new group and finger's crossed I get into a group that works for me! Good luck everyone one!

    Okay this is really bugging me, PLEASE if anybody feels like they need support and not getting it on this thread then message a team member. I truly feel we are all here to lose weight, get healthy and support each other and I hope that we can encourage each other. HUGS!

    Try not to worry Amanda, everyone needs different things...

    Halfway through the week and I have not even thought about my challenge...our family of 5 decided to get the flu at the same time which has not been fun. Everyone is back to school/work today except that I regressed and could not even take the kids to school. Luckily my husband was able to go into work late and drop them off. I have lost quite a bit of weight although I am sure it's a lot of water weight.

    I have to go see if I am able to stand up as I only have 2 hours before I need to pick up the kids.

    Congrats to everyone for all your exercise and good eating this week!

    xx Kim sorry you have the bug. I got it on Sunday and am still recovering. I am at work, but it isn't easy! Try and get more rest!!!!
  • Running-girl, I wanted to tell you earlier this morning and it slipped my mind I think your peeking at the scale is actually something I would do. Actually I did this morning and my scale said 157 also. Too funny! How tall are you? I am 5' 3". Also way to go on your run. AWESOME JOB!

    Also I am glad that you are able to go home for a year and that takes away a burden off your shoulders. Glad it is working out! :smile:

    Amy, we :heart: having you come here also!!! HUG!

    Ann, you inspire me. Thank you! Also is that your nice looking family in your new pic?

    Yes Amanda.....Those are my 5 great kids! Don't know what I would do without them. They are my inspiration!
  • I'm 5'8. I want to get down to 150. 145lbs would be ideal
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Okay I just put all my calories in for the day including dinner tonight and if I am very careful on the chips then I will be fine even ordering what I want to eat. My calories are set at 1400 and that is fine for normal every day but it has been freezing here for a week and I have been packing five gallon water buckets to all the different animal pens and that is hard work. Plus breaking water and packing 50 lbs of feed so I am not going to worry. I had asked my dad where we were going so I could figure out my calories adn his response was "forget your calories tonight, for goodness sakes". I didn't even try to explain how important this was to me, he doesn't understand. We finally decided on a Mexican restaurant and I love the arroz con pollo and I know it is so high in calories and fat but I will only eat half and when I entered it, it was fine so I am doing the happy dance!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I am off to go shopping, looking forward a good time. I, unfortunately went over my calories today. :grumble:

    Hope everybody had a terrific day! :flowerforyou: and is feeling better!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Amanda...I love your new picture. You look great! Your entertainment center is almost exactly like the one I used to have. Mine was a lighter pine but it is made the same way. I loved that thing but our new TV wouldn't fit in it and I had to sell it last year.
  • Amanda; Love the new pic!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey, thanks Tammy and Ann. I am still here waiting fo rmy slow poke little sister. Love her but she will late for her own funeral. :laugh:

    I love our entertainment center, we purchased it for $100 at a Habitat for Humanity store. Somebody had did a really crappy job of painting it white and it looked awful. I completely strip it with a heat gun and refinished it. Huge undertaking but kept me out of trouble for a long while.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Fateau - Day 6.............gained another half pound today.

    The worst part is I am doing my workouts every day and not cheating on diet. I need to change something up.

    I have decided to not eat all my workout calories today. I think I am going to flip my workout schedule and do cardio M W F and weights T R next week instead of vice versa, and..........I am going to stop taking the elevator starting tomorrow.

    If that doesn't work, I am going all cardio the next week.

    I made my diary public if anyone wants to analyze it. I go way over on protein all the time, maybe that is my issue.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Jack it is midnight here and I am exhausted so I will look at your diary more in depth tomorrow, however it seems your sodium is way over almost everyday. Also how much water are you drinking?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...I am doing well. I haven't lost any weight this week but I haven't gained either, so I guess that is good. I missed one day of the gym so it looks like I'll have to skip on my necklace set unless a miracle happens by Sunday for me to lose 2 pounds. I think I am having too much sodium. I'll try to cut back on that. Today is my "wogging" day (I walk and jog, don't really run).

    Amanda...That is funny about your sister. That is exactly what my famly says about me. I'm late to church every Sunday and I literally live 2 minutes from the church. If we are having a family meal at 12:00, they will tell me we are eating at 11:00 so I'll be there on time:laugh:

    Jack...The only thing I noticed on your diet might be your sodium. Are you sure there is that much sodium in that sliced ham? That seems awfully high. You seem to be eating a very healthy diet. On days when I eat a lot of sodium, like yesterday, I will either hold my weight or go up the next day. I am a habitual weight checker, can't make myself only check on Sundays no matter how hard I try.

    Amaline...Haven't heard from you lately. You okay? How many days til you go home now? Did you find a new dress? I am still on week 4 of C25K. I'm afraid to move up to the next level because I'm not ready to jog 25 minutes without stopping. Where are you on the program?

    Christy...Are you feeling better?

    Momoftwo...Did you get your exercise done early this morning again? I ended up at the gym about 4:00 yesterday afternoon and it was packed. I like going in the mornings because I'm about the only one there but I seem to be lazy lately.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
  • Morning all!!! Well I am feeling much better this morning. Will hopefully feel the same way at day end!!! I have a board meeting today along with our Christmas Luncheon. EGADS!!!! Will be good though. I am hoping to make it to Curves and just do a nice and easy work out to get me back into the swing of things.

    We have a huge basketball tournament today through Saturday at our High School. My son's team took the Championship last year for the first time in forever. He graduated and about 7 of the Varsity team were seniors so it will be interesting to see how they do. We will be there to watch!!!

    Jack, I would try cutting the sodium as well and drinking more water. I know I retain water really easy and that can play a big part of your weight loss. I also think cardio 3 times a week and strength training 2 would be a good match but I am not a trainer by any means.

    Well, everyone have a great Thursday and Let's stick together!!!

    Oh yea.....Tammy don't give up on that necklace just yet. There is still lots of time before our "official" weigh in!!! :wink:
  • Holy Crap!

    Went out for dinner last night, stepped on the scale this morning and it jumped from 157.6 or something to 159.6lbs today! WHOA. I know I didn't eat 7,000 extra calories, lol. But damn, that's discouraging.

    I had a good workout this morning. 4 mile run, 30minutes weights, 35 minute elliptical and then 20 minutes relaxing in the steaming hot sauna. Now I'm raging hungry but must shower first.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Running girl...I'm tired just reading about your workout. Wow, that's great. I can't imagine those couple of extra pounds will be there long.
  • Amaline...Haven't heard from you lately. You okay? How many days til you go home now? Did you find a new dress? I am still on week 4 of C25K. I'm afraid to move up to the next level because I'm not ready to jog 25 minutes without stopping. Where are you on the program?

    Thanks for thinking of me Tam! TBH I have been lying a little low as I have been having not such a good week. Not disastrous but I do need to get back on track. I definitely did not earn the new dress this week so that is going to be next weeks goal for me.

    I finished week 4 on Tuesday and was supposed to start week 5 today but got side tracked. I am nervous about doing the 20 min run too. I don't know about you but I found week 4 much more challenging than previous weeks. I was thinking of repeating it before moving on but I have decided to give week 5 a try first. I am going to keep my speed low (always a challenge for me as I tend to sprint) and just go for as long as I can. If I need to stop and go back and repeat then so be it but I am going to at least try week 5 first. Do you wanna do it with me? :bigsmile: would be great to have someone at the same place in the program as me! I am going to do it tomorrow afternoon, I'll let ya know how it goes.

    Running girl - it's a water weight baby of course! you definitely didn't gain that much in a day. I love reading about your runs - I really want to be able to do the same one day. How did you start out running? Have you always enjoyed it or are you a newcomer?
    Christy - glad you are feeling better and I wish your son luck with his tournament!
    Amanda - I swear you never sleep! How do you fit everything in? I do love the new pic too
    Justjack - you are doing well and on the right path so I wouldn't stress too much about a plateau for a week, just keep up the good work!
    Christy- congrats on getting back into exercising! It's always the first couple of workouts that are hardest to do after a while off

    Hope you all have a great day! I am off to bed now - it's Thursday night and only 14 and a half sleeps till I get home!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good morning all...I am doing well. I haven't lost any weight this week but I haven't gained either, so I guess that is good. I missed one day of the gym so it looks like I'll have to skip on my necklace set unless a miracle happens by Sunday for me to lose 2 pounds. I think I am having too much sodium. I'll try to cut back on that. Today is my "wogging" day (I walk and jog, don't really run).

    Amanda...That is funny about your sister. That is exactly what my famly says about me. I'm late to church every Sunday and I literally live 2 minutes from the church. If we are having a family meal at 12:00, they will tell me we are eating at 11:00 so I'll be there on time:laugh:

    Jack...The only thing I noticed on your diet might be your sodium. Are you sure there is that much sodium in that sliced ham? That seems awfully high. You seem to be eating a very healthy diet. On days when I eat a lot of sodium, like yesterday, I will either hold my weight or go up the next day. I am a habitual weight checker, can't make myself only check on Sundays no matter how hard I try.

    Amaline...Haven't heard from you lately. You okay? How many days til you go home now? Did you find a new dress? I am still on week 4 of C25K. I'm afraid to move up to the next level because I'm not ready to jog 25 minutes without stopping. Where are you on the program?

    Christy...Are you feeling better?

    Momoftwo...Did you get your exercise done early this morning again? I ended up at the gym about 4:00 yesterday afternoon and it was packed. I like going in the mornings because I'm about the only one there but I seem to be lazy lately.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

    nope not done any exercise yet today, Had to go out and pay bills today, so I may be doing just 4 days this week unless I can manage to get some in later.
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