No More Excuses - Week 5



  • Stomach flu is definately no fun - just take care of yourself, and sleep sleep sleep!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Clearly my strategy of watching football to lose weight did not work as I gained nearly a pound overnight.

    Got a new pair of running shoes in the mail today. Tomorrow I try them out with my new heart rate monitor. Maybe I can go further than a mile without keeling over.

    Jack - suggest you do a run/walk program so you can run for two minutes walk for one and keep going for about 20-30 minutes. I don't know what you're normal routines are but you can adjust for your capability. For me -- I like to do about 4-5 min then walk for 1 min repeat for about 3-4 miles!
  • Hey everyone.

    My goal for this week is to stay within my calories EVERY day. Reward to be a nice new summer dress for my trip home (if I can find one as it is winter here). I am on track so far.

    I am frustrated though as I have hurt my back somehow. I have a history of back problems so don't want to push it but after 2 days rest it is even worse! I am going to try running tonight anyway, hopefully it will be ok. I will just have to make sure to stretch a lot. I am feeling totally unmotivated so if I come on here and make some excuse for not at least trying to run you guys have to promise to kick my butt!!!

    Good luck on your run Jack. Tigermom sorry to hear you are sick, hope you feel much better soon!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Ann, I am so sorry to hear you have the stomach flu!! UGH! Take care and get well soon! :flowerforyou:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I weighed this morning and I am at the halfway mark. I changed my ticker, I am claiming it!!!!! That was my first December goal. My second December goal was to be at 154.5 by the 31st, onward and forward. I hope to be there also!
  • Stomach flu is definately no fun - just take care of yourself, and sleep sleep sleep!

    Boy have I done this!!! That is all I did yesterday. Back at work today but still not up to par. Frustrated cause I was in hopes to go work out tonight, but I think I better take another day off cause I'm still not eating anything so have no energy!

    Thanks to all of you for your well wishes. I love this group it is so inspirational. Typically I probably would have used the illness as an excuse, but not now! Thanks much!!!

    We are in a mild blizzard here. Not a lot of snow but visability is way down because of the blowing snow. I'm at work so hopefully it will let up before I have to go anywhere!!!

    Have a great day!
  • I weighed this morning and I am at the halfway mark. I changed my ticker, I am claiming it!!!!! That was my first December goal. My second December goal was to be at 154.5 by the 31st, onward and forward. I hope to be there also!

    CONGRATS Amanda! That's fantastic!! :bigsmile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    WoooHoooo, I just finished my exercise for today. The first time back exercising since I don't know when. I am BACK and I am going to do this!!!!!!! I went to the doctor last Friday for a physical and she said that my bloodwork was great and couldn't look any better, I think it is because I have been trying to lose weight and have lost 34 pounds. She did say that my good cholesterol could be a little higher and that I can increase that by doing more exercise, so here I go!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning everyone...All is well here. I had a big breakfast and now it is time to start working. Today is gym day. My youngest has a Christmas program at school tonight so it will be a busy night, but I'm going to make myself go even if it is 9:00 before I get there!! I'm usually up til 12:00 every night anyway. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    Momoftwo...Glad you are back and ready to exercise. Good for you. My husband's good cholesterol was low and his doctor told him to drink one dark beer or glass of red wine a day. We thought he was crazy but it worked. His blood work leveled off at his last checkup. I don't like beer or wine so I would have been in trouble.

    Amanda...Good for you!!! You should be very proud.

    Ann...I sent you a message. Feel better today!

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good morning everyone...All is well here. I had a big breakfast and now it is time to start working. Today is gym day. My youngest has a Christmas program at school tonight so it will be a busy night, but I'm going to make myself go even if it is 9:00 before I get there!! I'm usually up til 12:00 every night anyway. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    Momoftwo...Glad you are back and ready to exercise. Good for you. My husband's good cholesterol was low and his doctor told him to drink one dark beer or glass of red wine a day. We thought he was crazy but it worked. His blood work leveled off at his last checkup. I don't like beer or wine so I would have been in trouble.

    Amanda...Good for you!!! You should be very proud.

    Ann...I sent you a message. Feel better today!


    thank you for the tip, I don't drink. She just told me to up my exercise and that should do it.
  • I weighed this morning and I am at the halfway mark. I changed my ticker, I am claiming it!!!!! That was my first December goal. My second December goal was to be at 154.5 by the 31st, onward and forward. I hope to be there also!

    Congrats!!!!! That is awesome!!!! Keep it up!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Ann, I am so glad to hear that you are feeling a little better. Listen to your body, it is amazing what they can tell us when we actually listen to them.

    MOMOFTWO, congrats on starting to exercise again. It is always so hard to start exercising again but once I do I feel so much better.

    Tam, your schedule sounds crazier than mine. Hang in there!!!!

    Amaline, I am sorry that you have hurt your back also. Hope you feel back to yourself soon. How long till you leave to go home?
  • Amaline, I am sorry that you have hurt your back also. Hope you feel back to yourself soon. How long till you leave to go home?

    Thanks Amanda! It actually feels a lot better now - I think the run did it good. Obviously resting it wasn't working.

    I arrive home at midday on Christmas Day so only fourteen and a half sleeps to go! (a half as I will be on a plane all night and lose 5 hours hehe) I am sooooooooo excited! The only sad thing is that I don't get to see my Dad as he is in Antartica for 3 months but he might come and visit me next year if the trip goes well. It will be the first time me and my brother will both be home for Christmas in years so it's going to be great.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Gained a few more tenths again today, grrrrr. New running shoes worked great, ran further than I ever have before.

    I am trying to figure out if I am retaining water, or if I am going to use the classic muscle weighs more than fat excuse. Either way, I have to lose a pound and a half to get back to zero this week.

    I am eating my calories, I think I have hit a FATeau.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hang in there Jack. I know it gets hard and sometimes it seems like giving up is the easiest (not that you have given any notion that you will) but you will succeed!!!!! :smile:
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hello everyone. I am watching The Biggest Loser Finale! I have been sooo sick the past three days. I haven't exercised and have been not eating or drinking consistently. I had two migraines this week and had to get shots and it totally drained me. Then I woke up at 3:30 this morning throwing up with severe stomach pains. I had to go to the hospital and get IVs with morphine and nausea medicine. Needless to say the scales will probably reflect it come Sunday.

    My goals this week are to start slow and drink plenty of water and juice and walk every day at a moderate pace.
    My rewards will be a new book from Wal-Mart and time to read it this weekend - with no distractions!!

    By the way - I wanted to know if anyone else pledged their weight loss to the pound for pound challenge on The Biggest Loser!! I did it tonight, but I've already lost 25 without doing it:ohwell: Better late than never.

    Welcome to our newbie!

    Amaline and Ann hope you are feeling better!

    Congrats Amanda!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Christy, I am so sorry you are so miserable! It seems that this week as been hard on several of our members. I hope you feel better soon!!!!!! HUGS!!!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Amanda - go ahead and remove me from the list. I know this sounds childish but, I joined a group in order to gain some support but, not really "feeling" it here. So, I'll find a new group and finger's crossed I get into a group that works for me! Good luck everyone one!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    TNT Pete, I am really sorry you feel this way. I truly thought we were all pretty supportive. I sincerely hope you find what you are looking for and continue your quest to be healthy. Good luck and return at any time!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Editted to add: I have been meaning to tell you I think your little girl is adorable - been meaning to tell you that for quite awhile now and keep forgetting!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Jack - suggest you do a run/walk program so you can run for two minutes walk for one and keep going for about 20-30 minutes. I don't know what you're normal routines are but you can adjust for your capability. For me -- I like to do about 4-5 min then walk for 1 min repeat for about 3-4 miles!

    This is what I did on the treadmill today. Kicked my butt but felt great afterwards!
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