No More Excuses - Week 5



  • Good morning all! Well each day seems to get better but still not up to par and of all things mother nature decided to join the party. DAD GOME IT!!!! Had some tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches last night.....Thought that sounded so.....good. WRONG......I'm still running to the bathroom this morning. I will take it over throwing up thow, cause I just don't handle that at all!

    On to more joyful news.......IT IS SO COLD HERE THIS MORNING!!! BRRRRRR........ It was -10 with a -30 wind chill when I came into work. That is just like ant-artic weather. However, this is Colorado so you never know what to expect. We will have a heat wave this week-end.....30-40's.......YEHAW!!!!

    Well, I think the non eating is making me loose a few pounds but not the way that is healthy. I wanted to get to work out this afternoon but I still don't have much energy so I guess it will be another day.

    Everyone have a wonderful and WARM Wednesday!!!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good Morning everyone!! I just finished my exercise for the day and boy do I feel good. I had forgotten how good I feel after exercise. I have completed day 2 of exercise, now 3 more days to go and I will be doing this. I have entered all the food I am going to eat today and I will not eat one thing that is not on there. I did so great yesterday and did not go over my calories, I drank all my water, and I did my exercise. I want to do that again today and I will.
  • I really need to stop taking sneak peaks at the scale during the week. I checked today and I'm already 157.8lbs!!! Yes, that gives me some major motivation to continue eating well and exercising hard. I really wish I had the discipline to only look at the scale once a week. If my husband hides it, I search everywhere until I find it, lol. Bad bad bad.

    It's 9 degrees here at Fort Lewis, WA and I'm supposed to go out for a good 90minute run outside. But first I need to get all my warm clothes out and find some gloves and a hat because brrrrrr it is chilly out there.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Ann, I am sorry you are still not feeling all that great! I am sending get well wishes your way!!!!!

    MOMOFTWO - WOO-HOO on the exercise. Way to Go! I decided to take today off from the gym but I think I will ride that dreaded exercise bike downstairs. Ow, it hurts my bottom!

    It is the halfway point of the week today! Exercise my week is great but foodwise I haven't been that great. My dh and dd made cookies last night and I ate 10 of them before I finally was like STOP!!!! Then tonight my dad and sis and I are going shopping and to dinner. We do this every December because with my kids and her kids we can never just sit and visit. I know he will take us to dinner and I plan on eating. SOOOOOO I had better keep exercising!!!
  • Ann, I am sorry you are still not feeling all that great! I am sending get well wishes your way!!!!!

    MOMOFTWO - WOO-HOO on the exercise. Way to Go! I decided to take today off from the gym but I think I will ride that dreaded exercise bike downstairs. Ow, it hurts my bottom!

    It is the halfway point of the week today! Exercise my week is great but foodwise I haven't been that great. My dh and dd made cookies last night and I ate 10 of them before I finally was like STOP!!!! Then tonight my dad and sis and I are going shopping and to dinner. We do this every December because with my kids and her kids we can never just sit and visit. I know he will take us to dinner and I plan on eating. SOOOOOO I had better keep exercising!!!

    Amanda thanks for your well wishes!!! I feel them!! :love:

    Have a great time with your dad and sis tonight. That sounds like a wonderful tradition. I know you will make healthy decisions on your food choices. They are out there, you just have to look for them sometimes!!!! Have fun!
  • Good Morning everyone!! I just finished my exercise for the day and boy do I feel good. I had forgotten how good I feel after exercise. I have completed day 2 of exercise, now 3 more days to go and I will be doing this. I have entered all the food I am going to eat today and I will not eat one thing that is not on there. I did so great yesterday and did not go over my calories, I drank all my water, and I did my exercise. I want to do that again today and I will.

    Way to GO Girl!!!!! I like your idea of logging your food for the day and then sticking to it. That would be a great way to not go over! Excellent on the excercise. Can't wait till I can get back after it! Have a successful day!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning everyone...I am just getting started this morning. I was up til after midnight again and it caught up with me today. I had to lay back down after the kids went to school and my husband went hunting. I was pooped. I am a little groggy today but maybe I'll feel better after the gym. We have another parade tonight so hopefully we won't freeze.

    Momoftwo...Good job on exercising early. I love to get mine done before I start work but today I needed sleep.

    Ann...Feel better today and stay warm.

    Running girl...I so admire you for getting out into the cold to run. I am still stuck on week 4 of Couch to 5K, just don't think I'm ready to go to the next phase yet.

    Amanda...Enjoy your night out. I know what you mean with the fresh baked cookies. I just can't have one and stop, but you don't bake them that often so don't worry about it.

    Have a wonderful day:smile:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Amanda...Enjoy your night out. I know what you mean with the fresh baked cookies. I just can't have one and stop, but you don't bake them that often so don't worry about it.

    Tammy, have you been to my house??? Me kids will tell you I don't bake nearly enough - not as much as they would like! :laugh:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Ann, I am sorry you are still not feeling all that great! I am sending get well wishes your way!!!!!

    MOMOFTWO - WOO-HOO on the exercise. Way to Go! I decided to take today off from the gym but I think I will ride that dreaded exercise bike downstairs. Ow, it hurts my bottom!

    It is the halfway point of the week today! Exercise my week is great but foodwise I haven't been that great. My dh and dd made cookies last night and I ate 10 of them before I finally was like STOP!!!! Then tonight my dad and sis and I are going shopping and to dinner. We do this every December because with my kids and her kids we can never just sit and visit. I know he will take us to dinner and I plan on eating. SOOOOOO I had better keep exercising!!!

    thanks Amanda, you can call me Laura. I have an exercise bike and I love it, that is what I do for my exercise, that and I have tons of exercise DVD's. I don't have the money to join a gym but I don't think I would go to a gym if I had the momey to go. I don't like working out in front of people.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Amanda - go ahead and remove me from the list. I know this sounds childish but, I joined a group in order to gain some support but, not really "feeling" it here. So, I'll find a new group and finger's crossed I get into a group that works for me! Good luck everyone one!

    Okay this is really bugging me, PLEASE if anybody feels like they need support and not getting it on this thread then message a team member. I truly feel we are all here to lose weight, get healthy and support each other and I hope that we can encourage each other. HUGS!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good Morning everyone!! I just finished my exercise for the day and boy do I feel good. I had forgotten how good I feel after exercise. I have completed day 2 of exercise, now 3 more days to go and I will be doing this. I have entered all the food I am going to eat today and I will not eat one thing that is not on there. I did so great yesterday and did not go over my calories, I drank all my water, and I did my exercise. I want to do that again today and I will.

    Way to GO Girl!!!!! I like your idea of logging your food for the day and then sticking to it. That would be a great way to not go over! Excellent on the excercise. Can't wait till I can get back after it! Have a successful day!

    Thank you. I have been struggling really bad with staying with my calories and I find out if I log my food for the day then I stick with it b/c I don't want to have to go back and change my food diary. This is day 2 of being back on track with my food and I am so proud of myself. I want to continue to do good, I have a long way to go on my weight loss journey but I will get there one day. :flowerforyou:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Laura, you know the gym eight miles away is right across from my dd's school and I thought about the cost of it. I then thought I have no health insurance and am a caretaker my youngest for the rest of my life. I rearranged my budget and figured it out of the winter. I am not saying you should - I am just sharing my experience. I think I will only use it from December to March and then run outside. For me it is worth the $30. I didnt' think I would exercise in front of people but I don't care anymore - I am there for ME! I understand your feelings though!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Laura, you know the gym eight miles away is right across from my dd's school and I thought about the cost of it. I then thought I have no health insurance and am a caretaker my youngest for the rest of my life. I rearranged my budget and figured it out of the winter. I am not saying you should - I am just sharing my experience. I think I will only use it from December to March and then run outside. For me it is worth the $30. I didnt' think I would exercise in front of people but I don't care anymore - I am there for ME! I understand your feelings though!

    I am a SAHM of 2 kids ages 4 and 2. My hubby works at Wal-mart which doesn't pay that great, right now we are living pay check to pay check and it is very hard to find money for our needs, We consider joining a gym a want right now so I will have to wait until we get ahead and then see If I would want to join a gym or not. I finally got some health insurance so I am glad about that.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I totally understand the financial, truly I do. I work 6 hours a week, stay home with my kids and my dh is on Social Security. I think it is wonderful that you doing what you are doing. It is hard with little ones. WAY TO GO, YOU SHOULD BE PROUD!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I totally understand the financial, truly I do. I work 6 hours a week, stay home with my kids and my dh is on Social Security. I think it is wonderful that you doing what you are doing. It is hard with little ones. WAY TO GO, YOU SHOULD BE PROUD!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    yeah, the financial has been really hard but we are Blessed none the less. Thanks and I am very proud of my accomplishments, I have lost all the weight that I have lost by riding my exercise bike and doing exercise DVD's, so I know that it is working. Way to go on the weight you have lost, you are doing so awesome!!!!!!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member

    yeah, the financial has been really hard but we are Blessed none the less.

    That is exactly how I feel - like God has blessed my family beyond measure. I have so many blessings that I couldn't even begin to count them all. God is Good!
  • I have to jump right in the middle of this one!!!!! Between Amanda and MomofTwo. You 2 are incredibly inspiring to me. If that is not support for each other I truly don't know what is!!!! I know how hard it is for my family with both me and my dh working great jobs, and have healthy kids. I can not even imagine you too! You are amazing and don't let anyone ever tell you different. You are an inspiration for me!!!! Keep up the good work ladies!!!! I for one LOVE THIS GROUP!!!!! I feel for those that we have let down somehow but do feel like we are all here for each other!

    Thanks much girls!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member

    yeah, the financial has been really hard but we are Blessed none the less.

    That is exactly how I feel - like God has blessed my family beyond measure. I have so many blessings that I couldn't even begin to count them all. God is Good!

    You took the words right out of my mouth. It would take me all year to name all the things that God has done for me and my family, then again it would probably take a life time to name them all. I love God and couldn't imagine my life without Him.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member I have to jump right in the middle of this one!!!!! Between Amanda and MomofTwo. You 2 are incredibly inspiring to me. If that is not support for each other I truly don't know what is!!!! I know how hard it is for my family with both me and my dh working great jobs, and have healthy kids. I can not even imagine you too! You are amazing and don't let anyone ever tell you different. You are an inspiration for me!!!! Keep up the good work ladies!!!! I for one LOVE THIS GROUP!!!!! I feel for those that we have let down somehow but do feel like we are all here for each other!

    Thanks much girls!

    Thanks so much for this Tigermom, you can call me Laura. I love this group too and this is what has helped me get back on track and makes me want to do better and makes me want to get on my bike and ride it or pop in a exercise DVD and get busy.
  • I love this group too! :bigsmile: I'm in a different situation from most of you in that I don't have kids or a partner to worry about - just me. It always inspires me know how well you guys all do when you have so much else on your plates to deal with. It helps remind me I definitely don't have any excuses! And everyone is always so supportive and positive, I love coming on here.
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