No More Excuses - Week 6



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    OK, I think I figured it out. I added it to the database as Tammy's crockpot salsa chicken with Mexican rice. Long name, huh? Hope your family likes it as much as mine did. I am finally finished typing for the day. Good thing since it is officially a new day for me at 12:04 a.m. Have a good one. See you guys tomorrow.
  • just a quick note to say I DID IT!!! 20 mins non stop!!! Yay me! I have never ever been a runner - even when I was 17 and playing basketball, netball and soccer every week I still couldn't run. So this is the longest ever and I am stoked! :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great day!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good Morning Everyone, well I am up and ready to go today. I totally blew it for yesterday. I ended up stress eating and I knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop myself. I have to work on that, I really do. Anyways, that was yesterday and yesterday is gone, so today I am going to do better and not go over my calories today. I am going to my daughter's Christmas program at her school and there is going to be all kinds of junk food but I am not going to touch any of it!!!!!! Here's to today!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...I am back at it this morning. I'm not getting enough rest this week and I think that hinders my weight loss. My scale is sitting still even though I have turned down cookies and donuts (both in the same day even). I have cut out the caffeine in my tea as of last Saturday and I am not going over my calories. Trying not to get discouraged but it is hard when you feel like you are doing everything right and you see no progress. Sorry if I sound like a whiner.

    Amaline...Yipee!! I am so happy for you. Because of you, I am going to try it today. I'm not sure I'm ready, but I can always walk if I have to.

    Laura...Shake it off. Maybe you could take a healthy snack with you to your daughter's program today so you won't be so tempted?

    Have a good day everyone:smile:
  • Amaline...Yipee!! I am so happy for you. Because of you, I am going to try it today. I'm not sure I'm ready, but I can always walk if I have to.

    You can do it Tam! I kept tricking myself and saying 'oh just do another 2 minutes and then you can stop" and then another 2 and another 2 until I got to the end. Plus I really wanted to be able to come on here and tell you guys I did it :laugh: And as you say, you can always stop and walk if you need to, absolutely nothing wrong with that.
  • Tigermom (Ann? I am getting names confused)...C25K is the couch to 5K program. It is the running program Amaline and I are doing. I'm not sure who else is doing it. I found it on It is broken down into 8 weeks, I think, and each week you increase the amount of time you are running until you are running the equivalent of a 5K race. I am on week 5 and I am running 8 minutes and walking 5. When I move up to the next step on this week I have to run for 20 minutes with no walking and I definitely am not ready for that, so I am going to stick where I am for a while.

    Thanks Tammy; I am going to look into that program! Thanks for the explanation!!!
  • Good morning all!!!

    Tammy and Amaline you are such an inspiration on the whole running thing. I am going to see if I can find the program! Jack...3 miles.... EGADS!!!!

    When I ran my 5 minutes it was like a qtr of a mile and I was so proud! Nothing compared to you guys. But I do have a question for you to better myself. What mph are you guys running? My treadmill said it was like 3.4 mph. That seems so slow but yet it felt so fast. I am so confused. Any guidance is great.

    I was bad and didn't run my 5 min last night. My dh had his dr appt and received nothing but wonderful news. GOD IS GREAT!!!!! Anyway we went out to dinner to celebrate and I had strawberry crepes. OOPS!!! Then came home and watched a movie!!! INKHEART!!! Pretty farfetched but kind of enjoyable!!! Anyway.....I didn't do my 5 min. I did make it to curves though so did get some excercise in.

    Today I am off to a good day!!! ;) I should stay pretty busy at work so maybe I won't think about food today! HA!!! Like that is going to happen.

    To all of you are off to such a great week.....KEEP GOING.....

    And to those of you that aren't!!!!.......TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!!!!!

    Positive thoughts to you all for a wonderful and "less of you" day!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good morning all!!!

    Tammy and Amaline you are such an inspiration on the whole running thing. I am going to see if I can find the program! Jack...3 miles.... EGADS!!!!

    When I ran my 5 minutes it was like a qtr of a mile and I was so proud! Nothing compared to you guys. But I do have a question for you to better myself. What mph are you guys running? My treadmill said it was like 3.4 mph. That seems so slow but yet it felt so fast. I am so confused. Any guidance is great.

    I was bad and didn't run my 5 min last night. My dh had his dr appt and received nothing but wonderful news. GOD IS GREAT!!!!! Anyway we went out to dinner to celebrate and I had strawberry crepes. OOPS!!! Then came home and watched a movie!!! INKHEART!!! Pretty farfetched but kind of enjoyable!!! Anyway.....I didn't do my 5 min. I did make it to curves though so did get some excercise in.

    Today I am off to a good day!!! ;) I should stay pretty busy at work so maybe I won't think about food today! HA!!! Like that is going to happen.

    To all of you are off to such a great week.....KEEP GOING.....

    And to those of you that aren't!!!!.......TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!!!!!

    Positive thoughts to you all for a wonderful and "less of you" day!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:

    Ann, I am glad for the wonderful news on your dh. Yes, God is Good!!

    When I ran my 5 minutes yesterday I ran at 5.5 miles.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good morning all...I am back at it this morning. I'm not getting enough rest this week and I think that hinders my weight loss. My scale is sitting still even though I have turned down cookies and donuts (both in the same day even). I have cut out the caffeine in my tea as of last Saturday and I am not going over my calories. Trying not to get discouraged but it is hard when you feel like you are doing everything right and you see no progress. Sorry if I sound like a whiner.

    Amaline...Yipee!! I am so happy for you. Because of you, I am going to try it today. I'm not sure I'm ready, but I can always walk if I have to.

    Laura...Shake it off. Maybe you could take a healthy snack with you to your daughter's program today so you won't be so tempted?

    Have a good day everyone:smile:

    I did good, I only ate a kellogg's rice krispy treat and that was all I had there.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...I am back at it this morning. I'm not getting enough rest this week and I think that hinders my weight loss. My scale is sitting still even though I have turned down cookies and donuts (both in the same day even). I have cut out the caffeine in my tea as of last Saturday and I am not going over my calories. Trying not to get discouraged but it is hard when you feel like you are doing everything right and you see no progress. Sorry if I sound like a whiner.

    Amaline...Yipee!! I am so happy for you. Because of you, I am going to try it today. I'm not sure I'm ready, but I can always walk if I have to.

    Laura...Shake it off. Maybe you could take a healthy snack with you to your daughter's program today so you won't be so tempted?

    Have a good day everyone:smile:

    I did good, I only ate a kellogg's rice krispy treat and that was all I had there.

    Good for you! My son has his Christmas party tomorrow but I usually serve the food and am too busy to stop and eat anything. I will try to eat before I go and take a fiber bar just in case.
  • Good morning all!!!

    Tammy and Amaline you are such an inspiration on the whole running thing. I am going to see if I can find the program! Jack...3 miles.... EGADS!!!!

    When I ran my 5 minutes it was like a qtr of a mile and I was so proud! Nothing compared to you guys. But I do have a question for you to better myself. What mph are you guys running? My treadmill said it was like 3.4 mph. That seems so slow but yet it felt so fast. I am so confused. Any guidance is great.

    I was bad and didn't run my 5 min last night. My dh had his dr appt and received nothing but wonderful news. GOD IS GREAT!!!!! Anyway we went out to dinner to celebrate and I had strawberry crepes. OOPS!!! Then came home and watched a movie!!! INKHEART!!! Pretty farfetched but kind of enjoyable!!! Anyway.....I didn't do my 5 min. I did make it to curves though so did get some excercise in.

    Today I am off to a good day!!! ;) I should stay pretty busy at work so maybe I won't think about food today! HA!!! Like that is going to happen.

    To all of you are off to such a great week.....KEEP GOING.....

    And to those of you that aren't!!!!.......TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!!!!!

    Positive thoughts to you all for a wonderful and "less of you" day!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:

    Ann, I am glad for the wonderful news on your dh. Yes, God is Good!!

    When I ran my 5 minutes yesterday I ran at 5.5 miles.

    Holy CRAP!!!! I am in a world of hurt I guess. Does everyone else go this fast?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    No, I jog about 3.5 to 4 mph. My speed is so low jogging that I have to count it as walking briskly and play around with the numbers to get credit for the calories burned:laugh:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good morning all!!!

    Tammy and Amaline you are such an inspiration on the whole running thing. I am going to see if I can find the program! Jack...3 miles.... EGADS!!!!

    When I ran my 5 minutes it was like a qtr of a mile and I was so proud! Nothing compared to you guys. But I do have a question for you to better myself. What mph are you guys running? My treadmill said it was like 3.4 mph. That seems so slow but yet it felt so fast. I am so confused. Any guidance is great.

    I was bad and didn't run my 5 min last night. My dh had his dr appt and received nothing but wonderful news. GOD IS GREAT!!!!! Anyway we went out to dinner to celebrate and I had strawberry crepes. OOPS!!! Then came home and watched a movie!!! INKHEART!!! Pretty farfetched but kind of enjoyable!!! Anyway.....I didn't do my 5 min. I did make it to curves though so did get some excercise in.

    Today I am off to a good day!!! ;) I should stay pretty busy at work so maybe I won't think about food today! HA!!! Like that is going to happen.

    To all of you are off to such a great week.....KEEP GOING.....

    And to those of you that aren't!!!!.......TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!!!!!

    Positive thoughts to you all for a wonderful and "less of you" day!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:

    Ann, I am glad for the wonderful news on your dh. Yes, God is Good!!

    When I ran my 5 minutes yesterday I ran at 5.5 miles.

    Holy CRAP!!!! I am in a world of hurt I guess. Does everyone else go this fast?

    See maybe this is why I can go 5 minutes. Actually I truly believe my body would take a lot more, but mentally I shoot myself down. I am constantly thinking I can't do this and my body is like yes you can and my mind is like NO. My mental train of thought when it comes to exercise is NO and my body has to override it constantly. It gets annoying, I don't know how to fix it.
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Good afternoon!! I am sorry for the disappearing act from the last thread! Work has been crazy busy lately. I've been working 12+ hour days. I work for an insurance agency and we have to meet a certain Premium goal by 12/31 to keep our current commission scale. I have been coming in at 7am and not leaving until well after 7pm most nights. And I usually don't have the opportunity to log in from work. (On my lunch break, atm).

    All of you are doing so great!! I am kicking myself for not walking/working out in the last couple of weeks, and just keep telling myself that I'll do it tomorrow, but tomorrow never gets here! I'm looking up to ALL of you :D
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello, Dragonfly and welcome. I think you will enjoy our group. Hopefully things will slow down for you after 12/31 and you can get back to a normal routine. I usually don't get any exercise on the days when I have to work ten hours, let alone 12! That makes it very tough. Sometimes I get on the treadmill for just 5 minutes to give myself a break and get my heart rate up a little. I type from home and my treadmill is right behind me in my office, so I really have no excuse not to get on it at some point during the day. I hope you have a good day!
  • Hi everyone. Blimey - you've all been busy posting - I feel like I've missed out on quite a lot. I don't suppose the time difference helps. :tongue:

    I'm really interested to read about everyone's running. I'm just going to get on the treadmill now - I haven't been on it for 3 days (bad bad Alison!!) but I did run for 8 minutes last time and I was just soooo amazed that I managed it. I think everything on my treadmill is measured in km rather than miles - I walk at bewteen 5 and 6, and run at between 7.5 and 8.

    I bought new, digital, bathroom scales yesterday. They say I'm a pound heavier than my other ones said, but I'm not letting it worry me. I'll just start afresh with these ones and see if I can finally get the numbers moving downwards again. I just can't wait to jump off this plateau. Sigh.

    Oh - and I agree with everyone else who says that evenings are difficult. I can be good as gold all day, then come the evening when I'm tired, anything sugary that doesn't move out of my way fast enough is a likely candidate . . . :embarassed:

    Right - off I go to exercise. Hope everyone's having a great day and staying strong.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hi everyone. Blimey - you've all been busy posting - I feel like I've missed out on quite a lot. I don't suppose the time difference helps. :tongue:

    I'm really interested to read about everyone's running. I'm just going to get on the treadmill now - I haven't been on it for 3 days (bad bad Alison!!) but I did run for 8 minutes last time and I was just soooo amazed that I managed it. I think everything on my treadmill is measured in km rather than miles - I walk at bewteen 5 and 6, and run at between 7.5 and 8.

    I bought new, digital, bathroom scales yesterday. They say I'm a pound heavier than my other ones said, but I'm not letting it worry me. I'll just start afresh with these ones and see if I can finally get the numbers moving downwards again. I just can't wait to jump off this plateau. Sigh.

    Oh - and I agree with everyone else who says that evenings are difficult. I can be good as gold all day, then come the evening when I'm tired, anything sugary that doesn't move out of my way fast enough is a likely candidate . . . :embarassed:

    Right - off I go to exercise. Hope everyone's having a great day and staying strong.

    Hi Allison! :flowerforyou:

    I also have a problem with sugar at night and it has been awful lately. There is cookies everywhere and I have no willpower!
  • Hi Amanda. I do think it's difficult to maintain an iron will in the evening when you're tired, which is why I tend to save some calories so that I can eat something sweet after dinner. I don't know about you, but a meal doesn't feel complete to me without a little sweet something at the end of it. I know, I know - I should try to kick my sugar habit. :embarassed:

    Now then . . . drum roll please . . . I just ran (well - jogged really) for 10 whole minutes without stopping. I can't believe I did it and now that I know I can - I'll try to do the same tomorrow. I know it's a very minor achievement compared to people who run marathons - but it's something I never, ever thought I'd be able to do. I'm chuffed to bits. (That's Brit for very pleased btw :bigsmile: )

    I've had a good day actually. I finished up a load of paperwork that needed doing so I can now focus on planning next term's courses. On top of that I've stuck to my calories and exercised well. Hooray!
  • Hi Amanda. I do think it's difficult to maintain an iron will in the evening when you're tired, which is why I tend to save some calories so that I can eat something sweet after dinner. I don't know about you, but a meal doesn't feel complete to me without a little sweet something at the end of it. I know, I know - I should try to kick my sugar habit. :embarassed:

    Now then . . . drum roll please . . . I just ran (well - jogged really) for 10 whole minutes without stopping. I can't believe I did it and now that I know I can - I'll try to do the same tomorrow. I know it's a very minor achievement compared to people who run marathons - but it's something I never, ever thought I'd be able to do. I'm chuffed to bits. (That's Brit for very pleased btw :bigsmile: )

    I've had a good day actually. I finished up a load of paperwork that needed doing so I can now focus on planning next term's courses. On top of that I've stuck to my calories and exercised well. Hooray!

    YAHOO!!!!!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!
    I am so hapy for you . I feel I've accomplished a lot by running for 5 min. I amgoingto push it tonight. I felt really good at Curves. Now that I am familiar with the machines, I find myself concentrating more on form. My tummy is starting to feel it. I hope the scale really begins to show it!!!

    I am also going to continue the crunches and the side bend thingeys that Amanda told us about. those really work!

    Off to fix dinner and then to the treadmill!!!!

    I will try and get on again later tonigh!!!
  • Anne

    You HAVE achieved a lot by running for 5 minutes. I'm dead impressed that you're doing crunches and side bends too. The treadmill's as much as I'm managing at the moment. I do 40 mins in all and tend to burn about 300 cals.

    Have a great evening. I'm off to bed now as it's after 1.30am. Night night xx
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