No More Excuses- Week 4



  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Not that I'm an expert...but a sit-up is when you start laying on the floor and sit all the way up. You are supposed to use your core to do so, but I am not that in shape and end up pulling at my neck. We do them at school without our hands behind our necks to prevent that. We put our hands out and use them like climbing an invisible rope if you can picture that.
    A crunch (when I do them) is when you bring your shoulders up but your entire back doesn't leave the floor. I like crunches because they don't hurt my back or neck as much. You can also do them with different positions (like legs up, legs bent, etc.). Please someone correct me if I am wrong!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    The challenge sounds good to me. I already do the crunches every day but I will add the toe touches and side bends to my routine. The chart looks great! I have cleaned out the rest of the Thanksgiving food from our dinner on Saturday. Most of it is probably stuck to my thighs but at least it is gone. Now I can get back to eating better. Hope everyone has a great week. Back to work now for me. Night all.
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Sorry Ladies - I didn't weigh in this week...I was away with my husband in the city as he was on course for the week and I managed to get my mil to watch our 3 children for three whole nights (the longest ever I have been away from them!). was the first time we've been away in probably 5 years and I ate way too much, out for every meal and no exercise (other than the hours of walking while I shopped and shopped and shopped...). I looked at the scales this morning and had tears in my eyes so I ran as fast as I could away from them!

    I am back on track now though and promise a good weigh in for next week!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Kim, I want to say congratulations on your three days away. This is a life changing project and I am sure if you are like most mothers then there is never any time alone with a spouse. To me that is just as important as getting physical healthy. I am glad you had such a nice break!!!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    220 for me this week.
  • Sit-ups or crunches or whatever, all the same to me! :smile:

    Ann, what are you crafting?

    Well.......I have a cricut cutter. It is so dad gome adicting I can't believe it. I have fallen in love with glass and mirror etching. It is so fun. The cutter cuts out different shapes and letters and you can do from like 1/4" to 24" letters. It is awsome. I am making all my Christmas Gifts this year. Then I have also done some decopaging (sp). You can kind of see what a cricut cutter is by googling it. My family got it for me for Christmas last year and I just love it.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I was wondering where you were Mr. Jack! :smile:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I know what a cricut cutter is because my mom, my sister and my best friend all have one. They all love them and were looking at the cartidges that were on sale for $28 at JoAnns and $30 at Wal-Mart on Black Friday!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Editted because I am a dork! :bigsmile:
  • Not that I'm an expert...but a sit-up is when you start laying on the floor and sit all the way up. You are supposed to use your core to do so, but I am not that in shape and end up pulling at my neck. We do them at school without our hands behind our necks to prevent that. We put our hands out and use them like climbing an invisible rope if you can picture that.
    A crunch (when I do them) is when you bring your shoulders up but your entire back doesn't leave the floor. I like crunches because they don't hurt my back or neck as much. You can also do them with different positions (like legs up, legs bent, etc.). Please someone correct me if I am wrong!!

    You did a great job of explaining I think! I agree that the regular sit ups are hard on your back, that is why I do the crunches as well.

    Thanks for explaining it so well!
  • I know what a cricut cutter is because my mom, my sister and my best friend all have one. They all love them and were looking at the cartidges that were on sale for $28 at JoAnns and $30 at Wal-Mart on Black Friday!

    What do they all do with theirs? Anything else besides scrapbooking? Yes, I was looking at the Wal-Mart ones, but the ones we saw we already had! Darn It!!!! $30 is cheap. We don't have a JoAnn's around here or even in Pueblo, so didn't catch that sale. My mom has one as well, so we share the cartridges.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    My mom and my bf just scrapbook. My sis made me the cutest thing last year. She cut out wooden blocks different sizes and then on each block put a letter and emblisments that says L-E-T I-T S-N-O-W on one side and T-H-A-N-K-F-U-L on the other side. Really cute, I could post a pic if you would like to see. She is super talented, used to have her own scrapbooking store and she also makes cards.
  • My mom and my bf just scrapbook. My sis made me the cutest thing last year. She cut out wooden blocks different sizes and then on each block put a letter and emblisments that says L-E-T I-T S-N-O-W on one side and T-H-A-N-K-F-U-L on the other side. Really cute, I could post a pic if you would like to see. She is super talented, used to have her own scrapbooking store and she also makes cards.

    I would love to see some pictures. I don't really have any of mine. Oh maybe...I will look and post a few. I do enjoy making the cards as well. Nope...don't see the pictures on my computer. Will have to take some.
  • My goal is to be at 170 by the end of the month. It's going to be hard because of all the Christmas parties coming up. Plus I'll be at my mom's for two weeks & won't be home until after New Year's. It's worth a shot though!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Susan, I am not going to lie to you because it is Christmas time so I do believe that trying to lose any weight this month and not just maintain will be a challenge. Okay that being said, I bet you can do it. I have faith in you, you have faith in you and try to do some from of exercise each day. GO FOR IT!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member

    Ann, there you go! I am bummed because during the year the "S" in snow fell off and it is lost. My sis is making me another one and I am impatiently waiting for it. :grumble:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Tomorrow I hit the gym again. It has been four days because of the Thanksgiving holiday the gym was closed. Besides shopping on Black Friday, I haven't really did much exercise. I will get the kids ready, take them to school, the middle one goes to my mom because we homeschool her, we did her work today after church, then go to work. Get off work and if we don't have a mandotary staff meeting I will go to the gym for an hour until ds gets out of school. Come home eat dinner, go back to church to teach the young group and then fall into bed. Mondays are crazy because it is very early to rise to take care of all the animals before I go to work.
  • Thanks so much for the explanation about crunches and sit-ups. I think I'd better start with crunches.

    Susan - I'm with Amanda all the way. It's not an easy month to try to lose weight but I have a feeling you can do it - you sound determined!

    Amanda - thanks so much for posting that picture - I was intrigued by what you and Ann were saying and couldn't imagine the kind of things you could make. Your sister really is talented!

    Ann - post pictures of your masterpieces!! (pretty please :tongue: )

    Hope everyone's having a good Monday.
  • Hey Everyone!

    Feeling great as I just finished an awesome gym session woo! I did the ab challenge - those side weight ones were interesting, I am not sure I did them right but I guess I'll be able to feel it tomorrow if I did.

    Also - the fancy scale at the gym which I don't like cos it says I am 3kg heavier than the one at home ... well today I like it because it says I lost 2kgs (4.4pounds) since last week!. The one at home on the other hand hasn't moved. Hmph. I don't really know what to think now!

    Amanda - I am impressed you are fitting the gym into your busy day, well done!

    Susan - I believe you can do it too!

    Littlebird - definitely start with crunches - I prefer them to full sit ups as full ones really aggravate my back. crunches are still effective but much less chance of hurting yourself.

    Ann - would love to see some pics too

    Hope you all had/having good Mondays :wink:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
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