

  • Thank you...well most of you. :) I'm really trying to do this. I was simply looking for ideas and suggestions not someone to yell at me and tell me I'm just making excuses. I have a really hard time putting myself first and I always worry about everyone else instead. The DVDs sound like they might be a good start. I'm…
  • When did I say I was the only person with a busy schedule? If you read my post you will see that I said I know I'm not the only person....Pay attention if you're going to respond to my posts.
  • I say find something else to cut. There's no way I'm giving up Jiff peanut butter. It's just not happening. I buy the little single containers and try to split it up between two days of snacking. Doesn't always happen, but I'm okay with that. I'll do something extra to make up for the calories. Mmmm, now I want peanut…
  • 1. Five 2. Over the past 10 years 3. I have a picture of Bam Bam on my right ankle (For my son), writing on my left ankle, a flower on my right wrist, a frog on my hip, and a celtic shamrock on my right shoulder blade. 4. Nope!
  • What a great year for you! You look amazing!!
  • Only you know what will make your wedding day perfect. But I am it the big wedding you don't want or the big reception?
  • I never thought about it being water weight. I'll keep that in mind as I push on. Thanks!
  • By around I meant at or under. One day I did go over by like 30 calories. This site has me at 1200 calories which is hard to get used to considering it means changing a lot of the things I'm used to eating.
  • You must not know a lot of women then. I'm 5'5 and at 130 lbs I was curvy and no where near overweight. I had a great figure with curves in all the right places.
  • I"m 5'5 and 193. My ideal weight would be 130 but I'll be happy to get back down to 140. Right now I wear a size 14 but I'd be happy in a 10 again.
  • I've got an 11 year old son, a 21 year old step-son, and a 25 year old step-son. The step kids live with their mom out of state and we never see them. They are grown men who still need their mom to tell them it's okay to come visit and that'll never happen. The oldest used to live with us until we told him he had to go to…
  • I'm 32 so I know we're out here. :)
  • Seeing pictures of myself. I knew I was overweight all along, I just never realized how much until I looked at some recent pictures and seen a lot more of me than I wanted to see.
  • I'm in. Just joined a gym today and need all the motivation and support I can get. Seeing everyone else's stories is a huge motivation for me. CW: 193 Height: 5'5" Age: 32 Location: Michigan Happy for VDC requests
  • Feel free to add me. I'll be glad to offer some support along the way.
  • I've told people who need to know. My husband, my son, some family and friends, and the girls at work. We are all trying to do something at work so we are a great support system for each other. FB doesn't need to know my every move or everything I eat. I'll post pictures on there when I'm ready and show off the new me when…
  • Well since I forgot my lunch today I went out. Wendy's small chili and baked potato with just butter. Not my best choice, but it could've be way worse.
  • Go shopping. Right now I hate shopping for clothes because I can't stand the way I look in anything.
  • Sounds like a pretty awesome goal! Good luck with that!!!
  • I completely understand. I don't even think it's what I eat as much as what I don't do. I am horibly lazy and by the time I get home from work I don't want to exercise. But I've come to terms with this and realized that it is my fault so now I'm working on changing that. Good luck!
  • HAHA! Your youngest sounds like me when I was little. I broker my collar bone, had stitches in my upper lip, and had stitches above my eye all by the time I was 18 months. I did more as I got older of course....
  • This was the best thing I've read in a long time. :) I've got an 11 year old son who is headed into puberty. Wanna trade?!?
  • Why do you treat youself to something yummy only when you've lost a little weight? Why not have a day of the week (or month) when you can eat chinese food or chocolate or whatever it is that you want? This way you don't overindulge when you get it and you don't feel guilty afterwards. Just get back into your normal routine…
  • Awww!! You rock!
  • Bummer - I just seen this and was hoping to get added. I'm going to have to watch for the next one. I really need a challenge to motivate me.
  • 10lbs = New shoes. I'm getting close to this one and hopefully I can pull it off soon so I can get this pair of wedges I've been eyeing. I'm a shoe junkie so this is perfect for helping me push for my goals. 20lbs = New outfit and sexy shoes! Hubby has a class reunion coming up so I'm hoping to hit this mark in time for…
  • Oh how I feel you here. I lost my motivation a few weeks ago after going out for my husbands birthday. I had Taco Bell for lunch today and someone said something to me about it that helped snap me back. But I'm not sure I'm feeling it like I was when I first started a couple months ago. All I can say is take it one day at…
  • I lost 3.5 and didn't do it every day. I didn't do anything yesterday so I'm hoping to get at least a short class on the wii everyday this week.
  • goal: 300 minutes per week Mon: 0 minutes (0 calories) Tues: 0 Zumba minutes ( 0 calories burned) WEd: 30 Zumba minutes (425calories burned) Thurs: Zumba minutes (calories burned) Fri: Zumba minutes (calories burned) Sat: Zumba minutes (calories burned) Sun: Zumba minutes (calories burned) Total:30 Minutes - 425 Calories…