

  • The foot industry is making it harder for people to maintain a healthy weight. And the more they do the harder they make it. And the harder they make it the more people get fat, and the more expensive is the health care system. As an individual you can't throw in the towel and say "I give up". People can eat healthy and…
  • I am happy to debate with you, but please keep it respectful. I spent $12 on the book - Kindle edition. Anyone that reads it would come away believing it was well researched and factual. Criticizing an author without reading their book and saying that it can't be factual because he wrote it to sell books is pretty cynical.…
  • For the record, I have never advocated government regulation on food. Just better understanding of what the food industry is doing to our food. You appear to be lucky to have never head a weight problem. You may have a different perspective than someone like me that has struggled with weight loss. Hope you enjoy the Jag!…
  • Suggest you read the book olDave. On Amazon, 88% give it a 4+ out of 5. Some of the top comments are ... “ Anyone who wants to know what you're eating and what's really in there should read this book. ” “ The depth of research is excellent and the technical data is presented in a very readable style which makes the book a…
  • phdiva12 - The aspects on the book about the psychology used in advertising the products were particularly interesting. Congrats on your excellent weight loss success!
  • This is a tiny organization of 2 people. Richard Berman uses as his proof a quote from Justin Wilson, the only other employee, to prove his point. And characterizing the idea as "bunk" does not exactly sound like a substantive argument. Everyone has the right to their opinion, including these two and you. This carries very…
  • Not sure who Kessler is. Micheal Moss was the one that reported the dangers in the handling of meat. He is probably the one responsible for no more medium rare hamburgers! I am a little surprised that people here are not quicker to blame the food industry for the obesity epidemic. I do not agree that we can blame the food…
  • Why is this the only way? Right now companies like General Mills, Kellogg, Pillsbury and many others enjoy a wholesome reputation. They are the ones that are behind (or at least contributing to) the obesity epidemic. How would they respond if this book got enough publicity to get people stirred up? They do not want…
  • It is a good book. I am not done but reading it. As I said, anyone interested in reading it will certainly bolster their own weight loss by better understanding the enemy. There are too many people here that say I am doing great, I know how to control myself, I know what to buy at the grocery, I am not influenced by the…
  • Really? Clearly the food industry makes a profit by selling more food. And they sell more food by making the nation fat. The too are too closely linked. I DO think they sit around all day trying to figure out a way to get us to buy more of their product because I can't resist it. The nation is getting fat at an alarming…
  • Wow! Ex-world's fattest man. Article says he has 75 lbs of excess skin but he needs to maintain his weight loss for 2+ years before English medical system will remove it. Also says that his surgeries to date have already cost taxpayers $2.5 million dollars. His belly skin hands down below his knees so he can't even walk!
  • Holly cow. He lost 302 lbs (482 to 180) on a medically supervised fast for over a year. Can you imagine not eating anything for that long? I wonder what it was like to learn to eat again.
  • Running may burn more calories in the same time, but a person just learning will be hard presses to run sufficient distance for that to matter. You could walk far further and more frequently and burn many more calories in the first month or 2 than running alone. If you want to learn to run I think it is an awesome…
  • I don't think that learning to run is the quickest or fastest way to get fit and burn calories. Why? The buildup takes a long time, and if you push it you're likely to get injured. C25K is a great program, but the calorie burn is very modest compared to other forms of exercise. How to learn to run and get in shape fast…
  • Remember that calories burned is only an estimate, and probably a high estimate. The more you do a particular exercise the more adept your body is at doing it and the less energy you actually burn. So eating all of you exercise calories probably will have you over eating. Eating about 1/2 is reasonable, but don't use…
  • Life savers. ;)
  • Studies tend to show people that use diet and exercise to lose weight are able to lose more weight than those that diet alone. Although regaining weight is common either way,, studies also slow that you have a significantly better chance of keeping weight off if you lose with a combination of diet and exercise.
  • 20g is about as low as you should go. And if you eat that low, you have to eat healthy veggies. Eating a bite of a donut is not the way to get your 20g of carbs! But staying that low in carbs is not good long term. As I lost weight, I started to add things like low carb wraps, deli-thins, fruits (mostly strawberries,…
  • If someone is really interested in running, and burning calories, I highly recommend you consider doing triathlon sprint training. This would mean a couple runs (doing C25K), a couple bike (or exercise bike) sessions, and a couple of swims every week. Both biking and swimming have little or no impact and allow you to…
  • I eat carrots dipped in humus with Sriracha (spicy) sauce squirted on top. Pistachios and almonds also good. Also would not rule our fruits unless you are in a low carb induction phase. One (or two) servings of apples, blueberries, grapefruit, strawberries are all good.
  • I wonder if its like patting your head while rubbing your stomach. Takes some practice but then you learn to do it. I just tried and no luck!
  • If you have a Smartphone look for the Zen labs C25K Free app or 10k trainer free app. The 10k program is identical to the C25K program for the first 8 weeks (til you reach 5k) and then goes on to 10k from there. I started C25K in June as part of a triathlon sprint training program. I could barely run the 1 minute runs on…
  • BREAKFAST Water (first thing after waking) Blueberries Strawberries Almonds (three above mixed with cottage cheese) Grapefruit Eggs and bacon/sausage or ham Thin bagels with chive cream cheese, smoked salmon, onion, tomato, capers (special occasions) Coffee LUNCH / DINNER Salad with whole leaf lettuce, tomatoes, onion,…
  • Thanks for your respectful response, without resorting to insults as others have done. I still see an impressionable 20 year old that has a choice to make and everyone encouraging her to follow her urges into homosexual encounters. Sorry I don't agree with that advice. She has choices, and not all of them revolve around a…
  • It's a tough time of year. More temptations obviously. But, from an evolutionary perspective, this is the time our ancestors would be focused on food to get them ready for winter. Many of MFP friends - friends that have reached goal and proudly sport 6-pack abs are beating themselves up at their bad food choices lately.…
  • If you indeed "bi" as you say, why not find yourself a man for a committed relationship. You'd not have these family guilt issues and the self esteem issues that come from keeping a dark secret from the people most close to you. Realize that when you do commit to a person, you have to suppress your desires for other people…
  • Upgraded my 4 to a 5. Only incrementally better. Slightly slimmer, slightly faster, slightly bigger screen, slightly better camera). I do like Siri (not available on the 4 but is on the 4s). Going from cell phone to iPhone 4 was amazing. To the 5 was a letdown. What was amazing was the upgrade process. When it was done…
  • I like the Bose IE2. Never tried the Freedoms, so not sure which is better. Price about the same. Bose recently came out with a version I think is called the MIE2 made for exercising.
  • Quickly drink a large glass of water every morning when you first wake up. May or may not help with your current acute problem, but I find most mornings I go in 15 or 30 minutes.