Couch to 5k

Anyone doing this? It is a nine week program, and I'm starting tomorrow (treadmill version) There will be a 3k (march 16) and a 5k (march 2) where I live and I want to sign up for one. My fitness level right now is pretty much at zero, I don't intentionally exercise at all, and definitely never run unless I have to! So for any of you that runs or have done a 5k, should I sign up for that one? Or is it better to start with the 3k? By the time the 5k is here I will have only been on the couch to 5k program for eight weeks, not the full nine.


  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member
    I graduated from C25K a couple of weeks ago. If you stick with the program you should definitely sign up for the 5K race! There is nothing wrong with walking periodically. Plus it will feel more like an accomplishment.
  • XoCynthiaXo
    XoCynthiaXo Posts: 78 Member
    I am interested in this. What does it actually require you to do daily for the nine weeks?
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    ksears... If you are starting now, you have plenty of time to get ready for the 5K race on March 2. Just as Hannah suggested, if you need to walk during your first 5K race, that is totally okay.

    I started C25K on 1/28/12 and had my first 5K race on 3/17/12 (I was at the end of week 7). I finished... faster than I expected. And I just kept on running... eventually running two half marathons in the fall of last year.

    C25K and MFP together helped me totally change my life last year.

    Cynthia... C25K is a beginning running program. Basically, in broad terms, the program is 3 days a week for 9 weeks. Workouts are approximately 30 - 40 minutes in length total... week 1's workouts are: Warm up walk for 5 minutes, 8 repeats of run for 60 seconds/walk for 90 seconds, and then a 5 minute cool down walk. You do that 3 times, with a day off after each run, and then an extra day off before moving on to week two.

    Each week's workouts have the running intervals getting longer and the walking intervals getting shorter, until by the end of week 9, you can run for 30 minutes straight.
  • travelgirl77
    travelgirl77 Posts: 99 Member
    I am doing this program to retrain my body to run...slowly! I have already registered for a 5K on March 17th. There is a C25K group on here as well that has some tricks and tips to getting started!
  • XoCynthiaXo
    XoCynthiaXo Posts: 78 Member
    oh okay sounds great. I think i want to try it.
  • kimcatus
    C25K is one of the best programs out there! I graduated in spring of 2012 and ran my first 5k in April 2012. I'm now training for a 10k and plan on someday running a marathon.

    It really does help you start slow and get you used to moving your body and pushing it but not to the point of injury!
  • Run_Forever
    Run_Forever Posts: 147 Member
    I would sign up for the 5k race. Even though you won't have completed your 9 week program there is nothing wrong with walking whenever you need to. Just be careful to not speed up your program and finish it ahead of schedule, doing too much too fast can result in injuries that could sideline you for a while.
  • dulcitonia
    dulcitonia Posts: 278 Member
    This c25k sounds pretty good since I am lazy by nature. It'll give me a concrete goal
  • dinellelou
    I loved my c25k app! Training for a half marathon now. Has anyone tried any apps for a half?
    Good luck to you!!:))))
  • Brian_VA
    Brian_VA Posts: 125
    If you have a Smartphone look for the Zen labs C25K Free app or 10k trainer free app. The 10k program is identical to the C25K program for the first 8 weeks (til you reach 5k) and then goes on to 10k from there.

    I started C25K in June as part of a triathlon sprint training program. I could barely run the 1 minute runs on day 1 but was able to keep up with the program. I went past 5k and to close to 10k and completed my triathlon sprint (no walking) in September. Now I'm an avid runner with plans to run some 10ks and a half marathon this year. This program is definitely the best way to get started with running!
  • pattyk0517
    pattyk0517 Posts: 5 Member
    My 2013 goal is to workout 2-3 times a week. I'm using this app to train for running 5K.
    I will train on a treadmill since running on streets kills my knee
    Feel free to friend me so we can workout together :-D
  • sky15425
    sky15425 Posts: 220 Member
    You'll be ready for the 5K.
    I completed C25K and ran my first 5k in April 2012 and now I use jogging to reduce stress and clear my head. I never thought I would really enjoy it, but I do.
  • ARist99
    ARist99 Posts: 5 Member
    Starting my C25K today, prepping for a 5k on March 23rd!
  • Cindy22706
    Cindy22706 Posts: 11 Member
    I started it yesterday. I am surprised at how easy it was for me. I remember trying this almost a year ago and failing miserably. I have done 4 5k's already, but mainly walked them. either way, I am excited to start!
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    I did th program years ago and thought it was great. after a month into it I did a 5K race. I didn't run the whole time but enjoyed it so I much I just kept running. Don't be afraid to start.
  • ksears23
    ksears23 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks SO much for all the responses!! You guys have encouraged me a lot! I will be signing up for the 5k! =) Good luck to everyone, and congratulations on your progress!!
  • GiftsbyNature
    GiftsbyNature Posts: 54 Member
    POST HIJACK - I am so interested in this but I only have an elliptical and I have a 3 year old with asthma so running outside isn't happening right now. Is there anyway I could do this on the ellipitical?
  • GiftsbyNature
    GiftsbyNature Posts: 54 Member
    POST HIJACK - I am so interested in this but I only have an elliptical and I have a 3 year old with asthma so running outside isn't happening right now. Is there anyway I could do this on the ellipitical?
  • JonathanLLane
    JonathanLLane Posts: 1 Member
    There are great (and free) apps for iPhone that will guide you through the C25K program.

    I tried it last year and got about 5 weeks in before succumbing to crippling shin-splints.

    Giving it another go this year, hoping they don't recur.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    I did my first 5k after 8 weeks on the C25K program. it wasn't easy and it took me over one hour to finish but I did it. I made it my goal to run 1 5k each month. I only made it less than 1 hour on one of those 5ks.

    This year I want to get my 5k time down to under an hour. I don't enjoy running but races make it a little more fun.

    Good luck.