

  • I bet you £5 (any amount), that I can make our noses touch without kissing you... (assuming they agree) plant a big smacker on lips and say - It was worth it!
  • I do nipple, thinnest part of waiste / ribs area and fattest part of belly (which is below belly button) The key to it is consistancy - doesnt really matter where - just same place each time. I also only do measurements every 4 weeks, and take (unflattering) photo every 8 weeks
  • I can struggle through every move of level 1 except the push ups. I started doing them against the door frame (the only "wall" in my living room", but this morning I tried it on the floor and was pleased to struggle through the first set of modified - and then failed miserably on the second set. I do get through the side…
  • The logical way to think of it is fuel for a car. (I am no expert here!). You can put in just enough petrol to get you from A to B, but you will not be able to put you foot down on the motorway as you will have to coserve the fuel (and if you get stuck in a traffic jam you could be in trouble). If you have a "full tank"…
  • I follwoed the couch to 5 k program me to build up over 9 weeks to a duration of 30 mins non stop. I have no idea what distance I cover, but now I have completed the programme. Yesterday I did 5K in 45 mins with 30min jog and 15 min walk (5 at beginning and usual 5 at end to cooldown but I kept going to reach the 5k mark.…
  • I only wear makeup when I am going out for a special occasion (very rarely). I like wearing it, but as a treat (and hate being exhausted after a night out and trying to get mascara off again!!! I dont think of myself as "pretty", but I just am not bothered about it. Infact right now I am not certain where my makeup bag…
  • I too would recommend the Couch to 5k programme. It takes you through 9 weeks starting on week 1 where you jog for 60 seconds and then walk for a few mins before jogging again. Once you complete each podcast 3 times you move on to the next week (with a rest day in between). Each week is a different duration of walking and…
  • I started it last week and love it! Its hard, but do-able and only 22mins. You do need a pair of weights and a matt. (Copied below from another post!) Jillian had a question in a podcast about how often to do it and her answer was... 2 days of 30DS one day cardio 2 days of 30 DS and one cardio then a rest day. She said the…
  • It stands for Couch to 5k (From UK) there is a free download of the podcasts which take you through 9 weeks of running 3 times per week. Always with a walk to warm up and cool down. Music is played and "Laura" guides you through when to walk and when to run, and how far you have gone etc. Week 1 starts with just a 60…
  • HH (Holy - Handful) and cannot wait to get em shrinking down - In eight weeks I know I have lost 4cm's from them (much to his dismay!) Really look forward to being able to buy tops without worrying about buttons, let alone bra's at more reasonable prices - including sports bras! (I love my shock absorber!)
  • I am really loving 30ds! Since discovering it is not supposed to be every day (unless you want to), I am doing 30ds every fri / sat / sun, and jogging mon, wed and either fri or sat - aqua aerobics and walk on tues and rest day (food shopping) on Thursday! (Work all week and like to have rest days between runs). Was aching…
  • Just saw this on another thread so copied it to here - I was planning on doing it every day where possible - now I'm not so sure.... "I just thought I would throw this out there since its hard to find if you dont know what your doing and there are so many out there that do things a different way (30 days straight which i…
  • Just done it - and feels good!!! Wanna quit and stop and kill her, but just kept going through it and WOOHOO!!!! How has everyone else got on?!? Oh and how on earth do we put this in on MFP????
  • Anyone taking pictures for Day 1??? I had some taken this morning along with weight and measurements (we do weight every friday, measure every 4 weeks and pic every 8 weeks) Gonna be interesting!! God I hope I can do this!!!
  • I am starting it tonight!!!! - Anyone can add me!!! I have heard you can't move after day 3 or 4!!! :ohwell:
  • I do 99.99999 % of my runs on a treadmill. When I do venture out onto streets I find it much harder. Even on a flat course you have lumps and bumps that you don't get on a treadmill. I wear glasses usually, but on my treadmill I dont bother as I don't need to see anything - horrible when running on streets. I also hated…
  • Body of your pants! PMSL!!! (Patricia Cornwell)
  • Funily enough I remember having this conversation with my dad who was in the Army. He told me that plain water was perfectly fine for washing sweat out, shampoo and condition as and when your hair needs it. If you are inside all day for a few days, your hair will not need washing as often as if you are outside in a city…
  • I am in Malvern, Worcestershire. Add me!!! -x-
  • I am a HH cup! My other half jokes saying that I can stop shrinking them now and just loose the weight from ANYWHERE but there!!!! I can't wait to be able to buy bras from "regular" shops, and have blouses fit without buttons exploding off - and as for being able to excercise without having to clamp them down, or the…
  • I combine a mug of hot water (as in tea but without the teabag, milk and sweetner!), and alternate with cold water. I have cold hands so used to drink around 12 cups of tea a day - mainly so I had something hot to hold and automatic response to sip it. The beauty of drinking hot water is that if you get too busy at work…
  • I am on week 7 and love it. Week's 5 & 6 really push you forward in terms of stamina so just take it easy and enjoy each accomplishment!
  • It is a lovely dress, and your legs look "good enough" to "get away with it". Personally I would not wear it, but I would suggest wearing thick black tights if you were to wear it. I would be so self conscious and keep pulling it down - and how on earth are you going to sit!?!??!
  • Trying is the first thing so whoop whoop!!! Do not feel bad!!! I did c25k and got to running 30mins. Afterwards - I stopped running.... then started it again fro the beginning a few months later and could not do it.... I quit; again around week 5. Tomorrow, i start week 7, third time around and I am at a slower pace, but I…
  • Walkjogrun is pretty cool two! You just plot your run on the map and it works out distances. -x-
  • I am 5'6, and need to loose a good 50lbs to get a "healthy" bmi, and yes I am definately "curvy!" Feel free to add me! -x-