Feeling Guilty about not Pushing myself to run and keep my g

I started training for a 5 k back in Jan, I wanted to be able to run the entire 3.2 miles by next weekend but it looks as though I will not quite get there. I can finish the distance in about 37 minutes so far, walking and running. Iknow it is because I have not pushed myself. I started the C25K program and made it to the 5week 3rd day and quit. I think I was scared that i would not be able to do it. Then I started doing intervals of 4 mph walking and 5 mph running. that is going well, but I do feel like I let myself down and probably my friends too who are runners and usually finish the run in just over 20 minutes. I will not be with them, I told them to just go off without me, but they say they will stick with me. I feel horribly guilty for not trying harder!


  • BrandiToy
    Don't feel too guilty....you may be shy of your original goal, but keep pushing forward. There will be plenty of 5K opertunities throughout the summer, maybe you will be able to do one later on. Set a new goal!
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    I only wish I was doing as well as you are! I think 37 minutes is great and you should be proud of yourself! Finishing a 5k at all waling / jogging/ running whatever is an accomplishment in itself. I read a book called "The Courage to Start". Check it out.
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    All you can do is keep on trying. Don't let the guilt push you back even farther! I'm on Week 2 of C25K so getting to week 5 is a huge accomplisment, just take off from there and finish :)
  • PlasticPsycho
    Hey at least you started at all :) Don't feel guilty, just start over again
    Everbody falls sometimes, and of course you're mad at yourself now, but that doesn't help, so just get back on track :)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    You've accomplished a great goal just getting to where you are. I WISH I could do just 2 miles in 37 minutes. (Still working on it though :tongue: ) keep pushing and you will get there. You also have great friends that will stick with you and hopefully push you to your potential through the race. Keep up the great work!
  • kgchisholm
    kgchisholm Posts: 134 Member
    You may not have hit your ultimate goal, but think about how amazing it is that you are running the race at a better time than you USED to be able to!

    If you want guilt, try me: signed up for a race last year, wimped out and withdrew. :( You're still sticking it out which impresses me!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    You did let yourself down. So, correct it. Lace up those shoes, and get to running.
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    Okay, #1 - just the fact that you are trying is incredible! Great job. #2 - 37 minutes is not awful by any means. Sure, you may not place and win any awards or anything but will you certainly finish and that is half the battle right there. #3 - the atmosphere of the race alone will be enough to get you moving and you may even do better than you think you will. Great job on your accomplishments so far and keep up the good work :happy:
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    You did let yourself down. So, correct it. Lace up those shoes, and get to running.

    Your are right! I am still trying to push myself this week.

    Thanks everyone for all the encouragement! I do feel a bit better! I do have great friends!
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I've run a lot of races over the past 10 years and just getting out there and running and/or walking should be applauded! My goal is always the same ... to cross the finish line! Keep up the great work!!
  • Happyguy
    Happyguy Posts: 90 Member
    You are in better shape that you were in January right?

    So find another race to train for and get back on the horse that threw you.

    If you aren't sure about your program (I'm not familiar with c25k) just double it. Do each week twice before you move to the next week. Take your time and above all else HAVE FUN. It's really not supposed to feel like work every time you head out for a run. :)

    Edit: I should have finished reading your post before I posted.

    It sounds like you have great friends. I'd go ahead and run with them. Don't worry about them having to run so slowly as there are plenty more races and friends are more important. If you do the race with your friends you just might have a really good time and will motivate you to keep training.

    Another edit: Ultramarathoners often have what are called pacers. These are just friends who come out for part of the run to cheer you up, speed you up, or take your mind off your misery. They just do it because they are your friend. There is nothing in it for them other than helping you to meet your goal. It's really what friends do for friends.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Here's what I would do:

    1. Work out well between now and then.
    2. Convince my friends they can do the most to help by going on without me and waiting at the finish line to cheer for me.
    3. Run as hard as you can at the actual race.

    The goal is to cross the line. Who cares how fast you go? When you finish this time, you can keep up with your time and aim to beat it NEXT time!

    Hit the streets, kid! You can do it!
  • teener009
    teener009 Posts: 9 Member
    That was yesterday. You're still trying and that is good. Today is a new day and time to set a new goal!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ditto to all of the above. As for your friends, I have many running buddies who run much faster than me and many who run much slower than me, and I haven't met a runner who isn't thrilled when someone new takes up running, regardless of their speed. So I'm sure that your friends are just happy that you're doing the race at all. If you're self conscious about your speed then let them know that they can go ahead without you (I'm sure they'll be happy to cheer you on at the end), but if they decide to stick with you then you should rest assured that they genuinely want to run with you and aren't worried about their times.
  • scullyuk06
    Trying is the first thing so whoop whoop!!! Do not feel bad!!! I did c25k and got to running 30mins. Afterwards - I stopped running.... then started it again fro the beginning a few months later and could not do it.... I quit; again around week 5. Tomorrow, i start week 7, third time around and I am at a slower pace, but I am doing it. Whether you use Laura, or your own interval training, the fact that you are out there is the main thing. Some days the runs are hard, some days I just know I am too tired to do it; but the feeling on the days I do do it and complete a run is amazing. Dont compare yourself to other people. Compare yourself to yourself. Take it easy on yourself and have fun with it. If you have to compare yourself to someone else - compare yourself to those who always stay sat on te sofa - you are lapping them everytime you go. -x-