kgrc Member


  • No, my goal is is 5 lbs more than yours..110
  • i made it thru last nite..woo hoo for me..really that it is a woo hoo for me.. my cheereader daughter and her cheerleader snacking best friends were up late late last night and my forever snacking fiance was forever snacking, but not me.. YAY me!!! and YAY everyone else!!!
  • I blew it too.. I am cheer*mom and cheer chaperone for my daugher's cheer squad at cheer camp that started Thursday thru last night......I don't think I need to say more....I will start again tonight.. Go me!!
  • If it's not too late to jump in..I am in...Starting tonight..go me!! Cut off time 10pm..
  • This is the first time I have become disappointed in this forum. A couple of you women were a little catty..It didn't come across to me that anyone was trying to discredit you...The other poster just had another view on the topic. We appreciate to hear what works (ed) for you, but if there are any other info out there they…
  • Thank you!! I am a little less confused:blushing: I also wanted to make a clarification; I wore the HRM for a 10 hour period (sorry for the confusion, not a 24 hr period, but that is my next test.. I really want to see that total). See at the end of 10 hours (that is my work day), I see a total of 1900 calories…
    in BMR Comment by kgrc May 2009
  • I am still confused..Where does BMR come into play? Also, while we are on BMR (I may need to start a new topic). I just received my HRM from Woot.. The last several days I have worn my HRM all day just to see how many calories I burn, are those calories the BMR? If not, say at the end of the day, the HRM says that I burned…
    in BMR Comment by kgrc May 2009
  • I have never not pushed thru it, but yesterday was a day that I just could not. I had a mentally exhausting day at work. I had in my mind that I was not going to go to Cardio Mix..but I went home, put on my work out clothes, drove my car in that direction, got out, went into class, ran into a trainer friend of mine who…
  • I called the Walmart where I purchased the hydroxycut and the manager told me that he could not accept it without the bottle because he would not be able to return it to the manufacturer.:mad:
  • What if you don't have the bottle? I know, it sounds silly..but I carried it around in my purse and the bottle always set off the sensor, so I put the remaining in a baggie.. BTW.. they made me very sick..
  • I feel the same way.. I am 122lbs..right where I should be for 5'8", I want to get back to where I was last year at 115lbs (the weight I feel the most comfortable), but heck, I can't even get back to 117lbs. I know I should be happy and satisfied at my current weight, but I am not. I am not a "clean eater" but I do make…
  • Hi Loren; You do look really good... I am 32-26-34..and weigh 121...5'8" and don't look great like you... I would like to know the measurements as well...
  • LOL!!! I really like you guys.. You all made my morning after my Vent!! You all have a great day and weekend!! Kim P.S. It was funny, when I walked into Starbucks this morning, the cashier asked, how do you stay that size drinking this. I said honestly, I don't drink this, I normally get the Caramel Skinny Latte, I am…
  • Yesterday a friend of mine had a birthday; so food was already scheduled to be brought in the office for her. So I asked her yesterday if you wanted breakfast for Friday morning...She was like YES!! Her favorite food is Chick-fil-A and she had never tried a Starbucks strawberries and creme frapp (which I don't drink, but…
  • :heart: pretzels :heart: animal crackers :grumble: lays bbq chips urghhh.. I just finished eating 6Tiny twists pretzels"..they are 6.7 calories, I should have just ate the full serving for 110 calories.