June "No Late Night Snacking Challenge"



  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Made it lastnight,
    and boy was it a challenge, I went to the drive in and the movies don't even start until after 9 PM:noway: But I did it!:)
  • twocats
    twocats Posts: 31
    Count me in! My cut off time will be 7:30 pm.

    Question? I quit smoking June 1st and am wondering how you set up your cool "box" that shows how many days you have under your belt, money saved, etc. This would really help keep me motivated. Am new to this site and don't know how to set this up.

    Thanks so much!:
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    I made it through another night! :smile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: TWOCATS~ go here for the counter smokefreequitmeter.com

    Did good another night!:flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    OK, so here's my update. On Friday night we went out and I had a smoothie (actually I only drank 1/2) past my cut-off, BUT I went to bed 3hrs later. So that counts, to me at least.

    Saturday was crazy and great! We went out and since we've been to more than one place, I could not order just water or tea, so I let go (very little alcohol and no heavy drinks, though). Honestly, I don't regret it :happy: - just wish it wouldn't mean I have to reset a counter :tongue: . But anyhow, I had 5 days in a row, and working now on my other counter :wink: .

    Good job everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Good job, everybody! I love reading the posts on here because they get me so motivated!

    I have done 6 days in a row, but here's the problem. I still ended up eating 2 servings of sorbet and 4 huge brownies. And that's just for dessert.:explode:

    I guess by cutting off late night snacking, I save a few pounds in the long run. But wouldn't eating bad just gain them all back??????:grumble:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    JuneTotalCounter: 6
    JuneConsecutiveCounter: 1
    TotalConsecutiveCounter: 1

    That is, I made it last night! :happy:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I just finished my bowl of fresh strawberries for dessert and I know I'm done for the night so - I'm counting tonight now....7 days down for me.
  • phatphanny
    phatphanny Posts: 90
    7 days consecutive so far...I need to put some effort into exercising as Ive been slacking in that area and need to get back on track. Maybe if Im REAL good for a week I can step back on the scale and get back into the swing of things...awesome job everyone is doing!!!
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    7 days down and it feels so good. I haven't had too many problems and have even stopped eating before the time limits I set for myself in the beginning. It feels good to have that control and not feel like if I reach for one thing late then I've blown it and what the heck if I reach for something else.

    Great job everyone. Let's keep going!! xx
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    phatphanny: I know where you're at because I've been there recently. Then being sick didn't help to keep me on track. Today is a NEW DAY for a NEW BEGINNING. Let's do this girl. You are my competition in this challenge :happy:

    7 days down.

  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: 7 nights down! Congrats everyone! anyone that fell off the bus, it is not that far in front of you, you can still jump on again!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668

    I made it through 7 whole nights! I'm soooooo proud of myself. Last night was my hardest night. It was fam movie night and we were having my favorite snack ever . . . PITA CHIPS!!!!!!!!!! But I did it.

    Good job, everyone who made it 7 days. And for the people who didn't, remember that's okay. Don't give up because there's always your Total Night Counter.:happy:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Someone's gotta break all this good news! Busted on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Booohooo! :cry:

    So, I have 2 good days in June so far, anyone proud of me? :drinker: :drinker:

    Just kidding, I will get back on the bus and have a 100% clean week. I have been working out alot lately so overall I am OK.

    Great job everyone, you are all a big inspirition to know it's possible. I just need to join the club.

  • tucson2
    tucson2 Posts: 16
    MissVitaVonCherry - thanks for reminding those of us "that fell off the bus, it is not that far in front of you, you can still jump on ." Just what I needed to hear! :happy: I will jump back on that bus tonight and my cutoff time will be 9pm.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    JuneTotalCounter: 7
    JuneConsecutiveCounter: 2
    TotalConsecutiveCounter: 2

    One more night down! I wish I had just a little bit less food for supper last night! :wink:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Day 8 down - although it's not my cutoff time I feel pretty satisfied and will fight any temptation tonight!
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    Made it another night.
    I only have 2 more lb to go...I hope I can keep it up and not get cocky and eat everything because "now I can"! :blushing:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Sorry I have been absent. I have so much to cath up on - will try to read through tonight.
    Was a busy, but great, week-end w/kids visiting and also going to see my parents at their condo in CT. Yesterday I was a substitute teacher in 1st grade and I was just wiped out. My hat is off to elementary school teachers!
    Anyway, while I have been bad calorie-wise, I have stuck (just barely) to this challenge. So, I've made it through 8 nights of no-late night snacking - even on the week-end!:happy:
    Hope everyone else is doing well. I will read throught the thread tonight.
  • kgrc
    kgrc Posts: 17 Member
    If it's not too late to jump in..I am in...Starting tonight..go me!! Cut off time 10pm..