June "No Late Night Snacking Challenge"



  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Did good again lastnight
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    3 night with no eating late! wahooo!!
  • kerimcdonald
    kerimcdonald Posts: 195
    OMG!!!! I cannot tell you guys how much I've missed being able to talk to everyone every day. I am going to start the no snacking and today is my day 1.

    cut off time 9pm

    I haven't been doing that great, but with everything going on and stress, I have lost more weight than I thought I had gained (if that makes sense). So good things come out of bad sometimes. zaza, grammymax, i missed you guys all last month and when I snacked late, I swear I saw you peeking from behind me!!!:laugh:

    Day 1 here we go! Yaey June!!
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    Saturday I did it, Sunday we had friends over and cooked out and I lost track of time...I actually don't remember If I ate after 9 om or not?:grumble: Last night I went to bed at 7 pm so I know I was a "good girl!":laugh:
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    :heart: 7 Days and in control.
    I made it through last night. Not an easy challenge some days. My kids were snacking on cheese nips while watching a movie and the hubby was snacking on dry cereal watching sports.....so I went outside and sat on the gliding rocker and watched the neighborhood. I wasn't hungry ...I doubt that they were hungry either...they just wanted to do something while watching TV....extra entertainment.

    I haven't missed snacking infront of the TV. I feel so much happier with myself in the morning knowing that the night before I didn't over indulge.

    I really enjoy your posts...knowing that we are all trying to do this at the same time is more support than I would have imagined. Keep up the challenge!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I ate a light sandwich at 2AM :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Could not get to a 3-day streak. I am down another lb so hoots for that. I only ate 1,400 cal's for the day with a light sandwich for supper. I then worked out from 9:30 to 11:00 PM. I got up at 1:30 and there was no way to get to sleep with the "rumbly in the tumbly" as only Pooh can say.

    I am still amazed how anyone can do 10, 14, 16 days straight. Great job!

  • kgrc
    kgrc Posts: 17 Member
    i made it thru last nite..woo hoo for me..really that it is a woo hoo for me.. my cheereader daughter and her cheerleader snacking best friends were up late late last night and my forever snacking fiance was forever snacking, but not me.. YAY me!!! and YAY everyone else!!!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    Rainman - Wow, you work out very late at night. I'm an early morning work out person.
    I'd say that as long as your 1:30am sandwich was a healthy sandwich that you shouldn't feel too bad.
    And, I noticed that you didn't say that you ate Ice Cream at 1:30am so, I think you probably did just fine.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    16 days and counting. I almost caved last night. I had a stressful day and I was in a grumpy mood. Around midnight I wanted a granola bar BAD. I asked myself if I really needed it? did I really want to blow 15 days of not snacking just for a stupid snack that I didn't need? It didn't take long for me to answer my own questions (kinda weird as I answered them out loud :bigsmile: ) soooo I realized I was just pouting about having a bad day and I just needed to "walk it off". I was proud of myself.

    I am also amazed that I've hung on this long, though I shouldn't be. I'm very competitive and extremely obstinate. I've been told I'd bite my nose off to spite my face, lol. I don't think that was a good thing. I just need to keep this up.

    I'm starting to get frustrated because with everything I'm doing right the scale hasn't budged. Well, it fluctuates a pound or two in either direction for over 2 weeks now but just can't seem to get it to go down. I wanted so badly to lose 20 pounds by the time I go on vacation at the end of July, it isn't going to happen at this rate. I have a hard time measuring to see results as the way my excess weight and loose skin (sorry if that was TMI, too late) is distributed I don't have real defined areas and I never seem to measure in the same place every time. I can say my clothes are fitting looser and this is a great feeling in itself.

    I'm very proud of all of you no matter what day you're on. We're all here to better ourselves and I take inspiration from you guys.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    i made it thru last nite..woo hoo for me..really that it is a woo hoo for me.. my cheereader daughter and her cheerleader snacking best friends were up late late last night and my forever snacking fiance was forever snacking, but not me.. YAY me!!! and YAY everyone else!!!

    Yay you is right! It's hard enough to not snack late if you're up and you have a tendency to do so but if you couple that with everyone around you snacking.....wow kudos to you girl! :drinker:
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    I ate a light sandwich at 2AM :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Could not get to a 3-day streak. I am down another lb so hoots for that. I only ate 1,400 cal's for the day with a light sandwich for supper. I then worked out from 9:30 to 11:00 PM. I got up at 1:30 and there was no way to get to sleep with the "rumbly in the tumbly" as only Pooh can say.

    I am still amazed how anyone can do 10, 14, 16 days straight. Great job!


    Hey Raymond I think you're doing great. You are right you can't sleep with a rumbly in the tumbly. I too work out late at night and I know it's hard sometimes after the cool down for your body to not want something. I'm sure you didn't do any harm with your late night sandwich as you were probably still burning HOT, and like one of the other gals said it isn't like you dove into cinnabons :wink: or ice cream.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement.

    I would have ate the cinnamon rolls.... if they were there. HA. So, it was a pickle sandwich on light bread with a little mustard... That's all we had! Did the trick

    Thanks again for the support, I am getting better at this and not so willing to just blow it.

  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    If today is the 17th, then I have done 16 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy: I never thought that I could go for a whole month without snacking at night, but now it looks like I can! Now I just have to cut out extra DAYTIME snacking!:embarassed:

    Rainman - In all honesty . . . so what? It was a sandwich. And you exercised right before. I don't think that we should torture ourselves when we're truly hungry. Eating if you're bored is a different story (my story, actually!:laugh: )
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    Day 8. I did just fine all day yesterday and last night. Its not so much that I didn't think :noway: about having a snack as much as it was I didn't want to post on the message board that I HAD snacked.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    You all are doing great. This is day 18 for me. It's been a tough week for me but I have been sticking to this challenge:happy:
    Happy Friday tomorrow
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    :bigsmile: Day 9. Wow, can't believe its been 9 days. It takes anywhere from 21 days to 3 months (in my opinion) to break a habit and make a new one. The June Challenge is an attempt at breaking a habit of late night snacking. After 9 days I have learned this: I feel so much better every morning knowing that I didn't have a mindless snack. Knowing that I am sticking to eating healthfully (especially in the evenings) has helped my mental self talk. I'm fueling my body with the nutrients it needs and continuing my workouts. My workouts are less about "wearing off the cinnabon I ate last night" but more about "I'm doing this because it will make my body strong".

    Today is my Work from Home day. I have a difficult time resisting snacking (normally) on my WFH days. The kitchen is just way toooooo handy. But, I am NOT going to snack *AT ALL* today. Late night or during my work day. I will stick to eating healthy and my pre-planned meals.

    This is an awesome challenge. I absolutely :heart: it!

    Way 2 go everyone!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    6 days in I'm doing great! I have lost almost 3 pounds in 3 days hopefully it will stay off!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    sr88201, your message is so inspiring. I also snack all day long when working from home. You are a very good example that this can be done! Thank you :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Bohlon, way to go! :flowerforyou: As for Esther, you are just a s usual - no dissapointment :wink: . Glad everyone's doing so well.

    Now my long story put short: JuneTotalCounter: 16 and the others get reset (travelling yesterday, it wasn't worth it to worry extra about this). But have a look at my ticker, people! As I suspected, I have lost weight! Now I don't know where to go from here :glasses: . I guess I'll just try to maintain for a while (I'm very bad at that, mmm :glasses: ).
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    19 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: I think I am breaking my late-night-snacking habit!!!!!!!!!!!:happy:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Last night was good. :glasses: