typically the less you have to lose, the harder it is to lose. and perhaps you're putting on muscle as well as losing fat. get yourself measured, and keep track of your inches. i'm sure you're losing inches, which can be hard to see without keeping track
I simply add frozen berries, a banana, 2% milk and 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder (body fortress brand), some ice and blend sometimes I'll put starbucks via (their instant coffee) in it, which is also really good
well chosen
I know for sure that power lifters are looking to get the maximum out of each lift, and will rest until they feel they can get their full reps for each set, rather than those who are looking to lift to muscle fatigue different people have different goals and different needs sorry bout it
this is/was me. he will have to be ok with who he is, or change that which he can to like himself more. liking him for who he is is great, but it could lead to a fallout eventually. confidence is sexy, insecurity is definitely not
better than none at all!
I believe that's called a 'mustache ride'
BY bodyguards for bodyguards!
because callouses are uncomfortable.. is this a serious thread?
did you read any of the posts?
people expect you to talk between servings and during football
the first half of this statement had me thinking very different things than where you took it. good on you
avoidance is normal, fear is normal, it's just doing it that will break the cycle for you we're all afraid of rejection, and guess what, that girl is afraid of rejection just as much as the next person. just remember we're all human, we all share virtually the same feelings
there's blood in steak
this. more power to you if you're expanding your comfort zone
there are men and women who are specifically into large partners. i'm not one of them i, for whatever psychological reasons, into thin/slim/athletically built women. i find them very hot
soulful look, brunette
I'm going to eat, enjoy and go on with my life as usual holler
it appears the main difference between pt4 and pt7 is the computer integration technology, yeah? like, syncing up the watch and tracking your input vs not being able to
great, i saw one on best buy's website (have a gift card for there), on sale for 40 bucks all together. thanks for the input
hmm, the reviews on amazon don't seem encouraging...any others?
assuming they haven't already made their presence known, there are people on this site who are in their 40s and 50s who have lost 200 lbs and found the new beginning you seek. it's literally never too late to start your life. if you're alive, then you're in a position to do something about it. i can sympathize, but don't…
Wanna have sex?
to my understanding, the goal is calculated based on TDEE ('total daily energy expenditure' (or something like that))--which is what your body burns per day just to survive and produce hair, blood flow, etc--and what your goal loss per week is (1 pound, 1.5, etc). so if your body burns 3000 calories just sitting around in…
been there needs cheese and it would be great
I have no limit of weird **** i say or do
it's confidence, and a sense of humor and personality that get you in the door i've been shunned plenty, but I've also learned to cultivate a personality that keeps someone's attention and interest that said, I'm single so clearly I have work to do
i can burn about 450 in 30 minutes of HIIT running the intervals are 1 minute walking, 1 minute jogging, 1 minute running keep in mind, each body burns calories differently based on bodyfat, gender, size