

  • I'm trying to run 10km also, I'm on 5 at the moment. I then want to be able to run a half marathon and for a charity very close to my heart so it's great motivation!
  • I do Cassey's videos most days and I enter them as "Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort", "Calisthenics, home, light/moderate effort" or Pilates, depending on how hard I'm working. For Call Me Maybe Squats I always use 'vigourous effort', but what makes you bootyful is pretty easy so I'd say "light/moderate…
  • http://www.blogilates.com/recipe-index Here's some great, really simple recipes. My favourites are the banana pancakes and sweet potato fries (not together!) because they are so simple and taste really unhealthy haha.
  • I'm always hungry as well and I eat about 1600-1900 a day (not really trying to lose weight though) sometimes a lot over. It's not just psychological either, my stomach is full-on rumbling right now and it kind of hurts. It's not yet 11am and I've had porridge at 7, a clementine at 9 half a sandwich at 10.15. I'm trying to…
  • I'm going to do it again and promote my favourite website and trainer ever, Cassey Ho at blogilates.com. She has over a hundred free pilates, HIIT and cardio videos on youtube. Most are bodyweight but some use dumbbells or even heavy textbooks. Just trying to spread the pop pilates love because it has helped me so much.
  • I forever seem to be advertising blogilates.com but I can't help it, I love it so much. She has great pilates, cardio and HIIT videos as well as workout calendars, meal plans and health blog posts. Highly recommend it.
  • blogilates.com is a god send to me. It's pilates but with a bit of a twist. She does free pilates, cardio and HIIT youtube videos and she's really motivating. Her 30 minute beginner pilates video is probably a good idea to see if you like it. Her videos are a lot more active than the classes I've been to but I get better…
  • I remember reading something along the lines of "If you stay friends after a break up you're either still in love or never really were". I think it depends on why you broke up. If it was because there was no chemistry or things just fizzled out, I think it's fine to be friends.
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=zEaCKvm5oHA Blogilates has loads of bum videos, they are great. Especially the Call Me Maybe Squat Challenge. Exercise won't necessarily make your bum much bigger though, just rounder and perkier.
  • Yaaaay. I love Pop pilates! I would so be up for a group. Who is doing the OMGoctober workout? I didn't do yesterday so I tried to do some of yesterdays and today's a few hours ago. Errr, did not go well. Have been being a it lazy recently and abdominal abdominals is one I always avoid so it killed me. My favourites are…
  • I can't wait to make the pie, the pie looked so good. I love pastry and pizza so I reckon a pizza base pastry will be so good! The recipes from the programmes are online so you don't even have to buy the books for some of them. Here are the pies I'm salivating over…
  • I really want to get my body fat measured with callipers but I'm not a member of a gym. Does anyone know how I could go about finding somewhere to get this done? EDIT: Online calculators have given me crazy results. I'm fairly sure my BF is quite low because I'm naturally quite muscular and gain muscle pretty easily but…
  • Height: 5' 6.5 CW: 128 GW: 120 ish To be honest, I'm trying not to let numbers dictate where I want to be. I've been off the exercise and diet wagon for a month or two now, after doing some travelling and working at the Olympics, so I just want to become more defined and improve my fitness - it's shocking at the moment! At…
  • Personally, I think the most important things are to feel comfortable and feel supported! There is nothing worse than going for a swim and popping out your bikini. If you do feel a bit self-conscious, a nice sheer kaftan can do wonders whilst still showing off your lovely bikini and figure. Anyway, there are loads of…
  • This happened to me. It happened slowly and I didn't really notice. I was catered and it was a three course meal every night and all you can eat breakfast every day pretty much. I look at pictures from this time last year and I'm shocked to be honest. I've lost it now and I still want to lose a little more and get…
  • I don't think there's any "best time". Some people will say early in the morning before breakfast, some people will say late at night. It really depends when you can fit it in. I sometimes exercise at night but personally exercise really wakes me up so then I have trouble sleeping. I don't really like exercising before…
  • Pop Pilates videos on youtube, they are amazing :) She definitely has an older apartment-friendly cardio video as well.
  • krawl78 you wear nice glasses :)
  • Depends where it's sourced from really. Even though I'm a student, I always make sure In get responsibly sourced meat, fish and dairy products and always, always buy British :) Then again, I think that's because I'm a vet student and have done a lot of work for farmers so if I can't afford the good stuff, I just won't buy…
  • I don't want a really defined six pack, tbh I want what the OP already has but I've got a way to go! I haven't been eating well/exercising enough at all the last few weeks. I've been putting it in my diary and cringing, haha. But it was my birthday 2 days ago (Dominos, nooooo, felt bloated ever since!) and I've been doing…
  • Personally, if you've got that little to lose, I wouldn't be worrying about the scales, more about the fit of your clothes and body composition. Are you quite fit and toned? Adding muscle mass will make you look leaner but might make you weigh more. I know it's easy to get bogged down by a certain number - my number is…
  • has a lovely smile - definitely didn't mean to say exactly the same thing! (second most obvious thing - great username!)
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/606721-after-a-binge-after-a-meal-out-read-this This is a really good thread to read. Just be healthy tomorrow, it's okay.
  • I always get funny about running in public, even at the park near me full of runners. I feel like they think I'm really unfit or slow or have bad form (which I think I do, I have a bad knees and flat feet and I left my decent trainers at home - recipe for distaster). So I go at like 7am and I often just powerwalk because…
  • I used to get graze boxes, but as a student they are quite expensive and I tended to binge on the whole box! This is one of my favourite snacks: http://blogilates.com/recipe-index/berrylicious-microwave-minute-muffin All you need are oats, one egg (so you've got your protein), a bit of brown sugar and blueberries. I've…
  • I wanted 120, I'm 127-130 now (always fluctuate between these!). I've been 120 and it didn't look right, I'm naturally muscular and I don't think it suited me at that weight. I don't want to lose much more, I just want to improve my fitness and maybe lose a little bit more BF.
    in 5'7" Weight? Comment by ellen_v May 2012
  • You have a lovely smile :)
  • What's your name? Steph Where do you live? UK What are your food vices/ cheats? Pizza, chocolate and Pinot Grigio! What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? The above, haha. What's your favorite exercise? Pilates What exercise would you like to try this year? I want to run What is your biggest…
  • Hi, I'm getting back into my healthy lifestyle and don't have any friends either. I want to stick with it this time! I'll add you as a friend.
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