beginners 10k running - wanna join me?

Hey everyone,

Happy new year! One of my resolutions is to be able to run 10k and ive just started the bupa beginners 10k training program ( I completed the 5km program last year and it was very good.

I haven't got any races lined up so its quite a casual thing (also on a treadmill) but i would like to stick to the program so I should be running 10k in 8wks time.

Was wondering if anyone wanted to join me reach 10k no matter which program you are using? I could use some like-minded mates with this challenge!

Cheers and good luck with any resoltuions you've made.



  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I've just started the Runkeeper 10k plan so would love to join you. I'm lucky to live in the Scottish countryside, by the sea so I run outside
  • PixieAdele
    PixieAdele Posts: 102 Member
    Thats great! I would run outside but I get back from work quite late and its a bit too cold and dark for me plus I'm paying for the gymso I want to get my moneys worth!

    Do you have any races lined up? How many times a week are you planning to run?
  • Staffygirl88
    Staffygirl88 Posts: 75 Member
    hi id LOVE to join :)
    last year i was running 10km every day until i got ill in march and i havent run since. i tried to do a run a couple of months ago and couldnt even run a mile so I'd love to get my stamina back up
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    I signed up for a 10K because that was one of my goals this year. I'm doing the Leprechaun Chase 10K in March!! Ahhhhh!!! I didn't even have a plan lined up!
  • dream_big
    dream_big Posts: 75 Member
    I've been doing the 10k for pink by zen labs, only have a few weeks left but if anyone wants to add me feel free ☺
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Not got any races organised. A tally the idea of a race doesn't do anything for me. Just want to do it for fitness/ weight loss and I work well with targets. The Runkeeper plan is 3 times a week and I'm doing Chalean Extreme basic weight workouts in between. I may do a Zumba as well- going to try a class tonight.
  • johnselkirk
    Hello Adele, I am 62 years of age and have set myself a goal of running a 10km in April, I did a lot of running in my younger days and wanted to try and get myself fitter and lose some weigh. I would be delighted to join you.
    I have a friend who is very fit and running a 10km Race In Edinburgh in May and I am thinking of doing that one with him, not as fast as him though :smile:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • PixieAdele
    PixieAdele Posts: 102 Member
    Aw this is awesome! thanks for joining me! I have my second day of the bupa program tonight 15mins run 1-2 mins walk then 15mins run, its hard to get the motivation but i know i will feel good afterwards. Problem is that I'm still sore from wednesday! Thats what having christmas off does to ya!
  • johnselkirk
    Hi Adele,
    How has your training gone in the last 7 days, mine is progressing well I have a 6.4km easy run tomorrow and an 8km easy on Sunday.
  • Rickjuh
    Rickjuh Posts: 67
    Hi Adele!

    I just ran my first 10km yesterday!!
    I just the nike app... which one do you use?
  • johnselkirk
    Did 9km in 62 minutes on Sunday last week but felt a slight strain in my calf so taking it easy for a day or two, but otherwise I feel good.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    I gave myself a target to do 10km by end this year. Started running last year and was able to do 5km easily now, and 7km on treadmill. I didn't want to push too har that I have to do it within 2 months as I only get to run outside at max once a week, although I do other activities 5-6 times a week to strengthen up.

    So, if anyone wants to add me, please do so, will be happy to get some motivation and guidance. I'm currently using nike running. We can link up as well through that. :-)
  • AnjaZ89
    AnjaZ89 Posts: 235
    I'm running a plan from my.asics and love it so far :)
    Have just signed up for my first race on feb 24th and hope to run the whole thing!

    add me anybody of you like
  • ellen_v
    ellen_v Posts: 33
    I'm trying to run 10km also, I'm on 5 at the moment. I then want to be able to run a half marathon and for a charity very close to my heart so it's great motivation!