angielautenbach Member


  • Look great! I am thinkng I have a good 2.5-3 months till I have to wear a suit so hopfully I will proudly be wearing one this summer.
  • Day 15 DONE YAY HALF WAY THERE!!!!! D7L2 I "phoned" it in today. Am so tired this week. Havent been sleeping good. Going to push throught this weekend and start LEVEL 3 on MONDAY!!
  • I HATE it when someoe tells me to "take it easy" or "calm dowm" specially my husband. I feel like screaming at him "I was calm before you told me to be calm not I want to rip your head off."
  • Just push yourself through it at your own pace. As long as out through the workout you should be proud. As the days go on you will see yourself slowly being able to do more and more. I am on level 2 day 6 and have to talk myself into doing it everyday. I hate it but also I have seen alot of results and I am just following…
  • Day 14 D6L2 Today I felt good after my workout so I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and boy o boy was I ever sweating. Felt good though. My goal is to do it sat and sun I usually take one of those days as a rest day but I want to be done with this at the end of March so that would mean NO more rest days!!
  • 1. I have a very addictive personality (army wives, one tree hill, workout, eating healthy, wine, facebook, MFP) 2. I feel alone all the time. 3. I want a girl so bad that I tell my husband that when we get pregnant again I want ANOTHER boy. IDK why.
  • Forgot the logg on here yesterday.... Day 13 D5L2 Had a terrible day yesterday and didnt get to work out till 930pm ugh. Still got in done so I was proud of myself for not saying "oh its to late". Workout when good. I am doing more of the advanced moves everytime I do it. So excited for Monday when I start level 3. Now I…
  • I took measurments on day 11 in the morning for my day 10 resualts. Since I do the workout at night most days. I think morning you are your smallest. IDK though just what I did.
  • 12 lbs in January is awsome!! Give yourself other rewards when you do so great in a month like pedicure or something. Try not to celebrate with food. If you are going to indugle have a cheat meal not a cheat day/weekend. I find that if I eat healthy I dont crave bad foods but when I eat a little candy/bad carbs I dont want…
  • Day 12 D4L2 I did 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning before doing the workout. Felt good. Had to do punches instead on double jump rope at the end cause of my shins but overall good day! Did all of the moves better then yesterday!!
  • I am day 3 of level 2. My shins are killiing me as well. Took Saturday off in hopes it would be good to rest but no Sunday they still hurt like I never took a brake. Wonder if its normal. I am just going to stick with it and suck it up cause I have already seen results. Maybe there are extra sretches we can do before to…
  • Way to go! Cant see a difference everywhere. I am on day 11 and already see a difference. Jillian Michaels is awsome.
  • Day 11 D3L2 Day 3 was so much easier in level 2. I am excited to see if tomorrow is even easier. I cant believe how fast my body adapts to this. If it is like level 1 then I will be moving to level 3 on day 18!! I am excited that Friday marks my half way point. I am loving the results and can tell this is an awsome work…
  • I took a rest day on Saturday cause my shins started hurting so bad. The rest day didnt help my shins at all. So I have just been pushing though but OMG it hurts so bad. Hopfully your rest day will help. Good Luck and you are not a quitter.
  • So took my 10 days measurements and lost 5.5 inches 2 waist 1.5 hips 1 chest .5 legs and arms!!! YAY Also can see a change in my pictures!! Love this workout seeing such good resualts in just 10days.
  • day 10 D2L2 My shins hurt so bad. Ugh still pushing through it hopfully it isnt that bad to continue even though my shins hurt. Took a break and didnt do it yesterday but didnt seem to help my shins at all. Pushed really hard today and LOVED it. Going to measure tomorrow and take new pictures to see a difference. Lost a…
  • D9L2 So glad I decieded to switch to level 2! Definetly kicked my butt (in a good way) seemed to go by alot faster and was better on my shins. So excited for tomorrow being 1/3 of the way done!!!! I log it as circuit training 20 mins.
  • After you have a baby your body is built/ment to loose weight. I only gained 29lbs with my son and after I had him I lost 60lbs in like 6 months. Mind you I only breastfed for 8 wks. ( I was not excersizing or eating right) My pre-pregnancy weight was 193lbs Nov 08 week before he was born it was 222lbs July 09 When I…
  • D8L1 way great! Did the last bicylce crunch without feeling like I was going to die. My shins still hurt very bad. Going to switch to Level 2 tomorrow!!
  • I only did that for an excersize for the first 4 days. Now that it is a bit easier and I dont wake up sore anymore I add 20 minutes on the ellipical 2 times a week. Well see how I feel after level 2 starts and see if I will continue doing the elliptical.
  • My shins hurt so bad I can not do the last jump rope ugh. It only hurts while working out and for like 30 minutes after. I think I need some better shoes or something. Gonna stick to it though cause I am excited to see my end results.
  • D7L1 DONE!! My shins hurt so bad yesterday and today. Also didnt use weights cause I did something to my shoulder on day 5...ugh. I measured myself today since it has been one week and I lost .5 inches in my arms and legs stay the same on everything else even weight. Does anyone else have shin pain.
  • You look amazing. I am 5'11 196lbs my goal is about the same 165-170lbs!! Good luck!
  • Did D6L1 today and didnt even sweat today. Thinking I need to go to level 2 early???
  • Did D5L1 today. Got through the first set of push ups for the first time with out stopping. I dont use weights through it all cause all I have is 5lb weights and its way to hard since I am so out of shape. I HATE the bicycle crunch. Did 15 minutes on the elliptical felt really good. See how I feel tomorrow but I am…
  • Love to see this!! You look great! I am on day three and also look at everyones success so I stay motivated. I hope to get these results. You look sooo good!!!
  • #1 unless you arent worried about tan lines. I love #3
  • Wow very good storys and pictures are amazing you look awsome!!!
  • Okay sorry for the bra and underwear wasnt planning on showing these but I started my 30DS today and these are my before pictures. 5'11'' 187lbs my overall goal by summer/bikini is 170 maybe lower.