30 day shred march



  • 2012slimjim
    OMG - so with you on those cycle crunches - and that's the end isn't it before the warm down. I closed my eyes doing those and apart from my husband uttering some choice words next to me as he struggled with them, all I could hear was Jillian shouting don;t you stop, hang on in there, lol. No pain, no gain!!!
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    yes lol i think i was gritting my teeth at that point lol
  • brown0928
    brown0928 Posts: 49
    I absolutely HATE the pushups!
  • tena1785
    tena1785 Posts: 27
    How is everyone tracking 30DS with the exercise log? circuit training/ aerobics??
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    i log mine under circuit training general. I totally know what you mean by the cycle crunches. They're awful! I close my eyes and try to imagine that I'm doing something else so I can get thru the entire cycle. The sad thing is, is that's it's only 1 minute!!! haha..Someday it will be a piece of cake to do.
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I worked outside in the garden most of the afternoon. Love freshly tilled soil to plant in. Came in after dark and did D3L1 of 30DS. I never did buy lighter weights, so I'm still using the 5# ones. I still get winded doing jumping jacks and butt kicks. Only 27 more days :tongue:
  • tanklissa
    tanklissa Posts: 70
    I did my second day of the 30DS today. Holy crap, my THIGHS are burning! I thought I was fit (because I run), but clearly I am lacking in the muscle department....it hurts to sit down and pee ---and to walk down stairs...Oh em gee!

    That being said - I can't wait to see the results in 28 days :)
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    not done today yet walked to town and back 4 miles this morning so waiting tilllter day 5 today forme :)
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    day 5 completed and it was hard going today ,but not giving up need to complete the 30 days :)
  • lablover07
    lablover07 Posts: 11 Member
    D4/L1 in. Feeling good...just need to stay away from the sweets!.
  • Eryndil
    Eryndil Posts: 32
    I just finished L1D1 - I am feeling pretty beat up, but in a good way. I think I'm going to be very excited about this!

    P.S Don't have hand weights, so am using some of my more heavy textbooks (they weigh about 4lbs each) This makes them difficult to grip after a while, but at least I'm still getting the resistance I need to tone my arms
  • sweettthings
    sweettthings Posts: 157 Member
    I'm starting (again) tomorrow. I had been planning on starting on the 1st, but took to my bed with a bad cold/cough instead. I think I'll be okay for tomorrow, although I'm planning on taking it as slow as necessary. Last time I tried it (before the holidays), it kicked my butt.
  • mynewself
    mynewself Posts: 22
    so excited just completed my first day and ready for more!
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    D4L1 finished. Still winded with jumping jacks. Doing fine with everything else. Got zumba tomorrow night, but hope to do D5L1 afterwards.
  • lohofosho
    Second day on level 1 !
    Even that is an accomplishment haha after how sore I was yersterday! I even went out and got three poundweights today as I had to use kidney bean cans yesterday as a stand in.
    Really motivated, even though it's super tough :)
    Keep it up everyone!
  • JulieDerda
    JulieDerda Posts: 163
    starting it tomorrow :)
  • angielautenbach
    angielautenbach Posts: 119 Member
    Did D5L1 today. Got through the first set of push ups for the first time with out stopping. I dont use weights through it all cause all I have is 5lb weights and its way to hard since I am so out of shape. I HATE the bicycle crunch. Did 15 minutes on the elliptical felt really good. See how I feel tomorrow but I am thinking I wil do elliptical after every one. Well at least during level 1.. I am kinda scared of level 2 and 3.
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I made myself promise that I wouldn't play the DVD forward and watch level 2 or 3. I would probably scream something like "she wants us to do WHAT?" LOL I want to take this one day at a time..........
  • shaynemann39
    @JulieDerda -- I did Jillian's" Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism" vid tonight and it is kick *kitten*, love it! I am starting 30ds tomorrow, too if you need someone on the same timeline as you!! xx
  • HeatherFP13
    HeatherFP13 Posts: 81 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 - so far so good! It kills me, but I like it. The last arm strength move is SO hard! lol I have a question for those of you who are doing this though. I had seen on a previous thread that a 154 lb person should burn 180 calories doing level 1. I also saw that number on another website, so I was assuming it was pretty accurate. I wore a watch with a heart rate moniter/calorie counter on it tonight...and it said I only burned 39 calories...how is that possible? I was working my @$$ off! Can that be right?