Topbobdog Member


  • just allow yourself to have a cheat day once a week or relax it more on your weekend whatever is easier on you.
  • I usually drink a protein shake in the morning for my breakfast and make that the night before or make a small breakfast that i can grab and go and put them in a bag
  • I always pack small snack bags like homemade trail mix with nuts and fruit with some granola. I also snack on sunflower seeds and almonds. Also taking a cooler with water and sandwiches works well.
  • anywhere between 30 to 120 minutes a day 5-6 days a week
  • Agreed rest up eat right and avoid the exercise for today get plenty of rest and fluids. The Jack and tea with honey is my go to for getting out of that feeling
  • That sounds really good maybe next week ill make that
  • I have no idea i always figured that when they figured the calories they figured for it cooked and drained and never thought about it. It cant be that many calories though
  • Agreed only i do mine once a week
  • Your weight can fluctuate plus or minus about 6 pounds a day depends on a lot of different conditions. Thats why you should way yourself the same time usually once a week to see results.
  • If i go shopping at the grocery stores i will count it especially going to the mall with my wife we can be their for hours just looking. I dont count work as that is already kinda figured in when you set up your profile. However like you did trips to the zoo or museum and stuff are great places to wear it.
  • Weighted vests are great to maximize your calorie burn on walks its hard to account for though without a heart rate monitor. Also i think the most i have seen a weighted vest go up to is 50lbs. Do know though if you are heavy and losing weight that wearing the weighted vest can continue to cause wear and tear on your…
  • Your protein is probably low also it doesnt look like you eat much in terms of Meats, nuts, or beans. Those are all good sources of calories and will bump up your calories. Everyone thinks that to lose weight they need to be at some magical number but the truth is your body needs calories. Most people find that if they…
  • Diets dont work i hate to tell you that because you already know that you have to make it a lifestyle change you have to hold yourself accountable for what you eat and what you do to burn it off. I am more than will to encourage you and to aid you in anyway i can.
  • All very true if i drink i make it my free day and then work harder throughout the rest of the week also try and eat healthy and avoid over drinking i usually try to limit myself to 3 drinks that with healthy choices usually keeps me under my calorie goals
  • ok that Moroccan Beef Stew looks delicious
  • You've come to the right site this place helps. Good Luck on your Journey!
  • I love the wii motion plus pack, the archery and bowling and mini games are so much fun. I know the first time i golfed and bowled in that game i was like wow this is like the real thing thats crazy. As for the trainer ones i have no experience im still to heavy for the balance board :frown: So i play the other activities…
  • It is common for women who have had kids to get dislocated hips easier. Usually when you dislocate it your hip its painful and your hip doesnt rotate ask someone to watch that hip. What my wife does when she dislocates her hip is lay on her back with your feet up in the air and spread your legs that usually pops hers back…
  • Are you getting enough potassium most multi-vitamins dont contain any and it greatly helps with cramps also if you are constantly getting them after a certain exercise i would look into it. Some times cramps can be caused by poor walking habits such as bowlegged or waling on the sides of our feet. I would have someone…
  • Great job you have to start out small, every little bit helps and just keep adding to it. Good luck on your Journey
  • Nickles makes a light bread that is only 35 calories a slice they do make good calorie breads. They also make pastas that are whole grain which taste the same and are a lot better for you. Best advise check the labels of everything your first grocery trip will be the longest because you will look at every label and compare…
  • Start out small is by best advise walking/running, swimming, working out their are lots of great DVDs out their that take about 30 minutes a day that will give you great results Slim in 6, Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs. Working out with the holidays is very difficult good luck on your journey.
  • Vicks Vapor rub works amazing on sore knees and ankles its the same stuff thats in all those muscle creams for cheap and almost everyone has a bottle laying around. I have problems with my knees also (football injury) and after a hard workout i usually rub some Vicks on my knee to cut down the inflammation and help me…
  • Walking is great exercise Elliptical is amazing no stress on your joints and shreds calories. Walking though is still one of the most popular and beneficial weight lose exercise. Its a full body workout I usually try to walk/run around 10 miles a week. So far staying under calories and walking with some other stuff mixed…
  • Welcome back
  • The message boards are all about support and questions and answers. If you dont know ask at some point in time all of us have wondered something and with people in various stages of this journey and life you are bound to get a few good answers Welcome to this site.
  • I know in the US you can take a small class which comes down to a test and if you pass you become a licensed Trainer but their are a handful of companies that will license you some are a lot better than other and some are a lot more respected than others.
  • Football is America its the last Sport we have left that isnt being taken over from every other country it starts on a Thursday and doesnt end until Monday night. Between High school, College and Pro you can watch football all throughout fall .
  • Birthdays can be just as bad it depends on the age young birthday parties are the worst. When they get to be like 12 you can usually ignore the cake and they dont care but before that its a huge scene.
  • i drink a whey protein shake for breakfast it boosts my energy and gives a good amount of protein just make sure if you get a shake that its not for "MASS" I mix mine with Rice milk or soy milk usually also the chocolate flavored ones are amazing its like your treating yourself to chocolate only its healthy!