Heart Rate Monitor Users?

I just went and bought a HRM to use during my personal training sessions. I wanted a more accurate reading when it came to the amount of calories I am burning during our sessions.

So it got me thinking to wear the thing during other things too, for example when I was walking around the Zoo this weekend, I burned 786 calories walking around at a slow pace with my husband's niece. Each time we would stop for any length of time I would reset the HR or stop the clock. Same goes for the Apple Orchard/Farm we went too.

So I was wondering what other users tracked during the day? Do you track your work activities? or daily activities in general?


  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    I only wear it to track my exercise calories - during cardio only
  • Loisandrev
    Which one did you buy? I have been looking and haven't decided on one yet? What do you reccommend?
  • Topbobdog
    Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
    If i go shopping at the grocery stores i will count it especially going to the mall with my wife we can be their for hours just looking. I dont count work as that is already kinda figured in when you set up your profile. However like you did trips to the zoo or museum and stuff are great places to wear it.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I only use it when I am working out. I have used it though to see how many calories I may burn from dancing around while doing housework but I don't log that in as exercise calories.
  • ambercole
    I have a Polar f6 and I love it. i only wear it during cardio workouts.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I track during workouts and if I do something that I normally don't do (walking around the zoo, for instance). Just make sure to back out calories you'd normally burn!
  • Loisandrev
    Does it have a chest strap?
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    HRM will not calc calories accurately at lower heart rates. So using it when doing housework for example, the number will probably be exagerated.

    You mentioned burning 786 cals at a "slow pace". That would mean you should have walked at least 4 hrs.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Being active is the best way to stay in shape. So I would def use that during a trip to the zoo. I wear it usually for my entire workouts bc there is no way to count strength training and yoga. So I think that is a great idea esp bc thats an activity that is not on your schedule normally. However, I do not weat it for simple things like cleaning which some people do. So I basically use it for workouts or shoveling snow.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    For me, I only wear it when doing things out doors that involes walking. With mine, it also tracks how far and how fast I walk, jog, bike and so forth. So for things like the zoo, then for sure I would use mine.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Doing my workouts is when I use it. If you are wearing it like you did through out the day dont count the calories here because your activity level should be set up. So use it when you workout and then logg those calories. Does yours HR monitor have a chest strap?
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I'm in the market for a heart rate moniter and once I get it I'd like to wear it all day a few times to see if my daily calories burned (right now MFP has me at 1,900 burned in normal day to day activity) is accurate. If you frequently do long outings like that wearing the heart rate monitor will help you judge whether you have the right activity level sellected :)
  • Loisandrev
    does it have a chest strap?
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    No it does not have a chest strap, it's looks just like a watch. I am wearing it today at work just to see the amount of calories I burn through out the day. It has 7 features such as a Alarm, Timer, Countdown, Calories, etc. I am only using the calorie feature at this time.

    "You mentioned burning 786 cals at a "slow pace". That would mean you should have walked at least 4 hrs." -
    This is probably accurate, we left around 1pm and did not get home til 6 or 7... we probably walked around longer than that, but like I said I would stop it if we came to a stop for anylenght of time (like petting the stingrays) etc.

    I plan to pretty much wear it for when I go to the gym - but I am curious what my daily calories burned is, so I am wearing it today at work
  • Loisandrev
  • Loisandrev
    does it measure distance walked?
  • clipsychic
    does it measure distance walked?

    Lois, I believe the Polar F6 has a chest strap. I ordered mine last Tue and should be recieving it either today or tomorrow at the latest. As I said, I believe it comes with a chest strap and that's the only reason I bought it. I shall confirm this for you as soon as I open my package which I soooooooooo can't wait to.
  • carolstrange0
    I have one i got at walmart with a chest strap for 50 bucks. I would suggest this to beginner exercisers, but I personally wouldnt buy it again.. I really want the POLAR 3 i think it is! Maybe a good christmas present i need to tell the hubby... HAHAHA

    I only wear mine to workout.. no matter weights OR cardio I like to see my range i hit and try not to go to low when doing weights.

    Your numbers sound right... 768 for 4 hours
  • Loisandrev
    does polar 3i measure distance?
  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    What are you trying to determine ultimately? If you are looking to compare HRMs, go to polarusa.com. It's a great "first HRM" and there are various levels of functionality.
    That might be easier for you :)