jha1223 Member


  • All the more reason to drink it then. If you can't digest it, you don't have to count the calories, right?
  • Ok, so there is some clarification. I'm kind of a snob with my vehicles. I buy nice ones and don't hand over the keys to anyone. Hell, my wife never drove my last sports car (her choice). I'm particular about my vehicles. They are expensive. It doesn't matter what the sticker price is, they are probably expensive, in a…
  • [/quote] Do you think an HRM would be good to ascertain the calorie burned while flossing? [/quote] I think it depends on how vigorous of a floss session you had. Did you break a sweat? If not, don't log that crap!
  • Try my dad's method. You already have a pair that you liked, correct? Are they last years model? Probably. Are those models still carried online? I bet they are. When he finds a pair he likes at the high end store, he buys them the first time, waits for the next models to come out and cleans up on the old ones online. You…
  • I'm going to second (or third it?) to get to a chiropractor. Some people think they are quacks and yes there are some out there. Here's my advice on finding a good one: Try and find one that went to Palmer. They know a lot, believe they can do wonders, but don't think they can cure cancer with their work. Ask them what…
  • Born and raised Catholic. Currently not practicing (I.E. don't attend mass) but I still observe Lent. As a child, we found out what to give in a very simple way. We would ask someone else in the family to tell us what we should give up for Lent. It was pretty brutal since someone else in the family could easily identify…
  • If you can hold your hand above the fire for no more than 2 seconds, the heat level is "hot" (about 500°).
  • I like them both. Reasons why quinoa may be more expensive have already been listed. My advice is to check for a store brand. I found ours (Simple Truth @ Bakers) and it was half the price of any national brand.
  • Mexican Grilled Cheese Prosciutto and Parmesan Stuffed Puff Pastry Straws Babe's Chicken Texas
  • It really is a lot of reading but here is what I have to say about that. There are 10,080 minutes in a week. Are you willing to take 10 minutes and read this? Are you willing to give that short amount of your week to read something that will give you the tools that you need to make a change in your life, forever? Do it.
  • Oh you ..... :)
  • And just something else I wanted to add as a separate post for clarity. If you slip up on lunch, it doesn't mean you have to abandon the whole day. There are a myriad of images floating around the internet that say something like "there's nothing special about Monday." The idea is that if you trip on a meal, don't throw…
  • It is truly a game of calories in vs. calories out. That is weight loss plain and simple. But, in the grander scheme, there is more to it. You could eat above your BMR and below your TDEE in twinkies every day and lose weight. BUT, you would most likely feel like crap and since you wouldn't be addressing your macros, will…
  • I'm calling BS on this one. There is no way you eat that much grey poupon.
  • @taso42 and @nataliaho - Thank you. I dread the idea of watching myself on video, but I'll give it a shot.
  • I apologize if this comes to thread jacking, but the discussion is going on so.... I lift in my running shoes. I own a whopping two sets of athletic shoes - running and tennis (actual toe reinforced tennis shoes). We have extremely thick carpet and pad. I use a 25lb plate for squats to mimic the incline of a lifting shoe,…
  • I think I know a situation that this is directed at. My sister makes food for her and her husband. She also makes something different for her two boys who are 6 and 3 (mostly chicken strips or some variation) and sometimes a different meal for her and her husband. She is a stay at home mom and pretty much does all of the…
  • I was going to say trog's avatar ...
  • Yep. Give me good old Jif.
  • Measure yourself now. It will be well spent time.
  • 2.2 lbs. Not much. half a pound a week. But, I FEEL AMAZING. I've been asked if I have lost weight. And my wife said a few days ago "you are doing great baby. you can see it in your face. i'm proud of you." WINNNER!
  • If I am doing cardio on the recumbent, I watch videos for my last class for (another) degree. If I am on the elliptical, I watch ESPN. If I am lifting, I am listening to Spotify. I use the song time to keep me accurate on rest times between sets and fast paced house/techno/etc to keep the adrenaline flowing.
  • Learned how to cook at a young age. My mom, love her as I do, was not the greatest cook. I learned and it really helps to be able to eat right AND make some tasty food. When I was younger and single, it was great to be able to have a second date at my place and eat something that looked and tasted good. My wife couldn't…
  • I have my numbers dialed in for my calories and macros so regardless of what the scale says, if I am or am not hitting those numbers, that scale means nothing to me. I still weigh so I can update my weight and adjust my numbers as needed. However, if I were to weigh what I do now, but be in large clothes instead of XL,…
  • I count myself VERY, VERY lucky that my wife and I compromise. I mean seriously, I am really, really freaking lucky.
  • Oh now wasn't that potato information fun? Love it! OP, do you mean something more specific about the potato? You can have a baked potato, lite sour cream and half a TB of butter for under 300 calories. Carbs are up there, but they are very satiating carbs and just tasty! Othewise, i cut up a potato, toss it in olive oil…
  • This. And the strap is actually amazingly comfortable.