amzasmommy Member


  • I've done yoga, pilates, firm dvds, walking, etc with it with no problems. I second everything everyone else has already said.
  • I just plan my own. Each day of the week is assigned a different protien/focus (beef, pork, chicken, breakfast, vegetarian, salad/soup, fish). Then I have a few go to sites or recipes that I plug in. This way you get what you like and you balance it out. Then when I'm planning I make sure it's a well rounded meal.
  • Ask your doctor for a referal to a dietician. They can help you determine a good meal plan and give you limits. You'll need to count your carbs; all of them. As you begin to adjust your diet you'll learn what your triggers are. Somethings that are fine for one person may send you blood sugar soaring and vice versa. Pair a…
  • When I have work luncheons, I choose from a few options: - plan my day around that meal so the rest of the day is much lighter - eat smaller portions or just part of the meal - eat lunch before or after I go
  • Oatmeal Greek yogurt & a bagel thin or english muffin eggs & whole wheat toast jimmy dean d-light cereal w/ fruit
  • Naptime, before they get up, after they go to bed. We'll go to the park when it's nice too and I play with them. An hour of chasing little ones at the park IS exercise!
  • Stretch marks are hereditary. I've had 2 kids and have none despite gaining a ton of water weight w/ both. I was more toned w/ my first and bounced back a lot quicker than with my 2nd.
  • I'm a big fan of the firm series. They have a new express series of 20 min videos. Their traditonal videos run 45-60min.
  • I spend $700 a month for a family of 6 including toiletries, cleaning, etc. We buy into a CSA as well. Our most expensive areas seem to be meat and dairy.
  • Salty Snack (Chips, popcorn etc.) - usually can resist Sweets (Cake, cookies, soda etc.) - blackberry pie or cobbler. Greasy ( Fast foods) - pizza Chocolate (catagory of its on LOL) - dark chocolate covered cherries Carbs (Pizza, pasta, etc.) - red lobster cheddar biscuits
  • has a lot of recipes for lighter healthier versions of meals. I've made 6-7 dinners and no one has complained yet on those nights! Actually last night was a baked ziti from there. Everyone ate all of it (including my 5 year and teens) including the spinach in it.
  • nothing exciting. had a lunch meeting at work. turkey sandwhich, kettle chips, part of a brownie, water.
  • I'm at 138 this week and in a 4/6 depending on the brand.
  • How long do these keep for? I'm wondering if I can make a bunch and then snack on them at work for a few days.
  • Did you girls see there is a firm express group? It's small, but there's a daily check in!
  • I'd ask your dr. Mine put me on 1800 calories, but I had gestational diabetes and right now not pregnant I'm aiming to take in 1350 calories. You should take in 500 calories more than you do non pregnant generally.
  • I rest them on my shoulders. I hold the front of the weight ball, put the bar over my shoulder, and then one ball is behind me. I feel like I have the best control this way.
  • This is what I'm doing too. We have 4 ranging from 16 months to 15. SO takes the kids on the weekend and gives me an hour each day to do something. I've been trying to use my lunch hour more during the week to get stuff in too. Right now my goal is more daily movement. Morning isn't an option since I'm already up at 5am to…
  • I agree with I've been making a few of her things lately and they are fabulous. Here are a few other ideas that I've done recently: Baked chicken leg w/out skin, hashbrown casserole, green beans - 398 calories Grilled burger, sweet potato fries (baked), mediteranian blend veggies - 470 calories Grilled…
  • I am fortunate to have a yoga instructor at work and go twice a week. We do ashtaynga yoga. (I may not have spelled that correctly). It's more of a flow through positions with some holding. There is stretching and strenght aspects to it. I just got a hrm and think I might wear it next week and see how much I burn. I've…
    in Yoga Comment by amzasmommy March 2012
  • Lentil tacos, black bean enchiladas, or lentil meatballs are all super tastey. We put these in our rotation frequently because I can fool my meat loving teens and so with them.
  • Hi All! I just started MFP after a friend suggested if for a while. I'm 5'4 and somewhere between 133 & 137. I say somewhere between because every month when af comes I retain 4-8lbs of water that dissapears the day she shows. Anyone else have this issue? I'd like to get down to 120ish. Mostly I want to be a 2/4 rather…
  • I just ordered these this week after loving their longer workouts. I ordered a hrm and watch that tracks calories so I can put in the correct amount of calories burned. I'm just sticking it under cardio (that's where I put the longer ones).
  • I have this issue a lot. I talked to my dr about it and he helped me narrow down the culpret; low blood sugar. When you excersize your bs drops. If I excersice too early in the morning and don't have enough food in me I get dizzy. Now I do it in the afternoon and with a gatoraide instead of plain water. This solved it.
  • I'm a big yoga fan and my favorite yoga dvd that would fit what you're describing is by The Firm. It's designed to stretch you back out after their hard core workouts so it is focused on the stretching more than relaxation. You still get a nice light work out though. I have the older fit & firm series power yoga. I see on…
  • I've done the full length firm videos for years. (Well, should say used to. I haven't since I got pregnant 2 years ago). I just got my Firm Express this week and cannot wait to start! I can actually fit 30min in my day (not the hour needed for the full ones). I'd love to add you and see how these work for everyone!