AvonLucyR Member


  • Terrific progress!! Those pics really show the changes! Hard to believe we can change so much in such a short time. I hope you are getting lots of compliments everywhere you go! That is progress for which you should have a lot of pride! Congratulations!! :flowerforyou:
  • My Hubby has had to take care of me for close to 4 years since I was injured in an accident. I'm glad I don't have to see a post like this about me... I agree. If you need help, get some...and I understand your need to vent. But, I think we are spoiled when illness and caretaking interfere with our lifestyles. On the other…
  • You have done an amazing job! You look fabulous and are such an inspiration!!! Thank you for sharing your pictures with us! :flowerforyou:
  • Congratulations! Doesn't it feel good to be able to leave the plus sizes? I'm glad you can feel good and wear something you feel great in to the special occassions. So happy for you! :flowerforyou:
  • Very, very inspiring!! I agree that you look better now! I think it is because of all of the exercise! I think it's wonderful you have these pictures to keep you from going back to your old way of eating. Like you said, nothing tastes as good as this feels!! Extreme congratulations! You have done a great job!!…
  • Bullying is everywhere...even on MFP. It's very sad. This should be a safe place for those who need help losing the weight we gained for whatever reasons...emotional, physical, life change, etc. We can't change what people say, but we can only listen to the people who obviously are here for the "right reasons"! Let's…
  • My ex-husband and I had split up before I found out I was pregnant. An old friend had been calling me and we were having great conversations. I told him I was pregnant. Thought that would keep him from wanting to go out, but we went out...2 hour date - it was torture. He spent the whole time telling me about the dates he'd…
  • You didn't mention where you are going...this is my field, so let me tell you, #2 is THE look this Spring. Don't apologize for not having your make-up on - you are beautiful and need to know how beautiful you are with no make-up. My first choice is #1 (it accentuates the weight loss the most...and looks like you can move…
  • Surround yourself with encouraging MFPs...they will keep you from getting discouraged along the way...and make sure you have a combination of new and old members so you have people to encourage you and people you can encourage! :flowerforyou:
  • Two thoughts: 1) I like the one you have as it is...maybe a different location is better for the new one? Do you have others in different locations? I would personally put the new one somewhere away from the one shown here. 2) I would recommend you think about waiting until you reach your goal weight. Tatoos tend to…
  • When I was 18, my Mom took me to the OB/GYN. Same doctor who delivered me. I was 5'8" and weighed in the 90s!!. The doctor told me I had fat legs. I was mortified.
  • I agree with this answer. Also, be advised, Wikipedia is not a reliable source for any information which is why schools don't allow it to be used as a resource in written papers. Having had an eating disorder as a child, your body does begin to feed on organs when you no longer feed it the food it needs. Otherwise, we…
  • All I can tell you is that I, personally, can't handle the artificial sweetner. It makes me suffer intense migraines. I have often heard diet drinks keep you from losing weight though... :flowerforyou:
  • Your pictures look like a lot more than 13 lbs down!! You must be working out really well! Would be good for newbies to see where you started. Your current pic looks so skinny!! (not that you were obese to start with) :flowerforyou:
  • So happy for you!! You must feel great! So glad you made this incredible journey in time to save your life! I'll bet you never realized how well you would do! You are a wonderful inspiration for everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • We're all married to our cousins and dropped out of school in the 8th grade...lol! I must admit, I know a lot of people who fit Jeff Foxworthy's requirements for rednecks. I love the line from "Sweet Home, Alabama", "just cause I talk slow, doesn't mean I'm stupid". I grew up in the North and went to college, but now I'm…
  • :flowerforyou: What a fantastic transformation! Congratulations! You have worked so hard and deserve to feel so wonderful about yourself!!
  • Congratulations!!! I know how excited you must be! I am a few pounds from joining you. I hope you are sufficiently proud of yourself! You have done an amazing thing by getting through this amazing step! :flowerforyou:
  • Megan, What an incredible testimony to your new extended life and healthy body!! You look fantastic! The sparkle in your eyes in the after picture says it all! Congratulations!
  • Congratulations! Terrific difference! Excited for you. Doesn't it feel good to get into those small jeans?? Keep up the great work!
  • Definitely strengthening quads is #1 to protect knee!
  • There are several styles of braces you can find in the drug store or medical supply stores. The smart thing to do is to avoid aggravating it. (Easier said than done, I know.) Did the doctor do an MRI? The definition of diagnosis is 2 guesses. You look young which is why I am concerned for you. I have had knee trouble since…
  • Born and raised in Ann Arbor...live in NC now. Miss A2! Still have a brother in Saline. Oh my, I forgot to say GO BLUE!!
  • I was 5'8" and under 100 pounds. Had an eating disorder and still thought I was fat. I wore baggy shirts so people wouldn't tease me. Now, I weigh more than twice that and more than I did adding all the weight I gained with each of my 3 pregnancies. My goal is a healthy 165/size 12 and good body image!! (I'm 55 now and…
  • Terrific dedication and you have such great results to prove it! Congratulations!!
  • In high school I went an entire year with no junk food, sugar, processed foods, and never lost the craving. After about a month here, I must say I am very aware of what is going in my mouth. If I do eat something I shouldn't, I eat MUCH less to keep the calories down. I am able to resist temptations now. (Not that a shake…
  • Of course you should always get advise from a doctor, but "typically" strengthening your quad muscles is very helpful! (Was a licensed massage therapist in FL)
  • You look incredible! What a wonderful transformation! That dress is very flattering, too. I hope you are proud of your accomplishments! You are a terrific inspiration!
  • This is my way, too...although I either eat mine out of a bowl or on Wasa Crispbread. I love tuna!
  • I wish they had taught us these things growing up. Maybe we wouldn't have so many young people with eating disorders! They would still be getting their nutrition and getting thinner. It totally makes sense! Congrats on your revelation!!! :bigsmile: