jennievh Member


  • I don't think a heartrate monitor will do anything for weight-training work. It's more meant for monitoring cardio, right?
  • I'm not a salmon fan, but I've bought quite a few white fish fillets at Costco. Just realized last night that I can easily broil a fillet and then make fish tacos. YUM, fish tacos.
  • I absolutely loathe running. I get 10 steps and I'm bored and hating it. Like so many others, I need a reason to run--I used to play a lot of soccer and loved it. Now, I play ice hockey and ice skate, which is great exercise. My latest epiphany is that meeting a friend at her apartment complex's workout room is one of the…
  • Ha. On a hockey day, I can burn 800-900 calories. So a few weeks ago, I was coming back from hockey, a little hungry, worked hard, so I treated myself to not only a cheeseburger @ In & Out, but also an order of fries & a shake. Came home and laughed at myself--I managed to go over my calories that day. I was sure I'd still…
  • I'm 47 and am aiming for Fit By Fifty, too. I'm just over 190 and want to get down to 135 or so. I just went to my 30th high-school reunion and felt really fat (but not old, when I realized everyone else was 48, too!). I'm tired of being heavy--I've gained pretty steadily since high school and, as my profile says, It's…
  • Lots of you have had it with salsa. Now try mixing it with salsa and putting that on top of a baked potato. Doesn't look great, but tastes amazing. I also use it in lasagne in place of chalky, gritty ricotta cheese.
  • Totally. Palm oil? It seemed like they said, "Hey, let's look at all the oils, and only pick the unhealthy ones. Check!" I am loving this thread for the descriptions-- "green dirty dirt" "really really really sweaty hot *kitten*" "overcooked squid" I bought the coconut water, 2 flavors, for my kid. He took one taste of the…
  • It's hard, isn't it? Sometimes it feels so bleak. I like popcorn for filling myself up. Also, salad with lots of fresh or canned veggies (I adore canned green beans on salads). But, Geneen Roth would say, What is it you're really hungry for? And that you should eat some of that. So slow down, close your eyes, and figure…
  • ...and the other side of the coin: one day, I took my leftover half-burrito out of the fridge, heated it in the microwave, and took a bite. I can't remember if it was the first bite, or halfway through, but I realized it wasn't mine! It was steak and I always got chicken. Figured out who it was and bought her a whole new…
  • I love this. I'd totally make delicious cupcakes and sprinkle the blue powder on the icing. And giggle at the blue-mouthed culprit.
  • I'm with you. I started out well, lost 12 pounds, then bounced back up to an 8-pound loss. My stupid Wii Fit telling me "that's obese" every time I weigh in doesn't help! I say, screw BMI--even the person who invented it never meant for it to be a measure of an individual's health. Forget it and give yourself huge…
  • I have been feeling like this so. much. lately... It is really hard. My stomach is full but my mouth says More More More... Yes, it's not hunger, it's want/addiction/something entirely different than FOOD. I really need to work on this part. I lost 16 pounds and buoyed back up to a 10 lb loss. Working on it again but it's…
  • I cooked one (washed and pricked) in the microwave at lunch time today. 3 minutes, till it was squishy. Ate it like an apple, skin and all. Delicious and no added sugar or fat.
  • Wow, roasted chickpeas 3 ways! I have just recently found a LOT of canned chickpeas in my cupboards. Thanks!
  • I've been taking them for a few months and have seen tremendous improvement in the arthritis I get in my fingers. My question is, do you log the extra g of fat in your food diary? I take 1000 mg of fish oil and 1000mg of Evening Primrose Oil per day, so that's 2g of fat! :(
  • I've been doing the same thing. I'm thinking of making up menus for the weekend, because I end up grabbing whatever, or forgetting to make time for lunch & doing fast food. It is frustrating! I know I can eat better. I just need to make it easier for myself. I also don't generally log my food--and that doesn't help things!
  • Actually, you don't. Just being the "office weight loss person" doesn't come with a salary... nor an obligation. She's clearly not listening to the logic of "eat less, move more"; it's not worth the effort to tell her.
  • The "study" doesn't make any sense. Put a homemade burger next to it and see if it dries out or rots. That would say something. Put homemade fries next to it. Ditto. McDonalds has listened: their McNuggets are pieces of whole white meat chicken now, rather than that slurry stuff. They've improved their beef sources. I'm…
  • First, if high-fructose corn syrup is a concern of yours, I have to say that I have YET to find it in ANYTHING from TJ's. Their stuff is pretty healthy! Do be careful on the frozen foods--some of them have wacky serving sizes (like "serving size 1 cup; servings per package 1.5") that'll give you more calories than you had…
  • Have you read any Geneen Roth? She's big on giving in to your cravings. BUT keep in touch with your body. See how much you really need to be satisfied. Sometimes I'm craving ice cream and one spoonful satisfies it, and I just put it away. I did a workshop with her and she had us hold a Hershey's kiss in our mouths till it…
  • Consider using a silky tofu. It blends up totally smooth and usually tastes like nothing at all (the fruit in your smoothie will be the flavor).
  • It definitely can be. Watch for cream sauces and deep-fried food. Dal soups tend to be healthy. That said, I ADORE Indian food. Soooo yummy.
  • Yes! I think this is the key. Respect yourself enough to be honest. And if you go over your calories, say, "Oh, I didn't make the best choices today--I'll do better tomorrow. And I'll make it easier on myself by (packing a salad, buying that nonfat yogurt I like, not stopping at Starbucks)." It is too easy to get into the…
  • That is good news. I just ran into this with a Trader Joe's meal. I entered it in to MFP, and the calories that came up didn't make sense. I was sure the entry was wrong! Then I read the label--1.5 servings per box! Who's going to put part of it away for later, or only eat 2/3? I complained to TJs. They usually have more…
  • Asparagus. And mushrooms, raw or cooked. (shudder) I have to say, I actually like cottage cheese--and I like nonfat cottage cheese better. Weird.
  • Set yourself up for success. Fill your plate up with carrots, salad, other veggies, and then go back for BBQ. Then, when you refuse seconds on chicken/pie/whatever, you can honestly say you're full. I know the feeling, though--you don't want to stand out, and you REALLY don't want to be pitied. (and, the worst--you don't…
  • This sounds very unhealthy to me. Please check with your doctor before doing something this drastic!
  • I use some of the juices from the chicken (if it's cold, they'll be gelatin in the bottom of the pan) to moisten so that I don't need to use as much mayo. I like to add curry and golden raisins--YUM.
  • I think you're right--getting the moving in, the water--all that helps! And I might have even made better choices than I would otherwise (got frozen yogurt with my son and stuck with 2 flavors and small amounts). Love MFP!
  • And some people are stupid. Like me. I've had two friends lose about what you've lost lately, and it took me FINALLY seeing it (one gal had her back to me, and I took a double-take--her butt was way smaller!) to say something. Not everybody sees it until WHAM! Wait a bit and I'm sure the comments will start coming and…