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Cobehale Member


  • I finally measured today, been at this halfheartedly for a couple of months and just couldn't bring myself to do it. Once you get it over with, the next time won't be so hard! :)
  • Previous group loss:19.2 My weight loss: 3 New group loss: 22.2
  • Original start weight: 323 Weight last week: 300 Weight this week 299 Lost this week: 1 lb Challenge Goal Weight: 283
  • This is what the University of Maryland Medical Centre says.. ~Carbohydrates should provide 45 - 65% of total daily calories. The type and amount of carbohydrate are both important. Best choices are vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains. These foods are also high in fiber. Patients with diabetes should monitor their…
  • actually that is a untrue... "In general, the World Health Organization lists three potential educational paths involving full‐time chiropractic education across the globe. This includes: 1 – 4 years of pre-requisite training in basic sciences at university level followed by a 4 year full‐time program; DC. A 5 year…
  • It may not necessarily be that one leg is longer, it could be that your hips and spine are out of alignment causing it to appear that way. Seeing a chiropractor will give you a good idea of what is the cause and then some basic treatments to help. Then if orthotics are still in order then they can point you in the right…
  • well gosh you have a lot going on! All I can say is I am dealing with PCOS, pre diabetes, blown right knee, stress overeater, 5 kids, full time midnight worker so I am chronically deprived. So I know a tiny bit of what you are feeling. I am new to MFP but am finding lots and lots of info and support here. I say good on ya'…
  • If the problems that you are dealing with that are causing you to overeat, if those problems are affecting all areas of your life than medication may help. I am currently on meds for depression and anxiety and I have found that my emotional eating is not as bad - not perfect yet because that is still my go to when upset,…
  • http://pinterest.com/cobehale/ I have a whole board dedicated to weight loss inspiration. It is a GREAT way to remind myself of why I am doing this!
  • As a working mom of 5 I don't have the time or the budget to do spa things so I have set goals for 25lbs - every time I hit one of those I will do something nice for myself like a pedicure, massage etc. I have been picking up Groupons here and there when a really good deal comes along so I have one ready to go. I know I…
  • I am just now slowly getting past thinking about food all day! It is so hard as I am an emotional/stress/bored eater. When I was really struggling with it in the beginning, I did some reading and found that adding the protein powder to some of the things you already eat like yoghurt, oatmeal, fruit smoothie, glass of milk,…
  • Previous Group Loss:175.26 My Loss: 1 New Group Total: 176.26
  • I totally understand your paiin! Losing weight on the nightshift is extra hard. I am relatively new here and have started following the two links the other posted already sent your way and you will find lots of people who understand and lots of tips. I guess mostly, just keep trying, track your food, fit your exercise in…
  • I agree! Track it, forgive and move on! You didn't fall off the wagon, you just had a little bump! Making it into to big of a deal will only make it worse. Drink lots of water, take it easy on the carbs tomorrow, maybe do a couple extra minutes of your cardio. But don't undereat or overexercise to try and correct it.
  • stands for Non-Scale Victory something good that has happened along your journey that has nothing to do with the number on the scale.
    in NSV! Comment by Cobehale March 2012
  • PCOS is a b*t** eh? Affects so many things. But my dr tells me that losing weight and exercise will even help with that so I am choosing to believe him :wink: As another poster said, remind yourself of why you are doing it. Congratulate yourself for the progress you have made and any NSVs you've had. Be gentle with…
  • that's me too! My Sunday morning is the beginning of my days off and I rarely sleep. Add to it, that now my family expects me to eat with them and suddenly there are extra meals where normally I wouldn't eat AND that is when all the family gatherings happen! So my Sundays are always screwed up :sick: I have modified the…
  • that's my problem, my mom takes the 3 year old so I can get some sleep but I have such a difficult time. I would love to stop and work out on my way home, but the kids have clases at the Y a couple nights a week and I have to be up then to take them so I work out then but it is always rushed and I have fit it within the…
  • Me too! I knew it would suck to be on steady nights but the perks of being with the kids make up for it (most of the time!) Another bonus I have is working at the University - all my 5 kids can go tuition free! I was trying to get a job here for years. When the midnight one came up I KNEW that was my chance. Also, because…
  • I keep a variety of snacks in my bag since I never know what will tickle my fancy that night. If I don't have time to log it when I eat it, I will put the wrapper/lid/box etc back in my back to remind me what I had
  • that is exactly me! I could feel my butt expanding from all the sitting and munching! :) Not enough sleep will affect your metabolism too, not to mention mood and energy. Midnight shift is hard on a body.
  • I agree and DISagree with this. You can successfully lose weight while breastfeeding without negatively affecting yourself and/or the baby. However, you should discuss it with both your OBGYN and the baby's doctor to ensure that you are getting all the info you need. You are going to need to be very attentive to nutrients…
  • thanks everyone!
  • You sound like me, I had to push myself very hard to get past that feeling. I have never been able to tell anyone those feelings, it is so good to hear it from someone else.
  • All fabulous tips! Congratulations! A baby at any time is a blessing but I understand your feelings! I was just under 300 when I got pregnant with my last child. Of course the wicked bad morning sickness "helped" by making me drop about 25lbs real quick! :sick: All in all, I didn't really gain much and never regained the…
  • thanks SO much for that! I had so many versions floating around in my head trying to figure out what it meant! :P And to the original poster - I am so happy for you. Finally feeling a change makes it all worthwhile!
  • I am going over my sodium and sugar too - so I have been doing some checking and the general consensus is that the sugar value is too low and accounts for all types of sugar regardless if it is naturally occurring or not - no differentiation between a chocolate bar and fruit for example. Do some google research on sugar…
  • my family are noodle-holics so hopefully I can sneak these in! Thanks for all the info I loved reading your post!
  • Hi there and welcome, I am relatively new as well....I signed up a couple of years ago, never really got involved with the community side and lost interest in the tracking. But I am back and I think that getting involved with the community side of things will make a big difference this year. Add me and we can support each…