Healthy4Sarah Member


  • What great lists of accomplishments! Here's to many,many more!:drinker:
  • Welcome Susan! This is a wonderfully supportive and active group.
  • 8 lbs is great Jenny! Congrats! One of my NSV is learning to stop eating when full even if I'm enjoying what I'm eating. Friday I stopped eating even though I really, really want to eat the last cheese stick and again today when I had a ice cream cone. Gotta have a treat once in a while but still need to know when to walk…
  • Happy anniversary friends! Such an amazing group of people! I'm celebrating my birthday this weekend. Turning 40 on Thursday. I'm sad that my youth is gone but excited because with my changes my 40s will be better than my 30s! Had a binge day yesterday, which has me feeling lousy this morning. I don't have 'cheat days' so…
  • Norah- this is where I'm at as well. I just accepted that I would be overweight forever. And I probably would have never made an effort except for a health scare that pushed me into trying. In the beginning I didn't dream it would work. Didn't want to get my hopes up just knowing this wouldn't work for me. I didn't set…
  • There are lots of things that I look forward to so I had to really think of what I want the most. I think having the energy and stamina to get out and enjoy life is number one. I've already seen improvement since dropping some weight. I worked in the yard and flower beds for six hour last weekend. I could not have done…
  • Good morning! Today I choose to move. Due to a crazy week, I wasn't able to get in as much exercise last week and, believe it or not, I miss it. I feel stronger and healthier when I can work up a good sweat :) Never in my life would I have thought that I would feel that way. Since it's a beautiful sunshiny day here in…
  • Glad to hear I'm not the only one who circles the room half naked with the scale lol
  • I worked today :( but on both breaks I walked and also took a walk with my girls tonight. I'm a little frustrated by some unexplained weight gain this week but it's happened before. Just gotta keep at it and trust the process and it will come back off.
  • I woke up with the dreaded thought that it's now May. I turn 40 this month and I'm not looking forward to it. I know it's just a number but it's also a reminder that I've wasted my youth being overweight, wasted time sitting on the sidelines rather than getting into the game of life,not giving the best of myself to my kids…
  • Yep, restaurant booths.... Grrrrr Tying my shoes Not having enough stamina/energy to keep up with what my family wants to do Having to give my size to whoever to order office shirts
  • Got in some cardio and resistance training this morning. I hate working out in the morning. Not enough fuel in my system to keep up my normal pace. I kind of went a little overboard with the snacks tonight. I didn't eat much today so was hungry and had calories to spare so I ate some sugary snacks. Probably not the best…
  • I would love that! Where can I buy one?
  • Good day for me. Started my day with 30 minutes walking/elliptical and some strength training. Then off to work. I bought some resistant bands tonight. Been reading a lot about aerobic activity vs resistant/strength training for fat loss. I'm going to try to include both and see how it goes. Only have 7 glasses of water in…
  • This is a hard one for me too. I feel guilty taking 30-60 minutes to exercise daily, feeling it's taking away from my kids. I have to keep reminding myself that I am becoming a better, healthier mom and I will be around for them longer by taking time now to get healthy.
  • I've been baking them in muffin tins for the last few weeks (350 oven for 15 min). Easier than hard boiling and peeling. I bake up a dozen on the weekend and reheat what I want daily. I typically have on slice of low cal bread toasted with jelly and 2-3 eggs, sometimes adding ham or bacon.
  • I'm glad there's a daily check in. So many of the groups are silent for days/weeks. This week was awesome for me. My goal was to loose two pounds but I managed to loose four! I didn't do anything crazy to achieve that but did push in some interval training and kept my calories down. I've had big weekly losses before but…
  • I love Cato's! I've found a few good items at Deb's lately but you always have to try stuff on because their sizes run small. We have great consignment shop in Cleveland that sells larger sizes only! They even post stuff for sale on Facebook that they will ship out (Curvy Online) Its great because they have casual and…
  • Add me to the group please!