

  • I have heard that for every cup of coffee, that it actually deprives your body of 2 glasses of water! I still drink my coffee, but drink more water to make up for it.
  • Try mixing in cauliflower with your mashed potatoes. Similar flavour and consistancy. I gave them to my BF (just mashed cauliflower with a little butter and salt) and he knew they were not potatoes but had NO IDEA what he was eating!!
  • I am also @ 1200. I found it really hard to stick to that when I first started but then I got into a routine. I normally eat . Breakfast: ceral/oatmeal Snack: Apple Lunch: Soup with egg salad sandwich and a fat free jello pudding Snack: crispy minis or special K cereal (without milk) Dinner: normally chicken/fish with…
  • I get the same way in the afternoons and generally I crave sugar or junk. What I find really works if having "healthy junk like things" such as crispy minis or some special K vanilla almonds. It gets rid of my chip or sweet craving and tides me over until dinner.
  • I understand her / your pain. I had the same issue growing up...and and adult I still do...( I mean I don't hold it in anymore) but still have the issue of larger/harder than normal poops. I would try firbe cereals. Also, fruit give a lot of fibre too, make sure she eats a lot of fruits.
  • most servings would be fresh.
  • I dont know what you drink.....but when I am trying be good while being bad...I drink vodka with water and add 1/2 pack of crystal light singles (vodka and lime or rasp ice are super good)
  • I just found a laughing cow recipe for mac and cheese 2 egg whites and 1 egg 6 wedges of lauging cow salt and pepper MELT and pour on noodles I also add some light parm cheese and let it melt as well as a touch of milk to make it more creamy.
  • Also remember that most healthier food contains more fibre. I wonder if taking an over the counter drug might even stop that for you?
  • Under cardio - choose strength training (weight lifting) this will allow you to put in a time.
  • Just keep in mind that while you are walking and swimming you are also building muscle which does way more than fat. Getting heathly is not always about losing weight. It sounds like you have made a change for the better and there are some results. Stick in there, if you keep it up the pounds will shed too!
  • Sorry to hear about your grandfather, that type of loss can be hard, but you still need to take care of yourself!!!! You may have fallen off of the horse, but get back on and GIDDEE UP!! Enjoy your ride!!
  • Hello I am doing a Zumba class and want to know if anyone knows approx how calories it burns?
  • My two favourite flavours mixed together!! YUM!
  • Oh how I love you!!!! Banana bread with chocolate is my fav!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what I am doing this weekend!
  • A really good thing to try is no yolk noodles and McCormick's powdered cheese sauce. Both low in calories. I normally like to spice that up a bit by adding some ground chicken, salsa and some taco seasoning and make a mexican mac and cheese
  • I am not 100% sure of the calories and such, but that won't be hard for you figure out if you plug in the numbers from your ingredients. A friend from work gave me this recipe. 3 cups all bran cereal 3 cups hot water 1 tbsp baking soda 1 PKG low fat brownie mix Pre heat to 350 deg C Add cereal and water to large bowl. Let…
    in Cookies Comment by snoozen29 April 2009
  • 4 reduced fat breton crackers, with 30 g light cheese and 50g sliced chicken with carrots and a fat free chocolate pudding for dessert! YUM YUM!
  • I am seeing that!! That is awesome! I think that is what I need. If I feel like cheating I can blab it on here and I am seeing already that responses come so quickly, I am sure someone would talk me out of it! LOL
    in HELLO! Comment by snoozen29 April 2009
  • agreed!! But at least this way we can do a quick search for food and the calories and such just appear, its like magic!! No silly book to tell you how to make calculations yourself!
    in HELLO! Comment by snoozen29 April 2009
  • Hello. My I am new to MFP. This website is amazing!!! I am looking forward to my journey of NOT having to write everything down all the time and keeping a paper journal!
    in HELLO! Comment by snoozen29 April 2009