

  • Cheesecake/any type of cake or dessert!
  • Wow, that is serious. I would personally leave it to her--- it's her "mess" if she IS lying about it. If she wants to have a family with him, you can't stop her; she'll do what makes her happy. I think part of it is that when a woman has a sexual encounter with any man, there is a strong bond that is formed between them…
  • Too true, too true.
    in Question? Comment by eodvarka June 2012
  • Oh yeah, for sure. I know for a fact that we are addicted to sugar--- there more we have of it, the more we want it. Don't you find yourself hungrier for more after a piece of cake? That's why. It's important to cut out that extra sugar in your diet. I have been doing that for a little over 2 years, and I've really seen a…
  • Friday nights every week and usually between 4-5 a few times a week.
  • It sounds weird, but some mornings I'm just not all that hungry so I have 2 cups of homemade chicken soup with some brown rice. More of a lunch/dinner, but there's something about the morning that makes it yummier. Otherwise, I usually have a hard boiled egg and spinach wrapped inside a tortilla with some salsa, or hot oat…
  • Diet soda is better than regular. Peanut butter makes you fat. Starving yourself is the best way to lose weight. Negative calories. White potatoes have no nutritional value.
  • I strongly believe in packing on more carbs before a workout, because that's what fuels your body! So if I had a choice, I'd choose the oatmeal and yogurt first (always pair a carb with a protein), do my cardio/weight training, then the protein shake to help build back the muscle I tore. I believe that's the way it's…
  • Puffins Original or Puffins with Cinnamon! Low calorie and low sugar :)
  • Oh yeah, for sure! There was this one time I didn't cut my hair for over 2 or 3 years, just to grow it out. I always wanted long hair and finally had it, until I decided I was tired of it and chopped it all off, up to my ears! I would do anything to get it back!
  • Just be completely honest with her--- she'll appreciate it either way!
  • Most of the guys at my gym are meatheads and *kitten* who hit on all the ladies. LOL.
  • Lots of cereals and foods like spinach and red meat and lentils. I have extreme anemia, too (diagnosed last year), and it really does suck. Pair these foods with vitamin C to help the absorption (like an orange, orange juice, etc). I REALLY love the cereal Quaker Oat Squares--- they're DELICIOUS, and one serving contains…
  • The best and only thing is water- as terrible as it sounds. I HATED water growing up, but one day I decided I wanted to flush out my water weight for good, so I began forcing myself to drink 8 cups a day--- and it really worked! Now I CRAVE water. Try it, it could help :)
  • I actually listened to a presentation on how to memorize/study more efficiently. The key is to memorize with feeling--- as in, try to find shortcuts to memorizing things--- focus on how you FEEL when a word is presented. According to the expert, there's no such thing as being a visual learner/any other type of learner.…
  • Drink a ton of water! Ever since I began attempting to drink 8 glasses a day, I am almost never hungry!
  • Tried this a minute ago... tastes SO good... and I'm not even a fan of pumpkin!
  • YOU know what your body needs. If you're full, don't overeat. If you're hungry, eat. It's quite simple, though many of us just don't know how to listen to our bodies properly. Seems like you know what you need and that should be enough. If you're worried about the calories, try consuming healthy foods that are higher in…
  • If you're not hungry, you don't need to eat, though you'd probably have more energy if you ate IF you're doing something intense like cardio; if you're weight lifting, you don't necessarily have to have anything before if you eat something high in protein and enough carbs after. I would suggest pairing a protein with a…
  • New clothes! :)
  • Chocolate pudding mix is also AMAZING with plain lowfat greek yogurt. It's like chocolate mousse, but somehow better!
  • This might sound really weird, but when I was hitting the gym a lot, I ALWAYS craved chocolate and oatmeal. So, I decided, why not combine them? I would put some oatmeal in a bowl, cook it according to the directions in the microwave, then add a pinch of salt, a few tablespoons of cocoa powder, and some instant sugar-free…
  • This is my first check-in, it's either Day 4 or 5 for me I believe. So far, I've been focusing on my caloric intake using the food diary, and I've been pretty good! I feel slimmer, though sometimes I wish I could eat a lot more than what I should! haha
  • The YMCA. It's a bit of a drive (15 min), but it's SO worth it; plenty of machines and the people are fairly nice as well as the staff.