None? I eat a wide variety of food and plenty of it. And I'd already rattle like a pill bottle if you picked me up and shook me. I don't need to add anything else to the list. I'm not adverse to taking them - I took iron tablets for anaemia when I was pregnant and I have to admit to (stupidly - I'm already on medication…
I do this, I grow salad leaves and herbs in grow bags and pots in my teeny garden and front lawn. Save a fortune by not buying bags from the supermarket, there's no wasted soggy leaves at the bottom of the bag and you can just go on planting the seeds all spring and summer (at least where I am). The slugs got my rocket…
This review of the first book made me laugh heartily: I must admit I haven't read them, but Prince's face and David Bowie's facepalm sums it up pretty well. She's done the others too :D
Look up Ben Goldacre :) He got his dead cat the same qualifications as 'Dr' Gillian McKeith (that bug eyed, poo bothering, dessicated shyster): His departed moggy is as qualified as she is to hand out nutritional advice.
'Yanking the spotlight back from celebrities and fad food products might be a difficult task. “The problem,” says Khavandi, “is that the message we try to get across – which is based on proper, robust evidence that has been shown time and time again – is not very interesting to people. They have heard it all before.”…
Gin and tonic is a good option, espcially if you get the slimline tonic (I'm not fond of it though). But if I only drank once a month, I'd drink a bit of what I liked the most. Personally, I prefer beer, with gin 2nd, but a couple of cocktails once a month isn't the end of the world and if it's that infrequent, going a…
Doesn't matter what food those calories are found in, either. I was told by a dietitian years ago that I ate resonably healthy compared to most of their patients, I just ate enough for 2 people. I ended up well-nourished, but fat nonetheless.
And it's not just on this forum where there's at least one response telling the OP to sack of whatever advice they have been given (whether it be from a palm reader on the pier to 3 separate consultant grade doctors) as a load of eld bollocks. Happens on other forums and even in real life. But on a forum where people get…
I had horrendous indigestion during pregnancy and I found the above helpful - walking after food and being propped up in bed at night.
Eh? All exercise burns calories and cardio won't put your metabolism in a stall (whatever that means). I know many people who have lost weight, ranging from a little fluff to a veritable fuckton, with running as their 'only' exercise. I'm not saying weight lifting isn't good either (I do both) but I really don't understand…
Chub rub. Last summer for the first time in about 5 years I didn't have it. It's nice to use body glide for chafing caused by a wetsuit or sports bra instead.
Flintstones chewable morphine? I used to smush my kid's vitamin tablets into powder and remove the teeny balls from the capsules he took and put them on spoons of whipped cream, ice cream or nutella. I know you've tried something similar and he used to gag too. It became easier for him eventually to just swallow them. Is…
I came here for lifestyle cougars. This thread disappoints.
I tried a recipe that was protein powder and smushed bananas. It tasted like rubbery protein powder and bananas. I have been cooking for 17 years, I still don't know why I thought it would taste of something else.
Yep! That's the thread I was thinking of, thanks.
My son eats pizza with capers, anchovies and pineapple.
I use a Nigella Lawson one or a vegan one from Isa Chandra Moskowitz, depending on what I have in the cupboard. Neither are very low in calories (though it depends on what your calorie allowance for the day is, anyway). But I don't know what you mean by unnatural ingredients? There are plenty of protein pancake recipes on…
Can you organise your calories so that you have a lot more in the evening? I often use over half of them after 7pm. And drinking less water in the evenings as someone has suggested above, so you that you have unbroken sleep?
'Vaccinate your kids' Bloody idiots. Off topic. ETA - I didn't realise it'd come up as a big video. Even more off topic. I don't have anything useful to add to this conversation.
And most protein powders/shakes are made entirely of virgin's tears, nothing else. Some may also contain rage, but that's naturally fat free. I really can't understand why some people take umbrage about what a complete stranger halfway around the globe puts in their coffee. If that is their biggest problem in this life,…
Oh my, yes. I eat half at a time, I'm the only one in the house who likes them. I keep the stone in and put it in the fridge, wrapped in clingfilm. I cut off what little bit has browned the next day to scoff the other half.
The new Sleater-Kinney album
I was truly dismayed when I got a digital scale and weighed out 15g of peanut butter. It's delicious and good for you, but you get such a measly amount for over 100 calories. Before I started eating less, I'd slather it on a doorstop of brown toast and add chopped bananas, thinking that was a 'healthy' breakfast and it…
I love the Paddington hard stare! Those numbnuts that take all the dumbbells sometimes take only one of some of the sets too. That makes me even more annoyed for some reason. There's only 1 squat rack where I go and there are 2 curl racks right frigging behind it yet there's still a couple of tossers who curl in the squat…
I take lithium, an anti-convulsant, an atypical antipsychotic and birth control and have gained weight over the years. But I haven't had problems with slowly losing a lot of weight. It still comes off when I consume less calories than is required to maintain my body weight. The side effects of the medication don't help…
Gin and tonic
- I use reduced fat coconut and firm tofu cubed, but follow the rest.
I try to find something similar to the food I've eaten in the database and then log 1.5 portions of it (to be on the safe side), or even 2 portions if I know their portions are very generous. If it's a chain restaurant, their website often has detailed information for what's on their menu.
A comedy show on the radio last week told me to google 'chicken eating cow' - go ahead and do it!
Thank you :smile: