sheldonbe Member


  • Congrats to everyone on their abstinence. Its been a bad couple of roller coaster months for myself, and I've gained over 30 pounds in that time. As of this morning I am at one day of abstinence and I am incredibly grateful for that.
  • Hi Elle and welcome. Always nice to have others to share the journey with!
  • Well done Heather!
    in 2 days! Comment by sheldonbe June 2013
  • Hi Steve and welcome to the group :)
  • Hi Kelly and welcome to the group! I'll throw a friend invite your way. :)
  • Hi and welcome to the board! I have been to a couple face to face OA meetings, but not for awhile, so my situation is very similar to yours. I read OA materials as often as I can and I try to use the other tools as well. I have my struggles and setbacks, but I remind myself that this journey is about progress, not…
  • Welcome to the Board KHoiriis and welcome back to OA. This is a great group of people, and though the board isn't the most active, everyone here is very supportive and familiar with the journey. Friend request incoming. :)
  • That made me smile :) And it's good advice!
  • Hi Liz and welcome. Glad to hear you are continuing your journey. Abstinence does feel great and definitely feels so much better than the alternative!
  • Welcome Matthew. Sounds like you are off to a great start and doing all the right things! Trust in your Higher Power and take it one day at a time. ps - from the looks of your diary you have been doing an awesome job with your plan of eating
  • Sounds like a lot of stressors for you lately Ptown :( I hope your trip goes better than anticipated and your Higher Power provides you with guidance and support along the way. Above all else, know that you are not alone. <hugs>
  • I don't think I've heard it said like that before. Truer words have never been spoken! My eating was like a yo-yo the days following my original post. This morning my wife and I had a serious talk about our current state and agreed that we were both not "on" with our eating and exercising,and we acknowledged its been like…
  • Welcome to the group, and congratulations on your first coin. You've obviously been making the effort already, and you've taken another step in the right direction by coming here and seeking out kindred spirits. I'll be sending you a friend request. By the way if you want to order the remaining books online, you can do so…
  • Hugs
  • You've come to the right place to find people who can relate to the struggle. Welcome to the group!
  • For today I'm going to go to the gym, eat within my calories and do some reading related to fitness and nutrition. I've also resumed posting my food tracking to MFP after taking a hiatus to another site to track my food.
  • Thanks Jen. I am back on track today. I've mulled over what has been working for me, and what hasn't been and I am going to relax my self expectations a little, use what works for me, and not worry about what doesn't work for me. This is somewhat in line with what you've suggested. Its a little off the beaten path for me,…
  • Welcome to the group Blaise.
  • Welcome! Friend request incoming.
  • Ptown I can empathize. Friday was not such a great day at work, and the end result was I was quite stressed and depressed by the end of the day. Despite eating well during the day I crashed really bad when I arrived home and ordered pizza. And then proceeded to eat it....a lot of it...I felt horrible physically and…
  • Wow you guys are amazing. You've given me so much useful information. Thank you for your help, and I'm sure it will benefit not only me, but many others. Today I am going to start writing!
  • Welcome aboard. I've sent you a friend request.
  • Anjella I can empathize completely. Most of us have been where you are right now, myself included. Show yourself the same compassion and understanding you would show others. You've shown tremendous courage by posting here, and accountability as well. Tomorrow is a new day. Keep working the 12 steps and using all of the…
  • I'm also new to OA, and have a lot to learn and a lot of work to do. Looking for an accountability partner to exchange daily plans (plan of eating, exercise, service, journaling, whatever) or anything OA related, and able/willing to text when we need that little extra support. Send me a message if interested.
  • Hi PtownMama and welcome! I'm pretty much brand new myself and have all of one OA meeting under my belt! Hope to increase that to 2 or 3 by the end of this week :) Regarding the way MFP sets up the meals, you can actually change all of the meal names, and have anywhere from 1 to 6 customized "meals" in your MFP plan. This…
  • My wife and I are at a point where we have tried too many diets to count over the last 20 years, lost hundreds of pounds during that time, but always gained it back. We've had personal trainers, we've read up on nutrition, we use forums like this, we have gym memberships and we take a lot of other actions, but somehow we…
  • Fantastic results. Well done!
  • Absolutely amazing! Congratulations and well done!